Sat 7 Oct, 2017 11:36 pm
15 years married. Husband was 45 year old virgin when married. He had no previous relationships. From the start, husband had very low sex drive, and at first I attributed that to being tired from farming 100 hrs per week. Now sex maybe once a year or two. Sleep in separate bedrooms for last 7 years. Husband does not touch or give any affection to me. He says he wants to be a better husband, but only lip service. I have been chained to house cooking and cleaning for him, for last 7 years with no vacation. 3 years ago, he went from NZ where we live to USA to hunt deer on his land, which i paid for. We talked about getting away to Australia in April 2018 for 2 days for reeanactment festival and then on to ? . Started sewing clothing 1/2 way done, very complicated pieces. One month ago he asked to go to USA again for hunting, and I said NO we are going away together. One week ago, he sneaked and made vacation plans with his boss and snuck and bought plane ticket and asked me to pay for them, going back to USA again, which is *tremendously* expensive.. Like the cost of a cruise on the Queen Mary. Very unhappy. Just roommates. He says he feels ''bad'' about making the trip, yea sure.
notreallymarried wrote: Just roommates.
roommates don't usually pay for each other's vacations.
why are you giving this person money? why are you with them?
Your name says it all. (Not really married)
You are living with a border who now expects you to pay for his vacation. -- which, by the way, sound very suspicious.
Finish up your sewing and wear something nice to a lawyer's office.
You will lose nothing if you get rid of this hanger- oner.