Where are you God?

Thu 20 Jul, 2017 04:05 pm
You believe that there are two kinds of existence:

2(a). Existence from another entity
2(b). Existence from oneself

What you are unaware of is that existence encompasses all. So repeat these two statements to yourself:

1. All is one.
1. One is all.

The two no.1s above is not a typo.

For your own purposes, you have imagined a separation between all that is and yourself. You are a part of it all, not apart from it all. You are so immersed in your self and the sensation of separateness that you can't see that you are trying to arrive at where you already are. There's nothing to look for because everything and everywhere that you can imagine is the center of all that is.

So, the problem with your theories concerning origins or sources is that your theories come from a mind that suffers the limitations imposed upon it by your firm refusal to refrain from fragmenting the whole.
Thu 20 Jul, 2017 04:15 pm
You have no chance of getting a satisfactory answer.

I'm not looking for satisfaction. But s/he is. Starvation is a great motivator; it's a beginning.
Thu 20 Jul, 2017 07:47 pm
Dear Glennn, I am very glad that we are talking with reason!

Now you tell:
You believe that there are two kinds of existence
2(a). Existence from another entity
2(b). Existence from oneself

What you are unaware of is that existence encompasses all. So repeat these two statements to yourself:

1. All is one.
1. One is all.

The two no.1s above is not a typo.

Let me put my sentences and your sentences in conjunction, like this:

2(a). Existence from another entity = 1. All is one.

2(b). Existence from oneself = 1. One is all.

Are you saying that I am indicating that existence from another is identical to existence from oneself, because for you All is one is identical to One is All?

You mean to tell me that an entity that is from another entity is identical to an entity that is from itself?

My meaning is that an entity that is from another is distinct from an entity that is from itself: that is why an entity that is from another cannot be otherwise than it is finally ultimately from an entity that is from itself.*

Please explain what you understand from me, but I tell you you are getting me completely wrong, and you understand the sentences below, completely wrongly, that these two sentences below from me are convertible completely - which is a wrong understanding from you.

2(a). Existence from another entity
2(b). Existence from oneself

I fear that you are not reading my sentences even literally correct.

Okay, dear readers, it is about time that you people who read and are registered members of a2k, engage in the exchange between dear Glennn and me.

*What I read almost repeatedly from atheists is their challenge about how there can be at all an entity that is from itself, while every entity is from another.

And I can't take it from them that they cannot accept that it is impossible that every guy is leaning on another guy to remain standing, without one guy at all standing all by himself and from himself upright.

There might be for atheists some kind of their peculiar logic, for there are all kinds of bizarre logic with humans, owing to the freedom of thought as shall I say one of the human rights advocated by the United Nations(?).

About able2know

Able2know's mission is to help connect people, knowledge and resources.

Able2know is committed to providing these services free of charge. We believe the costs of developing and providing these services should be defrayed primarily with ethical advertising -- that is, an avoidance of pop-ups, spam, or other unreasonably obtrusive forms of advertising.

We seek to maximize the opportunities for people with similar interests and goals to connect, gather information, and network through the able2know service.

0 Replies
Thu 20 Jul, 2017 08:50 pm
Not a beginning...look at it !....Its just a perpetual roundabout of egotistic rambling desparate for any external 'push' it can get.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Jul, 2017 10:22 pm
I thought it might be time to repeat the question asked by jamiemellien. The thread was started by a young women looking for help apparently due to depression, anxiety and severe uncertainty over her sense of self. There was nothing wrong in her reaching out, and maybe those of us who no longer or never did believe, could've offered her a little more compassion......However this thread was hijacked by a flaming asshole looking for an opportunity to express his sense of superiority (giggles), he deep devotion to 'who the hell knows' and his utter contempt for everything and his pathetic attempt to exert authority over the members.......who knows, maybe he's just another pimply 400 lb 14 year old posting on his Mom's a laptop living somewhere in Louisiana in his parents basement. (Hi ollaroy).

