Re: I want the US to lose the war in Iraq
I ask you, Just Wonders, because I see no points as such.
This is what I see.
Lusatian wrote:Joe you thoroughly validate the saying "An intellectual is man who will use more words than necessary to tell more than he knows." Your longwinded political statement, while well written, could also be summarized as:
Your higher learning and bloated intellect have positioned themselves diametrically against the war in Iraq.
Read: "I do not like intellectuals. You (rude epithets which make no argument, excep that I don't like intellectuals) oppose the war."
Yes. THis is true. Not sure that it is a point.
Lusatian wrote:You are willing to spend long hours preaching to others who agree with you why your higher learning and bloated intellect have positioned themselves diametrically against the war in Iraq. .
"You (more rude words) like to say that you don't agree with the war."
(Again true - not sure that it is a POINT of argument, though. I mean - Lusatian likes to say that he DOES agree with the war. I am puzzled - I take it he means he wants people not to say things he doesn't agree with?
Lusatian wrote:You have found a nuanced and verbose arguement why your higher learning and bloated intellect have positioned themselves diametrically against the war in Iraq..
"You (one non rude word, and more rude ones) believe you have good reasons to oppose the war in Iraq."
No brainer, I would have thought. Presumably Lusatian believes he has good arguments for NOT opposing the war - how is this a point of argument? Presumably most of us beieve we have good reasons for believing/not believing something?
Lusatian wrote:And you can't understand, or are rather aggravated, when others don't agree with your understanding. I mean, why can't they see why your higher learning and bloated intellect have positioned themselves diametrically against the war in Iraq
"I believe you (more anti-intellectual rude words) don't like it when people disagree with you."
Hmmm - evidence, Lusatian? I think Joe actually loves it when people disagree - he appears to enjoy debate. But - this, like yours, is merely an opinion.
Lusatian wrote:Here's my response to you, in an equally abbreviated form:
Your opposition to the war has absolutely no effect on the outcome of events and therefore is merely the lengthly speeches of a disgruntled intellectual, akin to hundreds of thousands of other disgruntled intellectuals who have come and gone.
"I will respond briefly. Your opposition to the war will have no effect (more anti-intellectual words)"
Possibly - but that is an opinion, not an argument. Nor is it backed up - also, this opinion does not seem relevant to the topic under discussion.
Lusatian wrote:You are neither participating in any way, shape, or form in the war in Iraq, or the war on terror, and therefore you have absolutely no stake in the facts on the ground outside of what may be seen on CNN.
"You are not on my side and you aren't a soldier or an on my side political operative, therefore (I THINK I am getting this right) you ought to have no say and you don't know anything about what is happening".
Lusatian actually SAYS Joe has no stake - but to say that a citizen of the US has no stake in what is being done by the US seems to me so patently absurd, that I cannot believe he meant it. It is possible that he means that nobody who is not involved in pursuing the war ought to have a say in anything relating to it. I would love to see this opinion defended!
Lusatian wrote:The great majority of those who are participating in any way, shape, or form, could really care less that there is another member of the vaunted pseudo-intelligensia who opposes what is transpiring in their day to day lives. .
"Most of the people participating, in my opinion, don't like intellectuals either (said rudely) - especially when they disagree with them.
Lusatian wrote:Are you a patriot, even if you oppose the war? Who cares! You could be the direct descendant of Benedict Arnold, and as long as you fulfill a position that has absolutely no bearing on our national security nobody cares whether you are a patriot or not. If it makes you feel better I would gladly call you a patriot. Or at least an excellent opportunist. After all you are definitely exercising the right to free speech and freedom of expression that others (with far less learning and much less bloated intellects), work in a variety of unpleasant circumstances to provide you.
"I don't like what you think, and I will say so rudely. People like me do stuff so that people like you can disagree with me. Being a soldier is really good, a lot better than being thoughtful. I do stuff so that you can say stuff like you do, but I will get very cross with you for saying it. If you disagree with me you are bad and stupid."
Hmm - Lusatian makes a lot of assumptions about what has happened in Joe's life - and appears to assume that Joe always opposes the actions of the US military - I do not think these assumptions are warranted.
Lusatian wrote:Does my opinion matter? No! But, at least I'm not too surprised.

Huh? Ok - whatever - but - after all that, I am still unable to see a cogent point that Lusatian has made in relation to Joe's argument.
That is why I am surpriesed and puzzled by Just Wonders saying this:
JustWonders wrote: Quite possibly one of the finer posts I've read on A2K. Thanks, Lusatian!
I agree with every single, well-made point, and fully understand the need of some here to defend their "patriotism". Along with others, it doesn't surprise me that there are those willing to admit they wish defeat for our efforts in Iraq, even if they feel a need to preach it on an internet message board.
I suppose the immaturity and impatience of some of our "older" members surprises me, but that's merely my opinion.
Of course, I realize that those opposing our struggles are in complete agreement that in wishing for our defeat they're also thankful for the courage and sacrifice of our men and women serving. Of course they are.
Hmmm - ok - I GUESS we are seeing the same words....