The atoms in crystals are hardware being arranged according to the operating system of the laws of physics. Atoms that form Crystals arrange differently than atoms that don’t naturally form crystals because the algorithm written in the atoms of a crystalline structure are different than the algorithm written in the atoms of a nonrystaline structure.
Sometimes nature needs a crystal algorithm to solve a structural problem, sometimes it needs a more fluid or disorganized algorithm to solve a different structural problem. What is wrong with my reasoning in my interpretation of the evidence?
The problem (of what type of structure was needed) was solved systematically, (which I and and a lot of others believe) always means intelligently.
Why cant I believe, teach, and research that point of view?
Why don’t you explain your understanding of crystallography and the second Law. You always say the question is answered in some source without explaining how the source explains it.
Is my non theistic explanation for intelligent design in my earlier posts legal?