Evolutionry/religious nonsense

Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 06:50 am
Dude, . . .
Putting a definition to name calling explains nothing. Which of my statements contradicts reality and why?
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 08:44 am
You are playing games with the word 'reality'. As stated in rosborne's definition...
'a delusion' is what is contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality. This implies that 'reality' has a consensual basis, which you blatantly usurp. Worse, your dogmatism implies you are technically a naive realist with an idiosyncratic concept of absolute truth. That is the historically familiar stance of an esotericist peddling 'privileged knowledge'. Esoteric systems have nothing to do with mainstream science despite their attempts to cherry pick certain scientific facts in an attempt to establish a veneer of scientific respectability.
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 11:41 am
Several of us have taught in college and , I think we are quite amazed at how your'e unwilling or unable to read available evidence and not even have questions about what it means when viewed with the growing pile of overlapping evidence .

I do not disagree that evolution and survival of the fittest happened and is happening. Most of the evidence and arguments you provide support that point and so why would I comment much on something we agree on?

Here are questions I asked that you did not answer.

How does removing parts of the genome prove the genome was created by randomly introduced pieces of new info? If the DNA was created by introducing info by intelligent introduction of new info would the results be different?

In the fish example, did the fish adapt because of randomly generated mutations or were the characteristics necessary for exploitation of an environmental change already in the dna before the environmental change happened?

Here is your answer
we can test what genes actually do an by tracing back with fetures that have no apparent "place in line" for anything that appears to be anagenic. Evolution is loaded with evidence that shows us that derivative species have developed in a non linear fashion, and knowing that this is so, allows biologists to confer with the paleontologists to see what the environment may have been doing to affect the evolution in species.

If this really is what you believe that an ID agent was incompetent to show evidence of a helter skelter pattern of evolution yet was in charge of the environment , youd better start some work and provide actual evidence, not just try to coat tail on what science is doing.

I asked where did the new information in the genome originate since the fishes adapted to rapidly for random mutations to provide the changes and you answer with an explanation about how well we understand the information in the genome. And then you comment on the techniques my supposed IDer used as being to helter skelter which also does not answer my question. (and is irrelevant since intelligence is free to do what it wants to)

the cichlid population just exploded in evolution of new forms that ranged from carnivorous to vegetarian species, deep water and neritic palludal waters (like carp). They became opportunistic exploiters of their new environments and evolved new genera and species accordingly . Opportunistic, no real evidence of ID when we can see species react to local environmental changes, just like all the iguanas of the Galapagos,. . .

exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to a general plan or moral principle

Exploiting without a plan means without adapting. If the organisms adapts quickly to exploit a change in the environment that, would be evidence that somehow information was inserted into the DNA at an earlier time to allow for quick adaptation to an expected environmental change.

Is this assumption valid and reasonable?

iguanas of the Galapagos, or the many hundreds of unique species of cave fish and insects that appear nowhwere else except for that one little cave somewhere in Tennessee , New Mexico, or Yugoslav qnd China. ALL these species are genetically related to parent species near the cave sites (and nowhere else on the planet). Common ancestors were local and short lived .In only one case, is the common ancestor found in fossils in the cave floor. Kinda difficult, on the bulk of the cases, to even propose Intelligent design when a much simpler example presents itself in all the evidence.

I think it is difficult to expect "random" mutations to cause the proper evolutionary changes over the short period time that was provided just once, let alone all the examples you gave.

How do you explain all these examples of implied intelligence behind insertion of complex info into the DNA?

This reminds me of an analogy.

A man purchased a program that plays the video game breakout over and over using random moves of the paddle but, keeping track of when it scores and then repeating that pattern over again with a minor "random" change each time remembering the pattern that scores the highest. After a couple days the program had figured out the fastest way to win at breakout.

The man said, "see I figured out the fastest way to win at breakout without using any intelligence just randomly introduced new information."

I said, "But you paid someone with intelligence to write the program."

He said, No I didn't. I paid someone who "found" the program, he used a random word generator to right the program that was very similar to the program that generated random paddle moves to beat the game. The purpose of my experiment is to show computer games can be won without intelligence and I did that."

I said," but somebody wrote the program that wrote the program with the random word generator plus, intelligence was required to build the computer it was running on."

He said, "That doesn't matter, it is to hard for me to identify that person so, I am going to assume he doesn't exist, never did exist. And since it is much simpler I am going to claim that I succeeded in proving the fastest way to win at breakout can be done without any intelligence. The other good thing is I don't have to share any credit for my discovery with him or anyone else."

How is this analogy not similar to what you are doing especially when I bring quantum mechanics (and its inability to explain the origins of any of the forces or constants), abiogenisis, and creation of matter which are all very complex systems. But, if you know how the particles of matter and the higgs field are arranged, it's easy to understand where the physical forces and constants originate and they are as intuitive as understanding the lift of an airplane wing.
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 12:02 pm
You are quick to accept what is primarily fundamentalist Bible based preaching and yet you seem to dismiss robust fields of interlocking science based data (NONE of which has refuted anything science has to say , yet science has easily been able to refute everything that ID has presented as opening conclusions).

