OCCOM BILL wrote:Joe Republican wrote: Well Bill, I didn't see you try to refute any of the comparissons to the current neo-conservative administration and fascism, so an I to assume you agree with the premise???
Some are accurate. Some are not so accurate. Your idiotic comparisons to the worst fiends in history, and willingness to believe
those are accurate, tells me it's beyond pointless to bother going point by point with you.
Posted another thread on the topic where we can discuss it further.
As for comparing us to one of the most vile fiends in history, I am comparring the economic and political aspects of fascism, not the humanitary aspect. It's convienient to ignore all the facts and focus on one single aspect when it suits your purposes huh.
Joe Republican wrote:And as to the DNC part, I never liked democrats. I bought into the RNCs platform until Bush took power. He has perversed and sodimized any semblance of a conservative agenda with his reckless spending, overzealous pre-emptions, and fascist policies. I once gave money and campaigned for John McCain, that was until he showed his true colors and sold out as well. There are so few moderate conservatives in the House right now, I might as well be a democrat, I get accused of it all the time anyways, just because I don't buy the bull shite all the neo-conservitives spew forth from their propaganda machines.
Dude, political parties, just like people are constantly evolving. It's time you face the fact that the parties you remember are gone and that you, my friend, are a Democrat. Not just an ordinary run of the mill Democrat either. You fall into the hyper-partisan category, which is evidenced in the majority of your posts. Don't worry; some of the finest people on earth are Democrats, so it's nothing to get to worked up in denial over.
Exactly my point, and I don't fall into the hyper-partisian democratic catagory, it's my fervent opinion on the direction this country is heading which makes me sound democratic. You see, it's people who used to believe in the old conservative ideals that are the most pronounced against Bush.
But since you are correct about parties, I guess I'm just an anti-union, gun loving, free trade, pro death penalty, pro military, fiscally frugal democrat. I guess you're telling me these are the ideals of the democrat party huh.
If you're curious, I did everything in my power to get Ross Perot elected, and haven't been excited about a candidate since. I've usually voted Independent just because the Democratic and Republican candidates completely suck. This time was almost no different, but I believe we need someone stubborn enough to finish what we've started in Iraq, keep hard-lining NK and feared Kerry would pull out early, which would be IMHO, a horrible mistake with tragic consequences.
You keep blowing your hyper-partisan anti-Bush horn... and around here you'll always have plenty of company.
I used to feel the only way to win the war was to finish the course, unfortunately this administration has shown me nothing but failure. Failure in every aspect concerning Iraq and the so called "war on terror". They have made every single wrong turn, from Abu Ghriab, to the Apachies leading the charge in, to a very underestimated troop level needed, to the failure to convince the rest of the world of the threat Saddam posed, to the truce and subsequent pulling out of forces with Sadr, failures everywhere.
As for pulling out early, we should pull out after elections. With Bush in power we have lost almost all credibility in Iraq and because of his arrogance, we don't have a chance in hell of the UN or the rest of the world helping. If we pull out, the UN will pull in and start the rebuilding project, yet another $200 billion down the drain.