I think we caved, we got distracted by an overbearing martinet wannabe with a thimble full of religious knowledge dwarfed by a fifty gallon drum of teen arrogance. I'm not criticizing anyone's belief or non-belief, I went to parochial schools, but even as a child I could see sanity and insanity/ kindness and cruelty in various viewpoints. For those of you who believe that God will welcome you into heaven.....I hope it happens. For those of you who think religion or deity is as much as a myth as the tooth fairy....we will either be happy to discover there is an afterlife...or when we die,,,we are just dead...and feel nothing.

Either way, I can't make it change regardless of how hard I pray, or reason, or insult or condemn others as heretics or atheists. There might be a God, but maybe there isn't. I don't have any control so I don't worry abut it. Honestly I don't...I just don't know. I can tell anyone who cares, that I have studied many different religions....I think everyone should...it takes the fear and loathing and superstition out of the program.. Some of us can see these beliefs as profound, or flakey, ugly, beautiful, what's your pleasure?

I still think it was a mistake for us to engage that idiot harpy, that smug authoritarian quasi -intellectual 'never to be Renaissance person' that dilettante Susmariosep'. It was fun for awhile making sport of that blowhard...but that poor soul who actually started all this was swept away, her pain was dismissed. Who benefitted?? That soulless creep, that overarching attention seeker 'Susmariosep".

Anyhow,,,,,,I think we lost the OP, I hope she finds her way.....but I'm not going to participate in feeding that jerk any more attention.

So, just in case you don't 'get' it, you suck Susmarisep, you suck like a Hoover.

jamiemellien wrote:

I was raised going to church until my dad died of cancer when i was 11. After that my life has been nothing but heartbreak and chaos. Im 30 now and about a year ago i met someone who helped reintroduce me to Christ. He has one of the strongest testimonies i have ever heard but yet just landed himself in jail facing decades behind bars. I just dont understand how God finally started to get through to me and then removed him from me when im still so unsure and doubtful lacking a true testimony of my own. I want to feel that conviction more than anything in the world but i feel like im 11 years old again and my dad just died and im lost in the wind. I know i need to learn how to put God first but i dont know how to make myself feel something i dont feel. I continue to sin and struggle with addiction and depression and have this aching hole in my heart. Something inside of me knows God is the answer but something inside of me is also rejecting it or something. Ive been reading the bible studying and investing serious time into God and i just dont feel like ive got any response from him . all i need is just a little peace of mind that im doing something right. Ive ran away and avoided things my entire life and im scared to death if i dont feel something soon ill stop searching and give up on God. I know a couple months of trying to reconnect with God doesnt make up for the last 20 years of complete chaos selfishness and sin but I need His help. I feel like im drowning. I know the unstability of my childhood and life has greatly impacted me in so many negative ways and deep down i yearn for a stable home and partner who knows and loves God and is willing to lead our family . I thought i found that but it was for such a brief brief moment. The guy Im dating tells me on the phone its wonderful how many people in jail hes getting to talk to about God and i really do think its great hes reaching people but what about me? I want God in my life i really really do . So why do i still feel so completely alone
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 05:41 am
Don't tell me you're still stuck on that fecking island.
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 05:57 am
Yes...and you tell tell Seamus the pig's in the butter again !
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 07:41 am
I think we caved, we got distracted by an overbearing martinet wannabe with a thimble full of religious knowledge dwarfed by a fifty gallon drum of teen arrogance.

You're quite right. I stumbled onto this thread six pages in and didn't bother to check the opening post. So I will refrain from indulging that poster any further . . . unless he starts his/her own thread and titles it: Why I'm Right and You're Wrong, which I believe he just might.

On a related note, Duke has been sitting next to my chair since I opened my laptop, and he was growling right up until I typed the first line of this post. Now he's wagging his tail. Makes me wonder just who the master is.
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 09:46 am
I would if I wasn't stuck in the tunnel of goats.
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 12:45 pm
About able2know

Able2know's mission is to help connect people, knowledge and resources.


