* Bush Admin seeks to detain suspects forever without trial

g day
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 10:59 pm
Does Bush both appoint and have the final say of who is on the Supreme Court? Can he only change their membership if a member of the SC dies or retires?
0 Replies
Joe Republican
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:00 pm
Joe Republican wrote:
We have become a Facist country, we would have made Hitler proud. A truly sad, sad article. . .Rolling Eyes
Rolling Eyes It shows 11:40 on my watch, so unless somebody produces a better candidate for "Most idiotic post of the day" in the next 20 minutes, I think this is the winner. Rolling Eyes

You do nearly 300,000,000 Americans and the memory of countless millions of Hitler's murder victims a grave disservice with your absurd, disgusting BS. Think just a little before counting us with history's worst scum.

Look at the root of Facism, what the political and economical landscape is for Fascism before you try to say we are not.

What are the basic econimic aspects of fascism? Simple.

Corporations ruling the government. It's the opposite of communism, the government ruling corporations.

Now, tell me how appointing industry heads to high governmental positions is NOT fascism. It is coporate America deciding the rules to govern themselves. It is absolutely fascism 100%, right out of the Moussilini.

Now, what else is distinct in fascism? A seperation in classes and ruling through propaganda. Sound familiar? What do you think the tax laws are meant to do? Let me put it to you this way, when you flatten tax, you are seperating the classes. When you get rid of a progressive tax, you are seperating the classes. It's Dooh Nibor, robbing from the poor to give to the rich.


g__day The courts will work this out, rest assured. The SC has already shown they're no lapdog for this or any other administration. They are the SC, not Bush. Perhaps some innocent people will suffer a little in the meantime but there's a trade off for everything. A hell of a lot more suffering took place to make way for the freedoms so many now take for granted. Give it some time. We'll iron out wrinkles.

Who, Scalia and Thomas? Yea, I can just immagine what side their ruling will come down on Rolling Eyes
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Joe Republican
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:05 pm
Drives me a little crazy when people think they have to drag Hitler into it, just because our laws have shown a soft spot. If Padilla's innocent, he'll be released eventually. No system I'm aware of has never wrongfully accused or punished the innocent. I'm confident we'll work out the kinks with something short of gassing people to death by the millions. Of course, I've I'm an optimistic person.

It's called history. Read up on the rise of Nazi Germany, the propaganda machines, and you can see a parallel between nazism and patriotism. If you don't want to examine history, you are doomed to repeat it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:07 pm
g__day wrote:
Does Bush both appoint and have the final say of who is on the Supreme Court? Can he only change their membership if a member of the SC dies or retires?
Bush nominates then the house approves... and it's for life or retirement. No one can fire them and they only change when they die or quit. The president has no pull beyond the nomination.
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g day
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:08 pm
Joe you've mis-quoted - that wasn't my post!


Which American motor company with full US Administration permission developed all the gears and transmission for Hitler's Panzers, without which Hitler wouldn't have had tanks to invade most of Europe?

0 Replies
Joe Republican
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:08 pm
g__day wrote:
Does Bush both appoint and have the final say of who is on the Supreme Court? Can he only change their membership if a member of the SC dies or retires?

No, they have to pass through the senate and they get to vote on it. There is already discussion of a nuclear option being passed around the RNC corridors. They would pass a law which would ban fillibusters, which in turn, would allow Bush to appoint whoever wants to. If two SCJ's retire, or die AND they pass the fillibuster law, our laws and civil liberities will definately change forever. You can kiss Roe v. Wade goodbye, that's for sure.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:20 pm
Joe Republican wrote:
It's called history. Read up on the rise of Nazi Germany, the propaganda machines, and you can see a parallel between nazism and patriotism. If you don't want to examine history, you are doomed to repeat it.

Joe, sell paranoid somewhere else. I'm not buying. If you were even half right, with the technology available today, the SS would have hauled you away long ago.
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Joe Republican
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:29 pm
g__day wrote:
Joe you've mis-quoted - that wasn't my post!


Which American motor company with full US Administration permission developed all the gears and transmission for Hitler's Panzers, without which Hitler wouldn't have had tanks to invade most of Europe?


Yea, there were a LOT of connections between Nazi Germany and the US corporations of the 30's. One of the biggest supports for Hitler was GWB's grandfather, Prescott Bush. It's amazing to me that people don't want to examine history, the downfall of super powers, and how they failed.

On the comparisson of the US and Nazi Germany, yes there are a LOT of parallels. That's not to say we will turn into another Germany, or we will kill over 6million people, but all you have to do is change a couple of quotes and replace the word Jew with Muslim and it will scare the shite out of you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:31 pm
Whoa! You mean the US actually did business with Germany! WOW! What a bunch of freaks they were back then!! Why didn't they use Joe's crystal ball to see what would happen?! Laughing
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Joe Republican
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:35 pm
Joe Republican wrote:
It's called history. Read up on the rise of Nazi Germany, the propaganda machines, and you can see a parallel between nazism and patriotism. If you don't want to examine history, you are doomed to repeat it.

