navigator wrote:Can we consider dermatitis as a kind of bedsores?.But, I'm not sure of the name.It's some sort of rash.
A bed sore is NOT a dermatitis. A bed sore is commonly called a "pressure sore", and if untreated, easily may lead to tissue infection and
destruction. A bed sore, when it first appears, may look pinkish in color.
This is the time, to see a medical professional for an evaluation.
It sounds to me, like your father has a problem with bed sores. If he is always in bed, and never walks around, or even sits up in a chair, the bed sores will only get worse. Also, urine in constant contact with human skin, in a patient who is bed ridden will promote bed sore formation.
To avoid bed sores, increase protein content of his diet, have him get out of bed and sit in a chair, and make sure, he is ALWAYS free of urine on his skin.
Be sure your father gets plenty of water to drink. It's posssible your father might be in need of an IV.
A common cause of skin redness in the elderly, bed ridden patient is yeast infection. To avoid this, keep skin free of urine and always dry.
A good powder is Gold Bond powder applied liberally to the skin.