Re: church/ state
Quote:Since as a European I don't know that much about US taxes: in what way, and especially, why does no one offend this?
Walter your question is not a stupid one by any means.
Religious Charities have traditionally done much to help those with various needs. They have always held the right to hire people who shared their religious views. For example a Baptist church could refuse to hire a bus driver who was a practicing Satanist. Because the main goal of the church was not to simply transport people, this was always accepted as a right of the church, even though other private groups could not discriminate on the basis of the satan worshipper's religion. Recently several activist groups have taken aim at the church. Most notably the homosexual activist. For example: In San Fransico all employers who offer health insurance to their employees must also offer it to their homosexual partners. This is clearly against the teachings of most christians.
Additionally many pro-abortion groups such as planned parenthood are eligible to receive government funding. In contrast christian pro-life groups are not.
A prison in Texas has a prison ministry. They teach prisoners about Jesus Christ. The state pays for the housing of the inmates(since they're in prison) all cost which are related to the ministry are paid privately. The rate of recidivism is I think about 1/3 for those inmates who choose this route. None are forced. No one sneaks up behind them and throws a bag over their head. Still this program is under fire and may not continue.
As to why no one opposes this. I believe there are many reasons. None of them good. That is to say that I don't agree with them. Here are the ones that I am aware of.
1) Since the Civil War, when both sides claimed that God was on their side, there has been a reluctance on the part of christians to enter into the political fray. I saw a documentary on Dietrich Bonhoffer which said that Germans had the same reluctance after WWI. Of course since I've never been to Germany, I'm not sure.
2)Some people interpret certain parts of scripture to say that christians should stay out of politics. Romans13:1 and 2Tim 2:4 are 2 examples. As you've probably guessed I don't agree with that interpretation.
3)The main focus of the church is bringing people to Christ. When we expend our energy and our resources on other activism we may offend some people and push them further away. I believe this should be balanced. And I think we are way out of balance due to neglect.
4)This is the worst. In 1954 the federal govt attached a rider to an appropriations bill. It made church income subject to income tax (at IRS discretion) if the church got involved in politics. Many preachers I'm embarrassed to admit have found it easy to stay away. Also the IRS has a tendency to be selective in its enforcement of this.
5)There is an old saying that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. since most christians try to behave with some level of civility we can be overlooked. I know there are other religions that also behave extremely well and not all christians adhere to this. But I am speaking in broad terms. Many of the worst behaved people are promoting antichristian policies. Since people of faith are often so quiet, the politicians listen to them.
dadothree wrote:
By it's very nature Atheism does not need to be recognized as an official religion. Instead it teaches that all other religions are meaningless.
Where does atheism 'teach' this? Who are the 'teachers'?[/quote]
Atheism according to Websters is: the doctrine that there is no deity or the disbelief in the existence of a deity.
I believe in The God of the bible. If in my quest to learn more of the deity I should decide to become a Muslim or Hindu or whatever, so be it. My quest to get closer to the deity continues. If however I become an atheist, then my quest stops. As I no longer believe there is anything above me, there is no point in looking for a deity. So if I try to convince others that there is no God, I am promoting my own belief system(religion).
Madalyn Mary O'Hare (spelling ?) was one such atheist. She did everything she could to tell everyone around her that there is no God. She convinced one person so well that he killed her and took her money.
Michael Newdow is another. He sued to have the words "under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance. More recently he tried to stop a prayer at the upcoming inauguration.
Our children are now taught in public schools that everything just evolved by chance. The complex order of the universe came about by random chance. They are given a lot of ways to believe in anything but God.
WOW Sorry for the length of this. Thats what happens sometimes when I get started. By the way, Where ya from?