The shop didn't have any Dogfish 120, sublime1, much to my dismay. I had to settle for Dogfish 90 and 60, plus a few other items. They had no Anchor Xmas Ale, either, and told me that they wouldn't be getting any more this year. But a pal down in Oregon told me he had a bottle with my name on it...
Well you got that going for you, which is nice.
The search continues for the ever elusive 120 IPA
I am half way through a 6 of the 60 IPA. I ate soem Annie Chun's soba noodles with ginger-soy sauce with the beer. And, some how, together they tasted a bit like the way some roses smell. Weird.
D'Art, tell me what you think of the new xmas ale from Anchor (when you've had some).
They didn't have Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA (or Stone IPA) at the grocery tonight, so I went on a limb and bought some Dogfish Head Shelter Pale Ale - I'm not liking it as much as the 60-minute. It's a good beer, but it's pretty bland. It tastes a little too lager-ish to me. Like Anchor Steam.
Found a new
dogfish ale. They were selling the bottles individually so I grabbed one. Not bad, their description is pretty accurate on the link. It is definitely different and worth a try.
Have seen it, have not tried it.
Oh.... I still have a big bottle of arrogant bastard ale in the fridge....
I have scoured Chicago for the arrogant bastard but he still remains elusive.
I think I am going to have to ask the store to special order it.
Oh! Do that, or travel to San Diego.
Now that would be fun. Take a weekend beer tasting trip.
unfortunately Goose Island would be a bit more realistic right now.
I'd go to the NorthWest for a beer tasting weekend. Lots of good beer there. Maybe I'd go for a week..... sigh. Good thing we have good beer here in the Boston area too.
Nothing quite as good as a warm glass of cave creek chili beer while munching on possum testicles.
It's the good life.
That is the perfect beerback for Bloody Marys.
(the possum testicles are on the skewer between the olive and cheese of course)
littlek wrote:I'd go to the NorthWest for a beer tasting weekend. Lots of good beer there. Maybe I'd go for a week..... sigh. Good thing we have good beer here in the Boston area too.
Have you been to the Sam Adams brewery?
We're spoiled in Boston with the beer selection.
New Orleans had the worst beer selection I've ever seen in my life. Every bar pretty much had the same on tap: Miller Lite, Bud Light, Coors Light, Bud, and Abita.
Abita amber was a really good beer though.
Abita is pretty good, New Orleans also has crimson voodoo and blackened voodoo, those are good beers but I only saw them at a couple places down there.
Thats why I stuck to :
Hand Grenades at The Tropical Isle
Hurricanes at Patty O's
and the Typhoons at Port O' Call
Other than the scumminess how did you like Nawlins'
Have been to the sam adams brewery, the harpoon ovtoberfest, and catamount brewery.
Nawlins was a little scummy, but fun as hell. Good music, good food, can walk around Bourbon with beer in tow. Place can definitely suck the life out of you.
I have only been to the Goose Island brewery, but a ski trip later this month is taking us right past Chippewa Falls so I may have to make a side trip for some Leineys.
Quote:Nawlins was a little scummy, but fun as hell. Good music, good food, can walk around Bourbon with beer in tow. Place can definitely suck the life out of you.
First time there?
I was there for Mardi Gras about seven years ago and for Jazz Fest two years ago. I recommend Jazz Fest unless you can get a balcony for Mardi Gras. I am working on that for next year.