Why would your body need to reassemble your chair? Ain't you comfy yet?
'Cuz we got these damn prison-made, state-contract chairs that cost us two hundred bucks a pop when any fool can go down to Costco and get an excellent, lightweight "executive" chair for one-twenty.
The only chair in the damn place that's any good is forty years old...
For chairs, like wine and women, life reaches its peak only after forty.........(clicking ruby slippers together, squeezing eyes shut, and saying fervently.."Life begins at fifty, life begins at fifty, life begins at fifty....)
Oooo, nice one, Boss, i think i'll use that . . .
using that...using that...using that...using that...the first letter of deb is the first letter of delightfully debauched, too - or maybe the first letters - who can think of grammar at a time like this!
anyways, me last gramma died when I was but 13....
The first letter of DEB is the latin letter for 500 or 10 times L which is the first letter of Love so Deb is worth at least 10 lots of love QED
well, don'titfigure that the bunny would have ten times the "love" of anyone else.
them wabbits is like that
ehBeth, what in the world are them!
I second that question!
Me is a LERVE-BUNNY, she said bashfully - except when I am a Kalashnikov Bunny, she said fiercely - or a fierce argumentative Bunny, she said rationally...
or a digression bunny, she said scattered brainily.........
Never allow digressiveness to fool you into diagnosing scatter-brainedness! I have a cunning plan....if only I could remember what it was.....
Top draw, under the recipe for destruction of the bureau in the sewing room!
No, no, that is where I keep the spare kalashnikov!!!
heir, hare, hair? - all gone
Seriously thinking about bringing them teeth back!
I know not where there is hare or heir, since I am neither.
Got a hair caught in your throat, there, oh ex-fanguinated one?
Need the heimlich manouvre?