Me Too

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 07:43 am
"Trying to do"? What, in general or more specifically?

Right now I'm investing time and energy perusing the interwebs to garner a better use of being stuck at home.


Mon 30 Mar, 2020 07:47 am
I mean on this thread, confusing Metoo with what it's not. You're doing that just out of boredom? It hurts the movement.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 07:52 am
Oh, ok.

Since I gave you the definition of the #MeToo movement, along with accompanying supportive real life examples, I'd like to go out on a limb here by saying ... I'm not the one confused. Nor is redirecting the tone from ridicule and scorn to educative and compassionate.

Just want your 15 minutes of fame, eh?
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 07:55 am
You just want your 15 mn of Metoo porn.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 07:57 am
When the assaults stop, so will I.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 08:09 am
Another attention whore, like Max. It won't stop until everyone ignores him.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 08:16 am
Scattershots at windmills won't help much, unfortunately.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 08:23 am
Yeah, I know.

So quit using them.

Your main defense is that verbal assault is not a crime, therefore admissible. It's not. Sexual harassment constitutes both verbal and physical assault. For you not to recognize that makes the subject of #MeToo very difficult to discuss with you. You refuse to admit the premise as valid so you reject all evidence showing how detrimental and pervasive it is.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 08:31 am
Nope. I just maintain a distinction between sexual harrassment and 'cat calling'. Maybe you want to tell us exactly what particular form of 'cat calling' are reprehensible by law, or should be, and what kind is allowed.

My understanding is that when girls complimented my butt (note the past tense, it hasn't happened for quite a while...) they were not doing anything illegal. Shocking and destabilizing perhaps, "objectifying" maybe, but not illegal. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 08:37 am
I gave you three very good resources on the previous page. If you continue to choose ignorance, that's on you.

For you catcalling is funny. For a woman, it can be deadly.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 08:59 am
If you go back in the thread you soon enough see that this person and Max tag team to keep the thread effed up.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 09:33 am
Words do not kill.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 09:36 am
Stop cat calling Max, will ya?
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 09:38 am
Olivier5 wrote:

Stop cat calling Max, will ya?

Thanks Olivier, but I am showing some leg. It is not Setanta's fault, some men just can't resist a flirt. It is my fault after all, if I didn't dress this way, Setanta and Edgar wouldn't be cat-calling me. (You can guess that secretly their attention turns me on.)

It is funny how Setanta and Edgar are illustrating my point for me. They are just so adorable when they get all flustered. I just show a little skin and they can't help themselves.
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 09:51 am
Seriously, these two are guilty of some serious board harrassment. It's downright creepy.
0 Replies
Mon 30 Mar, 2020 10:05 am
7 positive changes that have come from the #MeToo movement
The impact of the movement goes far beyond powerful men losing their jobs.

By Anna North Oct 4, 2019, 7:00am EDT

#MeToo was never just about getting men fired.

When activist Tarana Burke started the Me Too campaign more than 10 years ago, her goal was “to spread a message for survivors: You’re heard, you’re understood.” When actress Alyssa Milano helped kick off the current phase of the movement two years ago, she wanted to “give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.”

As they made clear, #MeToo has always been about raising awareness of the prevalence and pernicious impact of sexual violence. It’s also about creating change: As Ai-jen Poo, executive director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, told Vox last year, “#MeToo is a movement of survivors and their supporters, powered by courage, determined to end sexual violence and harassment.”

But at this point, two years after a New York Times exposé on allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein helped make #MeToo a topic of conversation across America, what has really changed? As a journalist covering the issue, it’s a question I hear more often than almost any other: Survivors have shared their stories, some powerful men have lost their jobs, but at a broader social level is anything really different?

To help answer that question, I looked at some of the changes that have taken place as a result of #MeToo, from state laws to monetary compensation for survivors. The efforts and reforms listed below show that while sexual harassment, assault, and misconduct remain systemic problems, the #MeToo movement has helped motivate Americans to solve them.

States are banning nondisclosure agreements that cover sexual harassment
One of the systemic problems exposed by coverage of Harvey Weinstein and other powerful men was the use of nondisclosure agreements. For example, Zelda Perkins, Weinstein’s former assistant, signed an agreement as part of a settlement that prevented her from telling even family members that Weinstein had exposed himself to her repeatedly, including forcing her to take dictation while he bathed, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The agreement kept Perkins from speaking out for almost 20 years. As her story and others made clear, such agreements allowed wealthy and powerful people to essentially buy others’ silence, preventing anyone from finding out about sexual misconduct allegations against them — and potentially putting others at risk.

