Crazielady420 wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:
Crazylady; Boston will be the first big U.S. city to be washed out! You best be paying attention to the volcano as well!
Well if this is true, then this is the first I have heard of this, don't you think more people would know about it and be preparing for this event?? Also, if this is true, then when is it predicted to happen so I can get the hell out of here?
It's predicted to happen in the next 2,000 years, didn't you read the study (or what I wrote)? Nothing to fear until the Volcano wakes up. Then, you'll hear little else in the way of danger threats, I would think. In the mean time, just listen for the name "Cumbre Vieja". If you here that she's huffing and puffing, let that be your cue to take precautions. DON'T wait until they say she's collapsed if you know what's good for you!