Brand X wrote:Also, the Democrats had counted a *LOT * on the younger college student demographics and they never bothered to show up at the polls.
Well I dunno about college students, specifically, but the youth vote did turn out for Kerry. Turnout among the 18-19 demographic went up from 42% in 2000 to 52% in 2004. That made the youth turnout higher this time than in either 2000, 1996 or 1992, even if the proportion the youths made up of the overall electorate remained 17%, because of how turnout increased by the same ratio among other age groups. So, they turned out more than in 15 years, plus, they voted more often for the Dems. Whereas in 2000, Bush actually lost the youth vote by just two percent (G48, B46), he lost it this time by nine percent (K54, B45).