But as the #MeToo movement gained attention, several states passed laws prohibiting the use of nondisclosure agreements in sexual misconduct cases. In September 2018, California banned the agreements in cases involving sexual assault, harassment, or sex discrimination. New York and New Jersey enacted similar laws. The federal BE HEARD Act — introduced earlier this year by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA), Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and others — also bans some types of nondisclosure agreements.

“I don’t think I understood the impact of being silent for 20 years,” Perkins told the LA Times. Under the new laws, others may have an easier time speaking out.

States are also introducing protections for more workers
Federal sexual harassment law and most state laws don’t protect independent contractors; the laws only apply to employees. That means people who are technically self-employed, from actors to makeup artists to Uber drivers, may have little legal recourse if they’re harassed on a job.

Moreover, millions of domestic and farm workers — the people who clean Americans’ homes, care for their children, and harvest their food — lack sexual harassment protections because they work for employers with fewer than 15 employees, as Vox’s Alexia Fernández Campbell reported last year. These workers, disproportionately women of color and often making a low wage, have nowhere to turn if they are harassed.

But in some places, that’s starting to change. New York expanded its sexual harassment law to cover independent contractors in 2018 and improved protections for domestic workers in 2019. California broadened its law in 2018 to offer protections for people harassed in an expanded set of business relationships — including, notably, relationships with producers.

Meanwhile, hundreds of domestic and farm workers rallied in Washington last year to urge Congress to extend harassment protections to cover them. The BE HEARD Act would do that, giving protections to independent contractors, domestic workers, and more.

The Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund has helped over 3,600 people seek justice

For many people, bringing a sexual harassment lawsuit is prohibitively expensive. That’s why Time’s Up, a group of women in Hollywood working to fight harassment, started the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, aimed at helping survivors of sexual misconduct, especially in low-wage industries, get legal representation. Since the fund launched in January 2018, it has raised over $24 million and connected 3,677 people with attorneys to pursue possible legal action, according to a fact sheet provided to Vox by Time’s Up.

One person who’s gotten help through the fund is Brittany Hoyos, who says an older coworker at McDonald’s began making unwanted advances toward her when she was just 16 years old, according to the Time’s Up statement. She refused them, but he began spreading rumors about her at work, she said, and she was ultimately fired. She and her mother, who says she faced retaliation at the same restaurant, joined more than 20 other McDonald’s workers in filing complaints against the company in May.

“Just because you’re going through a lower job in society’s eyes, that doesn’t mean you should have to go through the obstacles and challenges that I did,” Hoyos told the New York Times.

The movement to end the tipped minimum wage is gaining steam
Restaurant workers are often forced to put up with harassment from customers for fear that reporting the behavior or otherwise trying to put a stop to it could result in the loss of a tip. And for many waiters and other workers, losing tips means losing the ability to pay basic bills because the federal minimum wage for these workers is just $2.13 an hour. The idea behind the “tipped minimum wage” is that workers make the rest in gratuities — and while employers are supposed to make up the difference if tips fall short, they don’t always do so.

For that reason, restaurant workers and their advocates have long argued that ending the tipped minimum wage is necessary to fight harassment. Seven states have done so already, and the movement has gained steam with the rise of #MeToo. Legislation to require tipped workers to get the same minimum wage as other workers has been proposed recently in Massachusetts, as well as in cities like Chicago.

The House passed a bill in August that would raise the tipped minimum wage to meet the standard minimum wage (it’s unlikely to pass the Senate). The BE HEARD Act would also eliminate the tipped minimum wage.

Congress has reformed some of its process for staffers reporting sexual harassment

Since #MeToo entered its most public phase, allegations against legislators on both sides of the aisle — including Reps. Blake Farenthold, John Conyers, Trent Franks, and Sen. Al Franken — have drawn attention to the issue of sexual misconduct by members of Congress. Perhaps surprisingly, Congress has actually taken steps to reform itself as a workplace, as Li Zhou reported for Vox.

Last year, Congress passed legislation addressing a number of issues advocates had raised with its process for congressional employees to report harassment or assault. The law eliminated a mandatory three-month waiting period for people reporting misconduct, during which the survivor would have to go through counseling and mediation before filing a lawsuit. It also barred legislators from using taxpayer money to cover harassment settlements — last year, a report revealed that nearly $300,000 of taxpayer funds had been used for that purpose since 2003.

The law doesn’t do everything advocates wanted, Zhou notes; it doesn’t provide staffers with guaranteed legal counsel, for example. But by passing legislation to regulate itself, Congress at least started to address the problem.

