Kicky, I thought you and Dag were buying a trailer together or something? What happened man?
Slappy, Dag and I were doing great until we had sex. I don't understand it. I would have thought that 90 seconds of red hot Kicky love followed by a long nap every other night would be enough to satisfy any woman, but not her. She's a nympho, man!
kickycan wrote:Aw, littlek...okay, I'll be your significant other. You can tell everybody that your Kicky's girl! And I won't even leave my dirty underwear on the floor. Sound good?
kickycan wrote:Slappy, Dag and I were doing great until we had sex. I don't understand it. I would have thought that 90 seconds of red hot Kicky love followed by a long nap every other night would be enough to satisfy any woman, but not her. She's a nympho, man!
Er, um, that's ok, Kicky, but thanks anyway.
So you and Dag are both nymphos, eh?
Okay then, how about you and Slappy!? He's a good guy, and I'm sure he'll only have the midgets over on special occasions.
Kicky, I hear you. For some reason, I can't keep a woman interested for more than a weekend.
I mean, what's wrong with sticking your head in the pillow, letting out a loud grunt, then immediately getting up to crack a beer and turn on Playstation???
So, seeing as though I don't have any xmas parties to attend, I don't really need a s.o.
No! It's ok Olga. I am not broken up about it (usually). I prolly will be close to xmas and through new years, but then I'll be fine again until the sap starts to flow in spring.
Things can happen in the meantime, ya know .....?
Is it me, or do women worry more about being single during the holidays?
I don't go through seasonal mood swings. If anything, I'd probably rather have a girlfriend during the summer, when there's more things to do.
I think that having a significant other is good for two things:
1. When you want to get out of something, you can always use your significant other as an excuse ("I can't make it, ____ is sick as a dog...I think we are going to stay in tonight")
2. If you are seriously injured and trapped under something heavy, they can call the ambulance. Actually, I think my cat might be smart enough to do that too...
Olga - maybe, you never know.
Actually, Slappy, everyone can get the blues during the holidays - singles and people in relationships. I wouldn't call it worrying in my case, just a little depressed.
I hear you...holidays can suck in general. Just seems I hear alot of women say they want a boyfriend for the winter/holidays.
Maybe this means the next month or so will make it pickups that much easier. Always thinking....
I dunno. I don't think I want a boyfriend for the holidays. I'd like a boyfriend, period. It's that the holidays take my aloneness and shoves it in my face. Well, maybe this year my brother will still be single too.
kickycan wrote:Slappy, Dag and I were doing great until we had sex. I don't understand it. I would have thought that 90 seconds of red hot Kicky love followed by a long nap every other night would be enough to satisfy any woman, but not her. She's a nympho, man!
yaaaaaaawn, just waking up. hi, kicky, you beast, you! a nympho? what's that? off to make potatoes with meatloaf and gravy for kicky.
littlek wrote:I dunno. I don't think I want a boyfriend for the holidays. I'd like a boyfriend, period. It's that the holidays take my aloneness and shoves it in my face. Well, maybe this year my brother will still be single too.
well, sistah, i'll be in town. and my sister will come to demonstrate her family-ness in person for three weeks. I will need some single spinsters around to keep me sane, too! plus i intend to throw a party during the holidays for people like us.
Dasha! I was planning a party too - shall we merge them?
Your sister and her family will be here? can I meet them? How exciting! And, thank god you'll be here this year.....
Hey, something just dawned on me. Not only have I been single for most of the last 10 xmases, but recently I've been friends with people who leave town for the holidays. No wonder I get lonely!