I want the US to lose the war in Iraq

Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2008 11:16 pm
Thomas wrote:
Oops, I didn't notice this was an old thread.
Very good initial post, though!

Yes, isn't it fun to unwittingly post to ancient threads? Laughing

I know I answered a similar question on this thread about 4 years ago. Don't ask me to remember what I said!
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:46 am
rabel22 wrote:
While trying to learn how to use this site I unintentionally reported you. I dont know how to unreport so I am apoligezing. I wonder where spell ck is?

Cardinals fans Rolling Eyes
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:47 am
Thomas wrote:
Oops, I didn't notice this was an old thread.

Very good initial post, though!

All right, who are you and what have you done with Thomas?
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:55 am
I know I answered a similar question on this thread about 4 years ago. Don't ask me to remember what I said!

Well? What is your answer today?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:59 am
joefromchicago wrote:
All right, who are you and what have you done with Thomas?

I don't think we ever disagreed on Iraq -- having served in the Bundeswehr, I could never understand why Conservatives get such a hard-on about the military. The army always seemed like just another inefficient and self-referential government bureaucracy to me.

Nor is our lack of disagreement on this point remarkable. After all, a war doesn't involve any true atrocities, such as over-stretching the Commerce Clause!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 08:35 pm
Just an aside, I like the way you've navigated your avatar and your little smiley man. Can someone tell me?
Borat Sister
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 08:42 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:29 pm
teenyboone wrote:
Just an aside, I like the way you've navigated your avatar and your little smiley man. Can someone tell me?

Little smiley man? I think you're referring to Thomas's avatar, not mine. I don't think I've ever had a smiley man for an avatar (most of my avatars are grumpy white guys).
Borat Sister
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2008 09:50 pm
Lol!!! I just checked Joe's avatar using Opera's magnify function.

I thought it was a couple of knights from the Bayeux tapestry....but it's a couple of BASEBALLERS!
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 12:57 am
@Borat Sister,
It's amazing what we can see in these tiny avatars. I look at Craven's avatar and see one those snow monkeys:
It's a regular A2K Rorschach test with every post!

When in doubt, go to the profile page. A larger version of the avatar is usually there (except, strangely enough, for Borat Sister -- what can explain that?).

The solution, of course, is to make the avatars bigger, and thus more legible. So far, that has been my one-man crusade.
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 06:42 am
Tico is right in one thing; it is interesting to read in old threads.

I have rethought this question in reading in here and I realized that while I don't want our troops to die or be harmed and I want the Iraqis to have a country they can live in a reasonable peaceful state. (They are not there yet despite all the talk of the success of the surge.) I don't want us to win if it means we have permanent bases and end up being in a position where the out going administration or anyone else not an Iraqi is in a position where they will be able to profit from the oil from Iraq which is what they have been jockeying for now with all this talk of a security deal.

Also reading back I noticed finn asserted that claims such as the administration having plans to invade Iraq and PNAC was not true when in fact it is and has been proven here in these threads.

In the end all the sappy talk about democracy and suffering of Iraqis and even doing because Saddam Hussein was a bad guy and could do something to us sometime was just a cover up for the real reason they invaded which was to establish a place in the middle east for strategic and oil reasons. (I have left plenty of links in the eleventh Iraq thread just recently about the last. Ain’t in a mood to go through it again knowing in advance how it will be received.) I think some of you know that and believe that it would be good for our country and therefore justified. I disagree. I don't believe we have the right to just take things that don't belong to us. We wouldn't stand for anyone else doing it to us.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 07:07 am
I think Craven's is his dog, Harry, isn't it?

I see a photo of, well, moi, when I got to Borat Sister's profile.

Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 07:15 am
Correction. Craven's is a temply/jettyy thing.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2008 09:05 pm
I am a communist sir but a strong beliver of Mahathma Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela besides Mother Theresa.
A patriot should not allow barbarism and corrupt arrogance as in the case of Iraq war.
Got my point though my English is not that perfect?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Aug, 2008 09:33 am
I think we need to rethink the nomenclature. Instead of using "losing" and "winning," we probably should use "quitting" and "continuing."

Since, under the UN agreement to which we subscribed, our invasion was illegal, and was based on lies and fraud, it is pretty obvious that we should now quit the war.

Also, we should rethink our use of the word "enemy" in describing the Iraqis opposing us. These people, who didn't threaten or attack us, are naturally resisting our illegal and unjustified occupation. We should now look at them as Iraqi patriots, and leave them to their country.
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2008 11:11 pm
I pay my regards and respects for y<our above sober, soothing reply .
I would have used "our government" and not "we" ,because I know pretty well your views after reading all your responses.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2008 04:45 pm
I've just read the first post on this thread.

It's bullshit.

It thinks that Americans dying is a big deal. It's another handwringer.

Joe must be a Dicken's fan.
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