Send 40 million Bush inauguration money to tsunami victims

Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:15 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:

As the world's technology advances, and things once difficult to construct become less difficult, the real prospect of a WMD being used in a populated area and killing and wounding millions all at once is more than sufficient to cause justifiable fear.

I guess I'm a simpleton, perhaps infinately naive, but I do believe there exists such a thing as peaceful coexistence.
Bush doesn't seem to have an ounce of compassion in his conservatism, contrary to his ability to state this fact straight faced.

I do firmly believe there are peaceful resolutions to these grand conflicts, but normally, it's self-interest that propels a nation into these perilous situations, not a deeper sense of altruism or concern for the global community.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:16 pm
you can ensure it to an extent by surrounding yourself with power and wealth at the expense of the flesh of others less powerful and entitled than yourself....bushinc is good at that...
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:24 pm
Re: U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Inaugural Expenses
nimh wrote:
I find the whole premise of this thread rather silly. Yes, the US government, like any other, should give all it can; yes, President Bush, being a very rich man, should give all he can; neither means there can't still also be an inauguration. There will be, there would be.

What strikes me though is that noones remarked on what does seem the real outrage, to me - this one:

U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Inaugural Expenses
Other Security Projects Would Lose $11.9 Million
By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 11, 2005; Page A04

D.C. officials said yesterday that the Bush administration is refusing to reimburse the District for most of the costs associated with next week's inauguration, breaking with precedent and forcing the city to divert $11.9 million from homeland security projects.

Federal officials have told the District that it should cover the expenses by using some of the $240 million in federal homeland security grants it has received in the past three years -- money awarded to the city because it is among the places at highest risk of a terrorist attack.

But that grant money is earmarked for other security needs, Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D) said in a Dec. 27 letter to Office of Management and Budget Director Joshua B. Bolten and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. Williams's office released the letter yesterday.

Williams estimated that the city's costs for the inauguration will total $17.3 million, most of it related to security. City officials said they can use an unspent $5.4 million from an annual federal fund that reimburses the District for costs incurred because of its status as the capital. But that leaves $11.9 million not covered, they said.

"We want to make this the best possible event, but not at the expense of D.C. taxpayers and other homeland security priorities," said Gregory M. McCarthy, the mayor's deputy chief of staff. "This is the first time there hasn't been a direct appropriation for the inauguration."

A spokesman for Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, which oversees the District, agreed with the mayor's stance. He called the Bush administration's position "simply not acceptable."

"It's an unfunded mandate of the most odious kind. How can the District be asked to take funds from important homeland security projects to pay for this instead?" said Davis spokesman David Marin.

The region has earmarked federal homeland security funds for such priorities as increasing hospital capacity, equipping firefighters with protective gear and building transit system command centers. [..]

The $17.3 million the city expects to spend on this inauguration marks a sharp increase from the $8 million it incurred for Bush's first. [..]

the only thing more shocking and disgusting than that is the way it will proceed to be defended by the usual suspects and those like them
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:29 pm
I guess I'm a simpleton, perhaps infinately naive, but I do believe there exists such a thing as peaceful coexistence.

I guess that's true ...

How do you suggest we achieve peaceful coexistence with terrorists? They tend to like to disturb the peace with truck bombs and by flying airliners into skyscrapers.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:31 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
And that has what to do with invading Iraq?

Given that it would be fairly easy to smuggle a WMD or the components of a WMD into the US and that such a weapon might kill and wound as many as millions, we must take all WMD threats very seriously. Based on the fact that Iraq had had WMD and WMD programs, had used them against innocent civilians and another nation, had concealed and lied about them, had a friendly relationship with terrorists etc., the probability that a WMD originating there would be used against us or our allies someday was unacceptably high.

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
If merely the desire to see America go to hell and the possibility of obtaining the technology to do it is cause for fear and pre emptive war then why are we only at war with Iraq? How about N Korea? How about China? How about France for that matter?

1. North Korea - They already have nukes and, so, could kill a million people in the first hour or two of an invasion. Therefore, invasion is not feasible, and we must negotiate with them no matter how extreme their demands. We invaded Iraq to prevent Hussein from achieving this sort of near invulnerability.
2. China - First of all, they have a massive WMD arsenal, and invading them would probably spell the end of civilization. Secondly, they tend to pursue sane, risk averse policies most of the time, and are no friend to terrorists.
3. France - As much as I dislike the French government, I do not see them using their WMD to obliterate American cities or to achieve world domination.