Some survivors are getting financial restitution

Though the case began to come to light before #MeToo entered its current phase, the trial of former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar has become one of the defining moments of the #MeToo era. Last January, Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexually abusing more than 100 young athletes, in addition to an earlier 60-year sentence on child pornography charges. During his sentencing hearing, 163 people gave moving and at times heartbreaking testimony about how his abuse had harmed them and their families.

Nassar wasn’t the only one implicated in the case. Officials at Michigan State University, where he was a sports medicine physician, were accused of looking the other way and failing to act on athletes’ reports. After a private negotiation with lawyers for over 300 people, the university created a $500 million settlement fund. It was believed to be the largest such fund ever created by a university in response to a sexual abuse case, according to the New York Times. Through the fund, survivors could get between $250,000 and $2.5 million each.

While the Michigan State fund was one of the most high-profile settlements, monetary awards in sexual misconduct cases in general have risen in the #MeToo era. In 2018, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed 41 sexual harassment lawsuits, more than a 50 percent increase over 2017, according to MarketWatch. The EEOC won $70 million from companies on behalf of harassment survivors in 2018, up 47 percent from 2017.

Americans have changed how they think about power

One of the biggest effects of the #MeToo movement has been to show Americans and people around the world how widespread sexual harassment, assault, and other misconduct really are. As more and more survivors spoke out, they learned they were not alone. And people who had never had cause to think about sexual harassment before suddenly saw how much it had affected their coworkers, children, parents, and friends.

All this has helped to change how many Americans think not just about sexual misconduct but also about gender and power. Those changes were especially evident in Americans’ reactions to the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford. According to a December 2018 poll by the research firm PerryUndem, those hearings made 50 percent of voters think about men having more power than women in government.

In a follow-up poll conducted by PerryUndem in September, 49 percent of voters and a full 76 percent of Democrats agreed with the statement that “one reason Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed is because white men want to hold onto their power in government.”

“We would’ve never seen this three or four years ago,” Tresa Undem, a partner at PerryUndem, told Vox at the time. Overall, she said, Americans are thinking more than ever about power: who has it, who doesn’t, and how those with more power are trying to control those with less. There are a lot of reasons for that, including the election of Donald Trump, but #MeToo has been a significant driving force behind the change, she said.

There’s much the #MeToo movement has yet to accomplish, from changes in federal law to real safety for survivors who speak out, many of whom still face harsh repercussions. But two years after the movement began to make headlines around the country, its impact — in statehouses, in court, and in the conversations Americans are having with one another — is undeniable.

Mon 30 Mar, 2020 10:24 am
I agree with most of that article.

- The "MeToo" movement started an important discussion about harrassment in the workplaces which has already lead to important changes to policy.

- Banning non-disclosure agreements; good.

- The public discussion has made it easier for victims to speak out; also good.

However, there are some things I disagree with.

- This article really included Al Frankin? Lumping Frankin in with Weinstein is part of the problem.

- They are stretching the point about tipped minimum wage. Well... it is possible to draw a line from minimum wage to sexual harassment, but it is an awfully weak connection.

- The comment about Justice Kennedy being White is a thinly hidden liberal dog-whistle. This alienates a lot of people who might be supportive of MeToo.

The real question was whether the #MeToo movement could address the needs of an ideologically diverse group of people who have face sexual harrassment. Can someone be welcomed into the #MeToo who doesn't support a minimum wage, or who believes that abortion should be regulated, or who believes cat-calling is protected speech while violence should be illegal.

The answer is pretty clearly, no. People who don't buy the entire political packaged get forcibly excluded from the discussion. That is why #MeToo has no currency outside of a narrow ideological bubble.

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Mon 30 Mar, 2020 10:52 am
Thumbed you up for topicality.

The effects of Metoo on sports and how they are taught are worth stressing. It's only starting in France with the cases of Sarah Abitbol and others in skate dancing, that toppled the federation's leader, male obviously and evidently complicit. Female ex-champion Nathalie Péchalat was elected president of the Fédération Française des Sports de Glace in his stead. She's making the fight against sexual assault and harrassment a top priority.

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Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:46 pm
One (at least this one) wonders if the fools and tools who say that catcalling is not a bad thing or a problem, would really say this if either they or a loved one was followed by a catcaller or if they politely asked them to stop and the catcaller, A)did not stop and if B) the catcaller then physically followed the loved one to their destination and C) then made a hands on physical attack, would the fools who think catcalls are okay be as okay with it occurring?

Sexual harassment of any type, can and often does lead to sexual attacks.
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Mon 30 Mar, 2020 01:54 pm
I had to put those two goons back on ignore.

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