I post something on the second page, i come back and it's on the 6th page already!!!
but it's mainly bickering. Atleast I pointed out one thing I hated about the Bush administration. The patriot act. OH yah, about those WMD's......um nevermind.
I know i know, some of the conservatives are going to say that EVERYONE thought Saddam had them, but someone needs to be responsible for the mistake, the person in charge, even if he didn't mean to make the mistake.
If you smoke a cig and accidently set the forest on fire, even if you didn't mean it, and everyone at camp said it was okay to smoke, you're still responsible.
With power, brings it's responsibility.
Wait, maybe I'm being to hard on Bush, it's the people working behind the scenes, Cheney, Rumsfeild, the military, corporations, banks and whatever powers dicating things, cause he's just their puppet.
Does anyone honestly think George "Sublimimimiminal" Bush actually runs this country? Seriously? The "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me, um, you can't fool me again" guy?
. They put a policy in front of him and he just signs it, then goes to watch Barney in the next room.
I have to admit, as deceitful and stubborn as he is, he's funny to watch. Atleast do a better job lying to us. Tell us the terrorist shot the WMD's into Sri Lanka, causing the earthquake, which then caused the tsunami, and he can go, "See, their was WMD's, they just used it to kill 150,000 innocent people!! How dare they!!! We were right, and they're even more evil than we thought!!!! Bring it on!!!"