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
If countries that have demonstrated their willingness to drop nukes on others and bomb the **** out of others and invade others at the drop of a hat and have the technology and desire to use it need to be eliminated then maybe we better commit mass suicide here at home...because we are one of the largest purveyors of it. We kill everything that f*#king moves whenever we decide to .

First of all, I am not advocating invading anyone who is warlike, I am advocating invading anyone who appears to be building WMD which are likely to end up being used against us, and who do not appear to be susceptible to quiet reason. Secondly, your joking suggestion that we commit mass suicide shows how deeply you fail to understand this issue. The goal is not to punish or eliminate people who use force or use nukes. The goal is to stop or eliminate efforts to acquire nukes by people who are likely to use them against us or to give them to people who will.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:31 pm
And we disturb it right back by bombing the sh*t out of places.

Perhaps we can learn to get along and stop blowing each other's stuff up.

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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 02:48 pm
So Brandon I suppose what you're saying is that the people who are already loaded with WMD's are sort of grandfathered in?

It's like the mafia, they've closed the books to new members?

And in the name of keeping the peace we may have to kill you?

I get it now.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:32 pm
Your reasoning is beyond reason. We should take out those nations that we think are attempting to develop WMD's and forget about those that already have them. I guess those that have them, their bombs do not kill. Iran based on your formula must be invaded ASAP. There is little doubt that they despite denials are well on the way toward the developing a nuclear capability. As for chemical and biological weapons almost anyone that wants to can develop that capability.
It is as if you had ten guys pointing pistols at you and you take out the one that has no bullets.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:34 pm
au1929 wrote:
Your reasoning is beyond reason. We should take out those nations that we think are attempting to develop WMD's and forget about those that already have them. I guess those that have them, their bombs do not kill. Iran based on your formula must be invaded ASAP. There is little doubt that they despite denials are well on the way toward the developing a nuclear capability. As for chemical and biological weapons almost anyone that wants to can develop that capability.
It is as if you had ten guys pointing pistols at you and you take out the one that has no bullets.

that's how bullies operate....
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:46 pm
candidone1 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:

As the world's technology advances, and things once difficult to construct become less difficult, the real prospect of a WMD being used in a populated area and killing and wounding millions all at once is more than sufficient to cause justifiable fear.

I guess I'm a simpleton, perhaps infinately naive, but I do believe there exists such a thing as peaceful coexistence.
Bush doesn't seem to have an ounce of compassion in his conservatism, contrary to his ability to state this fact straight faced.

I do firmly believe there are peaceful resolutions to these grand conflicts, but normally, it's self-interest that propels a nation into these perilous situations, not a deeper sense of altruism or concern for the global community.

At least for the forseeable future, there will always be national rulers who negotiate only to deceive or gain time to build weapons. You seem to be living in some bygone pre-WMD era. This is not like the conflicts of the past in which our enemy would need to build a huge armada and send it across the ocean to start a conventional war with us. Now, the dictator of a small, weak country who wishes our destruction or demotion need only send a few people to start a plague here or detonate a nuke in New York or another population center, and a colossal number of people can die. Afterwards, of course, he would insist that he was not involved, was horrified, and would probably even offer us aid. In the future many nations and private organizations will seek WMD technology. If the world allows anyone who seeks them to obtain them, regardless of their character, then these weapons will be used someday, somewhere and millions of lives will be snuffed out.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:48 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
So Brandon I suppose what you're saying is that the people who are already loaded with WMD's are sort of grandfathered in?

It's like the mafia, they've closed the books to new members?

And in the name of keeping the peace we may have to kill you?

I get it now.

You don't appear to get much of anything. I am saying that it is not practically possible to attack someone who has the power to kill millions in the first moments of the conflict. This is self-evident.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:53 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
So Brandon I suppose what you're saying is that the people who are already loaded with WMD's are sort of grandfathered in?

It's like the mafia, they've closed the books to new members?

And in the name of keeping the peace we may have to kill you?

I get it now.

You don't appear to get much of anything. I am saying that it is not practically possible to attack someone who has the power to kill millions in the first moments of the conflict. This is self-evident.

We are able to kill millions in the first moments of a conflict and someone attacked us..... now, who is it who seems not to get things? Rolling Eyes Laughing
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:56 pm
So maybe instead of walking around grabbing our big dicks and bragging about what bad mother f*#kers we are we would be better off using our heads and intelligence ( you may want to look that one up) and preventing attacks by paying attention to intel and better yet behave differently and less arrogantly. In a dangerous world, good manners are your best defense IMO.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:57 pm

Unless we find a way to live in harmony with of the world. I do not mean only the US but, all the nations of the world. Or if we reach the point of detante as in the cold war which is more realistic. Someday the inevitable will happen and there is very little we can do about it. Bombing the $hit out of nations we do not like will solve not a thing.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:57 pm
au1929 wrote:
Your reasoning is beyond reason. We should take out those nations that we think are attempting to develop WMD's and forget about those that already have them. I guess those that have them, their bombs do not kill. Iran based on your formula must be invaded ASAP. There is little doubt that they despite denials are well on the way toward the developing a nuclear capability. As for chemical and biological weapons almost anyone that wants to can develop that capability.
It is as if you had ten guys pointing pistols at you and you take out the one that has no bullets.