I was not quick to accept fundamentalist bible teaching. I was fairly quick to accept the need for intelligence to explain the order. After years of research studying history, anthropology, and religions of all kinds The Christian God as described from Roman Catholic perspective fits the scientific and historical evidence so perfectly it is no longer a matter of faith for me. Science has refuted nothing because they have no evidence for there explanation for the creation of matter (accept that maybe neutron stars emit large atoms and hydrogen must have been created by gravity at the big bang).

Am I wrong there?

And, all science has for abiogenisis is about 13 unproven speculative scenarios that they cannot seem to replicate. (which if they do they will use there intelligence to do it and thus replicate God)

The evidence for ID is new information always has an author or a preexisting system that creates information that is so ancient and large or small (universe and atoms) that it is hard for us to identify the author.

Should the ancient age of the system disqualify the pattern?

It is especially hard to identify the author when, we as humans, are a small part of a universe wide system that is made up of systems that are too large and small (atoms and the universe) for us to observe and, to ancient in their origins to identify the author.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 12:16 pm
You are playing games with the word 'reality'. As stated in rosborne's definition...
'a delusion' is what is contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality. This implies that 'reality' has a consensual basis, which you blatantly usurp.

Could you give me some examples when I did this?

There is consensus that reality existed even before humans came on the scene to interpret it.

Worse, your dogmatism implies you are technically a naive realist with an idiosyncratic concept of absolute truth. That is the historically familiar stance of an esotericist peddling 'privileged knowledge'. .

Todays idiosyncratic concepts are tomorrows mainstream science. Just ask Galileo, Darwin, Einstien etc. . .(I am not comparing my intelligence to these men, just that they had idisycratic ideas at one time)

Esoteric systems have nothing to do with mainstream science despite their attempts to cherry pick certain scientific facts in an attempt to establish a veneer of scientific respectability

Belief in some sort of designer is a belief held by a vast majority of the human race.

The esoteric system is the one that is the system that produced all the complex interdependant systems we observe from a randomly produce new information with no intelligent origin.

What percent of the world believe in God?
However, 68% of all the unaffiliated expressed belief in God and out of the whole US population, only 2.4% self identified as "atheist". A 2013 poll by UPI/Harris showed that three-quarters of U.S. adults say they believe in God, down from 82 percent in 2005, 2007 and 2009.
Demographics of atheism - Wikipedia
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 12:56 pm
Why must you insist on some "intelligent" creator? It all happened naturally based on the environment of this planet. No intelligence needed. Many life forms are now extinct. There's no intelligence involved.
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 01:30 pm
Galileo and Darwin/Wallace were not the originators of heliocentrism or "evolution". They were men who, by study and "field work" actually summarized PROOF of their concepts. see, youve stepped into your own minefield and blown your leg off.

And Eisnstein, btw, dint receive his Nobel for anything to do with what we most remember him for.
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 02:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't think any serious observer doubts the existence of evolution. Indeed it is a readily observable phenomenon, and a theory well supported by ample, reproducible evidence. That is not to say there were no other causes of the origins of particular species (proving a negative is hard to do) , however the theory appears sufficient to explain all that we can observe.

The more fundamental question is the origin of the observable universe itself. Science has offered a number of theories, each supported by some evidence, that trace the origin of the universe to various singularities, or ,in some models, to a possible sequence of successive creations and destructions, each punctuated by singularities, or even an unbounded manifold of parallel quantum universes. None of these has yet been proven, even in scientific terms, and many involve concepts that don't even have a real meaning - the mathematical definition of a singularity is a thing about which we can say or know nothing. More importantly, none of these theories really addresses the basic question of how it all originated.

One can have faith that somehow science may sometime explain this, but one cannot prove even that hypothesis. Others make an analogous act of faith and believe there is a creator. From a truly logical perspective both are equivalent acts of faith.
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 02:23 pm
The origin of a god would of necessity predate the universe. So how and when did this god originate? It's kicking the can down the road to figure in a god, particularly since people who believe in one always give it a human style purpose.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 02:40 pm
The mystery of gods; they are all imagined by men to be everywhere at once; listens to all prayers, and watches over his flock to make judgements about whether each person will go to hell or heaven. Even infants that die at birth.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 02:44 pm
There is no proof that evolution can happen without intelligent intercession for the creation of the information needed to run the system. All Darwin provided evidence for is that evolution and natural selection are happening. He did not provide any evidence telling us how the initial information and operating system for evolution to operatecame into being. If he did provide some evidence of that please. provide it here in this forum.

I asked you some very specific questions in my previous post and you answered none of them. why?

