Q. What television channel is this being aired on?
A. The Truth About Vaccines is a 7-episode documentary that is being published online through our own website. We will send you a private link to watch each episode online, via your computer, tablet, or phone.
If you have a device such as Apple TV or Roku or Chromecast, you may be able to stream each episode to your television.
Q. Is this docu-series really unbiased or do you already have an opinion on vaccines?
A. We’ve made every effort to show both sides of this contentious debate and present the facts as cleanly as possible. Our job is not to espouse that vaccines are inherently good or bad, but rather to give you the scientific information you need to make your own decisions.
Vaccines should be considered as medical intervention with some level of inherent risk. And as such, we consider them to be a very personal matter between you and your doctor.
As you’ll see, we’re truly on a mission to educate the world about vaccines and their history and safety implications -- much of which you’ve never heard about before because the mainstream medical establishment doesn’t want you to know.
We’re sharing this genuinely life-saving information so that you know your options for staying healthy… and so that you’re MUCH better prepared for preventing disease in the first place.
You’re going to be blown away by everything you discover during this series!
Q. How long is each episode?
A. Each episode is about an hour and fifteen minutes, with the exception of the first and last episodes (Episode 1 and Episode 7). These two are close to two (2) hours long, as we just couldn’t edit them down any smaller -- the information was just too valuable.
Q. Where else can I get the episode links and other updates about the series?
A. Great question. We know from past experience that email services like Gmail and Yahoo can be a little aggressive and sometimes they put our emails into your junk folder or even just straight to the trash.
(PLEASE make sure to check your “Promotions” tab if you use Gmail and haven’t been seeing email from us, and move it into your inbox. If you use Yahoo, Hotmail, or others, please check to make sure our emails are not going into your spam or bulk folders. Please be sure to add our email (
[email protected]) to your email contacts list! )
And a great solution is to also follow us on facebook here. This way, if you do miss our email somehow, you’ll still be able to get the links each day on our Facebook page!
Q. What if I have questions or need more clarity about something discussed in one of the episodes?
A. We’re going to be doing a LIVE Q&A where I will be going episode by episode answering your top questions! :-)
Below every episode, on the page, you’ll see a section that says “Live Q&A With Ty.” Just click on the link in that section and submit your top questions about that episode.