It's a pity that you have to misquote me to argue your point. First of all, I never said that we should take out those nations that we think are attempting to develop WMD. It is my position that in the future, as many groups, some nations and some not, attempt to obtain WMD, it would be insanity to sit back and let anyone get them who wants to. I am saying that there will be cases where some group's possession of WMD would appear to possess a clear and present danger of their use. Groups of this type must be dissuaded even by force, if necessary, from obtaining them. Iran probably does pose such a danger of the use of WMD in American cities, although I think that there is still some potential to get them to stop through negotiation.

As for my statement that it is impractical to invade North Korea or China, I am making the blatantly obvious statement that it is foolish to undertake an invasion of a country that has the option of killing millions of people in a few moments.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 03:59 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
I guess I'm a simpleton, perhaps infinately naive, but I do believe there exists such a thing as peaceful coexistence.

I guess that's true ...

How do you suggest we achieve peaceful coexistence with terrorists? They tend to like to disturb the peace with truck bombs and by flying airliners into skyscrapers.

Terrorists never act without a sense of purpose. That was the original reason for my post questioning what the insurgents want.
I believe Lucretius was correct in postulating that nothing can be created from nothing.
Anti-Americanism, and hatred of Western Values doesn't come into being for illogical or irrational reasons--much to the shagrin of Bushco.
America has some ownership in the equation, and achieving peaceful coexistence should have been a component of American foreign policy a long time ago.
Looks like someone wants America to pay up for their role in the international stage...a situation that could have been different had history taken an alternate path.
...but the path less taken is not weathered and worn, and Bush saw the well trodden path laid down by his predecessors, and galloped along his merry way.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 04:01 pm
au1929 wrote:

Unless we find a way to live in harmony with of the world. I do not mean only the US but, all the nations of the world. Or if we reach the point of detante as in the cold war which is more realistic. Someday the inevitable will happen and there is very little we can do about it. Bombing the $hit out of nations we do not like will solve not a thing.

I have never advocated bombing the $hit out of nations we do not like. Stop misquoting me. It's annoying and rather stupid. What I have said is that if anyone who wants WMD is allowed to acquire them, eventually millions and millions of people will die as WMD are used in population centers. At the least, we must stop the worst of the worst dictators with ties to terrorism from obtaining weapons so powerful that one use of one could kill on the scale of millions.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 04:03 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
I am saying that there will be cases where some group's possession of WMD would appear to possess a clear and present danger of their use. Groups of this type must be dissuaded even by force, if necessary, from obtaining them. Iran probably does pose such a danger of the use of WMD in American cities, although I think that there is still some potential to get them to stop through negotiation.

I guess it's tough to see what the rest of the world thinks about the US as the World Policing Agency through your red-white-and-blue glasses.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 04:06 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
So maybe instead of walking around grabbing our big dicks and bragging about what bad mother f*#kers we are we would be better off using our heads and intelligence ( you may want to look that one up) and preventing attacks by paying attention to intel and better yet behave differently and less arrogantly. In a dangerous world, good manners are your best defense IMO.

How very foolish. I would love to see you attempt to defend yourself as an inmate in a Nazi concentration camp by impressing them with your good manners. The sad fact is that there will always be evil people who only respect force. There are now weapons of immense danger in existence and allowing them to propagate to anyone who wants them will result in death on a scale far, far greater than has occurred in Iraq.
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Reply Tue 11 Jan, 2005 04:08 pm
candidone1 wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
I am saying that there will be cases where some group's possession of WMD would appear to possess a clear and present danger of their use. Groups of this type must be dissuaded even by force, if necessary, from obtaining them. Iran probably does pose such a danger of the use of WMD in American cities, although I think that there is still some potential to get them to stop through negotiation.

I guess it's tough to see what the rest of the world thinks about the US as the World Policing Agency through your red-white-and-blue glasses.

Well, when London is obliterated by an Al-Qaeda nuke or Los Angeles is the epicenter of a new man-made plague, I am sure the survivors will thank you for not alienating anyone.
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