faith based $$$
Quote:Mr Stillwater wrote:By not actively supporting 'my religion' (unspecified by poster) the gummint has made a religious choice for its citizens and thus made atheism the state religion. So logically, when the gummint recognises any religion it is also making another religious choice for its citizens to live under.
No. No. It is by not
allowing the people to decide whether or not to support religion. The power should be with WE THE PEOPLE.
Not logical? Too right. A secular state does not automatically equal athiesm, but some folks just want to draw this rather illogical conclusion. No religion has been 'removed' by the US Constitution and atheism set up to replace it - just the opposite.
Actually the historical chain of events is more like this.
A group of people with a common religious belief pool their resources together and aquire a large section of land so that they can worship in a way which they feel is more pleasing to their God.
They move to that land and form a local government.
They consider all of their good fortune to be a gift from God
The local government recognizes the societal benefits of their local religious beliefs
With the consent of the people, this local government endorses and openly promotes the religious beliefs of the people.
One person who may or may not be part of the founding group complains to the federal government.
The (judicial branch) federal government decides that no religion can be promoted even though that was the original purpose of establishing the community.
The government begins to take over many of the daily functions that were once done by the religious people. As the number of these functions grow the people are taxed more.
As taxes increase tithes decrease. Some churches close.
Government officials are not allowed to make any personal comments which might promote religion. They can make negative comments.
People can worship privately only. They cannot worship in a public place.
More churches close. Church sponsored schools begin to close.
Due to the high tax rate more people must accept help from the government.
People now begin to look to the government for providence instead of their God
So the forced removal of the local government support is at the very least a watering down of the religion.
If God is not infinite he is no God.
Atheism does not become the official religion. It does not need to be. The people have been taught by the government schools that religion is foolishness.