Quote: I believe there is a lot of truth in Genesis and I don’t agree with anything that was being taught in the past about the intelligence of other races being lower compared with whites. I don’t believe That is a correct interpretation of genesis nor is it Christian.
Thres probably a bit af FACT in Genesis (especially where some natural occurrences or catastrophies were bundled into tales of causation that involved an imminent god). but most is fact-free.
As far as interpretations of science, e differ on just about everypoint, AND, as far as Christians having a major hand at ending racism, while theres a lot of truth there, you have to accept that lots of Christians were actually behind racism and even the KLAN was considered to be a quasi religious group.
Much of the "bandwagonning" by Fundamental Christians came well AFTER the fact that we discovered that human rights involves all of humanity. AS far as "We must interpret science along with the Bible" I find kind of pointless and empty. What can some religious worldview provide ?
What I predict i that religions (all religions) will sooner or later stipulate to the Laws and Theories of science and will join in to the facts and evidence. For example , the mere acceptqnce of an OLD EARTH is a rather new stipulation to a scientific fact.
I suggest you still do further reading about the history of the Fundamental Christian movements in tn US at the end of the 19th century.
For example WHY did the SCopes Trial even have to go on? because the "Butler Acts" made it a CRIME to teach science without defaulting to some wacky story about a non-xistent worldide FLOOD or an order of Creation that was so dead wrong that the Bible needed two different ones.
Nowaday, I see more of the Baptists beginning to slip back into saying that "Of course we know these stories are all allegorical and not fully factuaal"
WOW, thats really a big time admission.
catholics and many Protestant denominations came to terms with science back in the 1950's and 60's. Yet we still hve a very small (but well funded and highly vocal) minority of Funamental Christians who ould rather defy the Constitution to teach their worldview in public schools. And they do this with impunity in some states.
Spending time to conform science to the Bible is a huge waste of precious time and money. What the hell are you going to propose it accomplishes?? Its jut to make the Fundamentalists "feel good" about themselves, its not to advance any education because, as Popper stated, IT is unavailable to falsifiability and its myths chasing after facts.
When the guys at CSI bgan trying to assert the "Creationist base" of genetics (when all the evidence supports that derivative (daughter) species of organisms show definite informational chains of evidence about their origins through geologic time . So, in order to accomodate your worldview, you hqve to lie and deny that things like "fossil genes" even exist.
As I said many times, I care not what you wish to believe on your own. JUST dont be trying to slam this beliefsystem down the throats of our school systems (even the charter schools where Ms Devos thinks she can play trickyness). I, and many many like me will be there to take you on at every turn an trust me, science is only growing its data base while the Fundamentalists are rapidly losing credibility.
The last time the Creationists could make an argument that even holds water was back in the 1940's weve got over 75 yrs of hqrd worked reserch that is slowly sinking your canoe brian