Joe, sell paranoid somewhere else. I'm not buying. If you were even half right, with the technology available today, the SS would have hauled you away long ago.

So what part are you not agreeing with? The definition of Fascism, the fact that we have a lot of fascist tendencies, or the parallels to neo-conservatism and fascism?

I'm curious, because you came out so fervently opposed to what I was saying, I'd like to know which part you disagree with. As for bringing Hitler into the discussion, I could have and probably should have used Mousillini, but when people think of fascism, they think Hitler, not Italy. I'm not saying that we are going to create gas chambers and start to gass Muslims, but there definitely exists parallels between the rise of Nazism, the patriotism after 9-11 and the political platform of the Bushies.
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g day
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:39 pm
Only McGentrix the business they did was make a hell of alot of war weapons - tanks and planes. But the list of dictators, tryants and regiemes America has very actively supported in the last 80 years runs to 50 of the 70 most reviled groups. Hardly a great track record.

The list goes:


Many of the world's most repressive dictators have been friends of America. Tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry dictators and corrupt puppet-presidents have been aided, supported, and rewarded handsomely for their loyalty to US interests. Traditional dictators seize control through force, while constitutional dictators hold office through voting fraud or severely restricted elections, and are frequently puppets and apologists for the military juntas which control the ballot boxes. In any case, none have been democratically elected by the majority of their people in fair and open elections.

They are democratic America's undemocratic allies. They may rise to power through bloody ClA-backed coups and rule by terror and torture. Their troops may receive training or advice from the CIA and other US agencies. US military aid and weapons sales often strengthen their armies and guarantee their hold on power. Unwavering "anti-communism" and a willingness to provide unhampered access for American business interests to exploit their countries' natural resources and cheap labor are the excuses for their repression, and the primary reason the US government supports them. They may be linked internationalIy to extreme right-wing groups such as the World Anti-Communist League, and some have had strong Nazi affiliations and have offered sanctuary to WWll Nazi war criminals.

They usually grow rich, while their countries' economies deteriorate and the majority of their people live in poverty. US tax dollars and US-backed loans have made billionaires of some, while others are international drug dealers who also collect CIA paychecks. Rarely are they called to account for their crimes. And rarely still, is the US government held responsible for supporting and protecting some of the worst human rights violators in the world.

Friendly dictators

Abacha, General Sani ----------------------------Nigeria
Amin, Idi ----------------------------------------Uganda
Banzer, Colonel Hugo ----------------------------Bolivia
Batista, Fulgencio -------------------------------Cuba
Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal -----------------------------Brunei
Botha, P.W. -------------------------------------South Africa
Branco, General Humberto ------------------------Brazil
Cedras, Raoul ------------------------------------Haiti
Cerezo, Vinicio -----------------------------------Guatemala
Chiang Kai-Shek ---------------------------------Taiwan
Cordova, Roberto Suazo -------------------------Honduras
Christiani, Alfredo --------------------------------El Salvador
Diem, Ngo Dihn ----------------------------------Vietnam
Doe, General Samuel -----------------------------Liberia
Duvalier, Francois --------------------------------Haiti
Duvalier, Jean Claude-----------------------------Haiti
Fahd bin'Abdul-'Aziz, King ------------------------Saudi Arabia
Franco, General Francisco ------------------------Spain
Hitler, Adolf --------------------------------------Germany
Hassan II-----------------------------------------Morocco
Marcos, Ferdinand --------------------------------Philippines
Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez -----------El Salvador
Mobutu Sese Seko -------------------------------Zaire
Noriega, General Manuel --------------------------Panama
Ozal, Turgut -------------------------------------Turkey
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza --------------------Iran
Papadopoulos, George ----------------------------Greece
Park Chung Hee ----------------------------------South Korea
Pinochet, General Augusto ------------------------Chile
Pol Pot-------------------------------------------Cambodia
Rabuka, General Sitiveni --------------------------Fiji
Montt, General Efrain Rios ------------------------Guatemala
Salassie, Halie -----------------------------------Ethiopia
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira -----------------------Portugal
Somoza, Anastasio Jr. ----------------------------Nicaragua
Somoza, Anastasio, Sr. ---------------------------Nicaragua
Smith, Ian ---------------------------------------Rhodesia
Stroessner, Alfredo ------------------------------Paraguay
Suharto, General --------------------------------Indonesia
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas --------------------------Dominican Republic
Videla, General Jorge Rafael ----------------------Argentina
Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ---------------------------Pakistan

The list details from here all of the USA's main dirty details in creating and funding these dictators.

