Joe Republican wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Joe Republican wrote:It's called history. Read up on the rise of Nazi Germany, the propaganda machines, and you can see a parallel between nazism and patriotism. If you don't want to examine history, you are doomed to repeat it.
Joe, sell paranoid somewhere else. I'm not buying. If you were even half right, with the technology available today, the SS would have hauled you away long ago.
So what part are you not agreeing with? The definition of Fascism, the fact that we have a lot of fascist tendencies, or the parallels to neo-conservatism and fascism?
I'm curious, because you came out so fervently opposed to what I was saying, I'd like to know which part you disagree with. As for bringing Hitler into the discussion, I could have and probably should have used Mousillini, but when people think of fascism, they think Hitler, not Italy. I'm not saying that we are going to create gas chambers and start to gass Muslims, but there definitely exists parallels between the rise of Nazism, the patriotism after 9-11 and the political platform of the Bushies.
I agree that there are many frightening parallels between the policies of Nazi Germany and modern-day America.
The United States is NOT building concentration camps and gas chambers to exterminate Jews . . . but the United States is covertly capturing an untold number of people from other countries, labeling them as terrorists or suspected terrorists or enemy combatants, keeping them captive in unknown locations, subjecting them to interrogation and torture and perhaps executing them when they are no longer useful. There is no accountability for secret activities carried on by our government.
Perhaps there are people in this world who constitute a real threat to our national security -- but we cannot condone the incarceration of these people without due process or taking them behind the proverbial barn and putting bullets into their heads. What message are we sending? Only U.S. citizens are entitled to due process and the hell with the people who live in the rest of the world? Our country cannot possibly have the respect of other nations and other peoples in this world if we don't practice what we preach.