Quote:Highlands, New Jersey has the highest elevation along the entire eastern seaboard, from Maine to Florida.
You know, you dont have to shout, I can hear you.I guess I have to ask for clariification because we just dont accept any information as true without question. Maybe your sister had correct information and you, being the senile old fool you are, just mixed it up with something like "highest smokestack involving a flue gas desulfurization unit".
What does she define asexclusively the eastern seaboard? If its a line 10 miles in from the Ocean, then I guess you could say that someNJ landfill is afairly high point or somee cell tower on 95 is tall, ok Ill buy that .
North Carolina has the top 2 highest points of all lands east of thewhole Goddam Mississippi.Then theres Mt Washington, Mt Katahdin, Mt Davis, Spruce Knob, Highhpoint is only the higheest point in NJ cause its got a radio tower on top.
Iknow you process hazardous wastes into foodstuff, Ive had fish sticks as a kid every friggin Friday and Ill bet theyre made entirely by Dupont.
jerseys got the cheapest fuel in 5 states , eeven though the state govt feels that we are too ignorant to operate the nozzles ourselves.
Some things I remember as a kid was goin "down the shore" were a giant airplane hanging over rt 40. It was an old lockheed passenger plane witth the tritails , and was a restaurant. My mom never wanted to go there cause she was always afraid that tthe wings would fall off while we were inside. Thats why I think all Catholics are F*d up. I got it from Mom.Then there was Wildwood Crest , where my folks had a little place that always smelled like musty sand and suntan oil. Lotsa beer and poker with guys with vowely last names occured there I always made out like a thieef with tips for getting beers for guys named "sally" and "Ange"Im gonna be 56 and I still have many of the silver dollars I got from those guys with the ladies names.
Jrsey always stood for good times as a kid for me.Its also where i lost my ...uhh.... so I cant say nothin bad about da place.Its done ok fer me.
Now , i spend time in Mullica Hill ceeckin out antiques whenever we get the chance. mrs F and I dont go to the casinos cause unlike Vegas, ATlantic City is one block of opulence surrounded by the squalor of Banda Aceh. NowatImean?