I think you are blowing Darwins leg off. He did not provide any evidence of how his system of natural selection came into being. All he gave evidence for is that it is very complex and that it works without any additional intelligence once it started. He gave no evidence that it wasn't started by intelligence. As a matter of fact all the patterns that we observed today show us that our complex information has an author. And the laws of physics say Patterns that are true today are true in the past. Even if they happened before we were there to interpret them.

If I am wrong with that statement please explain why.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 03:32 pm
He gave no evidence that it wasn't started by intelligence.

So, you can? LOL
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 03:42 pm
IM not one who has attempted to conflate the cosmic with the biological. I dont think that any person , sufficiently educated in the sciences, makes the connection as a "Proof of concept".

There is a game being played here to make believe that any lack of evidence automatically defaults to mythology. Look at BJ, he wants science to disprove beliefs of Creation/IDers. Im not in that business, Ive gotta make a living with facts and evidence upon which I can rely
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 03:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 03:56 pm
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Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 03:59 pm
No argument with that. However the points I made are entirely valid. We all make our choices about what to believe about the origins of it all, and science, despite its many contributions, cannot provide all those answers.

As you wrote, most of the disputes here involve some form of the lack of evidence dilemma to which you referred ..... more or less equally on both sides. I agree fully that a defect in the argument of any protagonist here does not automatically invalidate everything that is referenced.

The Bible is filled with factual errors, and yet it indeed addresses nearly all of the central issues confronting humanity, even today. Many of these errors, read in a metaphorical context, can be found to have meaning, even to contemporary readers. It was written by men who lived long ago, and yet the human dilemmas to which it repeatedly returns are as real today as then.
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Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 04:05 pm
Others make an analogous act of faith and believe there is a creator. From a truly logical perspective both are equivalent acts of faith.
Where youre wrong is where you assume that science is in the same Business as the ID crowd. If a scientific theory gets dismantled(by virtue of evidence that suddenly refutes the theory), there will be a search for a new, more xpansive one .
So far, that hasnt happened, Im sure the religious of my colleagues would love to have their work AND their religious beliefs satisfied but it just aint happening.

On the other-hand ID starts with an unshakeable belief that is evidence free and says "watch for it for we will soon" find real evidence for this belief. Then they have the hutzpah to want their beliefs taught as real science. Im sorry but I want everyone to be able to believe or not as the US Constitution states. However, I will not stand by and watch the creeping stealth by which they want to be included in school science programs.
SCience is testable and even falsifiable (many of our latest biological and paleontological discoveries were done as a test of the falsifiability of evolutionary theory). ID is neither testable nor falsifiable.
So your "both are faiths " is incorrect.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 04:16 pm
There is no proof that evolution can happen without intelligent intercession for the creation of the information needed to run the system. All Darwin provided evidence for is that evolution and natural selection are happening. He did not provide any evidence telling us how the initial information and operating system for evolution to operatecame into being. If he did provide some evidence of that please. provide it here in this forum.
Kinda circular there BJ, How do you even start a program that assures you that ID is "on the job"???.
"All Darwin did" was to study and experiment to score his hypothesis and nascent theory. He didnt hve the knowledge of genetics which, when understood, can predict the associated linneges of animals and plants that are similarly associated with biogeography and TIME. The only thing Ive heard from you guys is that "Its so complex(life) its gotta be ID driven". As I said a few times, youre easily impressed and, might I say, somewhat lazy because you havent presented anything thats convincing to someone who likes to deal in fcts and evidence

I asked you some very specific questions in my previous post and you answered none of them. why?
Lets see, how many times and in which order did I ask you for any evidence to support your beliefs.(AND: many and I asked fist).
All you do is ignore, so really, why should I give you some more education in something that you wont even take the time to analyze if it doesnt start with "let there be light".

Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 04:38 pm
And the laws of physics say Patterns that are true today are true in the past.
Rev Wheywell, The person who coined the terms "uniformitarianiam and catastrophism" recognized that both terms, often called bedrock principles of sciences, ARE BOTH TOTALLY UNPROVABLE . Hutton's rewording of Wheywell became the famous quote of the "Present is key to the past", (except when its not). Hutton recognized that certain events in earths history happened so infrequently that maybe they became the source of events like Environmentally induced MASS EXTINCTIONS. When we now consider that such things are impossible to plan for, it was Darwin who , after he came back from his sea voyage on the Beagle and had spent a long time experimenting, soon gave ID a vote of no-confidence because the appearances of life were so tenuous and almost haphazard in their occurence. You really need to read edition 4 through 6 a versions of "Origin ..." and then "The ascent of man", to see how he arrived at such opinions and why he ultimately gave ID a strong vote of no confidence , which was counter to his earlier beliefs when he began to study medicine and then , when he discovered that he was squeemishh at the site of blood, begn studying for the ministry, (neither vocations took)
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2018 04:58 pm
It's easy to give ID a vote of no confidence. In order make ID provable, you need to produce the evidence of the designer. It can't be done, no matter how you approach it. The bible itself is too full of errors, omissions and contradictions; it's not reliable.

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