For example:

Chancellor of Germany

As German bombs fell on London and Nazi tanks rolled over US troops, Sosthenes Behn president and founder of the US based ITT corporation, met with his German representative to discuss improving German communication systems. ITT was designing and building Nazi phone and radio systems as well as supplying crucial parts for German bombs. Our government knew all about this, for under a presidential order, US companies were licensed to trade with the Nazis. The choice of who would be licensed was odd, though. While the Secretary of State gave the Ford Motor Company permission to make Nazi tanks, he simultaneously blocked aid to German-Jewish refugees because the US wasn't supposed to be trading with the enemy. Other US companies trading with the Third Reich were General Motors, DuPont, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Davis Oil Co., and the Chase National Bank. President Roosevelt did not stop them, fearing a scandal might lead to another stock market crash or lower US moral. Besides, the same companies that traded with Hitler were supplying the US with its armaments, and some corporate leaders threatened to withdraw their support if Roosevelt exposed them. Henry Ford was a good friend of Hitler's. His book -- The International Jew -- had Inspired Hltler's Mein Kampf. The Fuhrer kept Ford's picture in his office, and Ford was one of only four foreigners to receive Germany's highest civilian award. As for Sosthenes Behn, at the end of the war, he received the highest civilian award for service to his country -- the United States of America.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:44 pm
g__day wrote:
Only McGentrix the business they did was make a hell of alot of war weapons - tanks and planes. But the list of dictators, tryants and regiemes America has very actively supported in the last 80 years runs to 50 of the 70 most reviled groups. Hardly a great track record.

Uh, yeah.

Did you notice that the Red Menace has also disappeared? Do you suppose those two events might be entwined somehow?
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g day
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:45 pm
Yes, but its replaced by the red-neck menace - which is far worse! The Red menace is simply sleeping, not gone.

Nice to wipe out the connection with 40+ war criminals with the words um yeah but...
0 Replies
Joe Republican
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:46 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Whoa! You mean the US actually did business with Germany! WOW! What a bunch of freaks they were back then!! Why didn't they use Joe's crystal ball to see what would happen?! Laughing

It's funny how you make light of the situation when you need to defend your beliefs. American corporations making money hand over fist, while commonly ignoring the fact that they were exterminating humanity is something to make fun about. Here is a little hint, there were companies doing business AFTER they invaded and DURING the war.

But then again, if you actually read the posted article by G_day, we would not have had the oppertunity to read your hysterical post.

Become more enlightened and not so acute, read the article.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jan, 2005 11:47 pm
g__day wrote:
Does Bush both appoint and have the final say of who is on the Supreme Court? Can he only change their membership if a member of the SC dies or retires?
Bush nominates then the house approves... and it's for life or retirement. No one can fire them and they only change when they die or quit. The president has no pull beyond the nomination.

It's the senate, not the house of representatives, that confirms supreme court nominees.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 12:08 am
Thanks Joe, my bad. Got that Godwin link handy by any chance? :wink:
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g day
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 12:26 am
So Bush gives the Senate the only list of judges they can choose from...
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Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 12:33 am
No, he presents one, which they then delay till he or she is too old to stand up and take the oath without the aid of a walker.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 12:40 am
Roger: Laughing

# What is the process for making a Supreme Court nomination?

Unlike federal district court judgeships, where proposed nominees often traditionally originate from members of Congress, the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice is very much driven by the President and senior White House staff, with input and legwork from the Department of Justice. Starting from a "short list" of desirable or plausible candidates, staff analyze past judicial decisions, writings, speeches, employment history, and other information to develop a profile of a candidate and to identify any potential obstacles to their successful confirmation.

# What is the role of the Senate?

Under Article II, section 2, clause 2 of the Constitution, the role of the Senate is to provide its advice and consent to a nomination. Key Senators, particularly those on the Senate Judiciary Committee, typically are consulted in advance by the White House about the merits of potential nominees. After a nomination is made, it is assigned to the Judiciary Committee. The Committee holds a public hearing and a subsequent vote is taken to report the nomination to the full Senate. A majority vote of the Senate is required to confirm a nominee.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jan, 2005 12:59 am
Roger: Laughing

Now, if an easily defeated minority really doesn't like the nominated person, they will filibuster (babble forever) to prevent the majority from being able to vote on it.

Theoretically, they could stall the process forever if they filibuster against every candidate Bush sends over. This is why republicans want to get rid of what they see as nothing more than a majority-rule blocking-tool. This tool has a rich history, however, and is considered by many to be an important part of our system of checks and balances. Thing is, if one group chooses to use it too often, the people will see them as nothing more than impediments to progress and replace them next election.

So, whether the filibuster rule stays or goes, this problem too, will eventually correct itself.
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