We seek to maximize the opportunities for people with similar interests and goals to connect, gather information, and network through the able2know service.

So, Oh ye useless posters here, please change for the better.

Dear readers here, thanks for your presence.

Now, I like to bring to your notice that one Glennn is now into actual factual genuine evasiveness, true to the instinctive urge of atheists to always run away when the conversation with them get serious, serious enough to expose their evasiveness in aid of their Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

I was happy when I noticed that he was into a rational and productive dialogue with me, but today I am very disappointed, he has turned up his true dyed in the wool color of a genuine atheist evasive co-respondent partner on the dialogue on the issue of God exists or not, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

I am reproducing my post addressed to him, on which to date and time he has gone into evasiveness, instead of reacting i.e. continuing to dialog with me, because and I know it, he is now into flight mode.

Dear readers here, let us all sit back and witness to see if and when Glennn will return to resume the dialogue between him and me, in the meantime please read my last post to him, reproduced below.

I tell you, Glennn when he returns he will not resume at all our earlier dialogue but go into another direction, all in aid of evasiveness in the pursuit of atheists’ Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

• Post: # 6,468,366 • Susmariosep • Thu 20 Jul, 2017 07:47 pm

Dear Glennn, I am very glad that we are talking with reason!

Now you tell [me]:
You believe that there are two kinds of existence
2(a). Existence from another entity
2(b). Existence from oneself
What you are unaware of is that existence encompasses all. So repeat these two statements to yourself:

1. All is one.
1. One is all.

The two no.1s above is not a typo.

Let me put my sentences and your sentences in conjunction, like this:

2(a). Existence from another entity = 1. All is one.

2(b). Existence from oneself = 1. One is all.

Are you saying that I am indicating that existence from another is identical to existence from oneself, because for you All is one is identical to One is All?

You mean to tell me that an entity that is from another entity is identical to an entity that is from itself?

My meaning is that an entity that is from another is distinct from an entity that is from itself: that is why an entity that is from another cannot be otherwise than it is finally ultimately from an entity that is from itself.*

Please explain what you understand from me, but I tell you you are getting me completely wrong, and you understand the sentences below, completely wrongly, that these two sentences below from me are convertible completely - which is a wrong understanding from you.

2(a). Existence from another entity
2(b). Existence from oneself

I fear that you are not reading my sentences even literally correct.

Okay, dear readers, it is about time that you people who read and are registered members of a2k, engage in the exchange between dear Glennn and me.

*What I read almost repeatedly from atheists is their challenge about how there can be at all an entity that is from itself, while every entity is from another.

And I can't take it from them that they cannot accept that it is impossible that every guy is leaning on another guy to remain standing, without one guy at all standing all by himself and from himself upright.

There might be for atheists some kind of their peculiar logic, for there are all kinds of bizarre logic with humans, owing to the freedom of thought as shall I say one of the human rights advocated by the United Nations(?).

About able2know

Able2know's mission is to help connect people, knowledge and resources.

Able2know is committed to providing these services free of charge. We believe the costs of developing and providing these services should be defrayed primarily with ethical advertising -- that is, an avoidance of pop-ups, spam, or other unreasonably obtrusive forms of advertising.

We seek to maximize the opportunities for people with similar interests and goals to connect, gather information, and network through the able2know service.

0 Replies
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 05:11 pm
Get those three Billy Goats Gruff out of there and over the racketty bridge quick ! The troll's off on his daily ramble again !
Fri 21 Jul, 2017 06:15 pm
I'd send more goats in to dislodge the troll.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 02:27 pm
Never trust goats !
Sun 23 Jul, 2017 10:50 am
*Please read the Postscript at the end, with the * mark.

About able2know

Able2know's mission is to help connect people, knowledge and resources.


We seek to maximize the opportunities for people with similar interests and goals to connect, gather information, and network through the able2know service.

So, Oh ye useless posters here, please change for the better.

Dear readers here and also dear Fresco, do you and we all recall that when I met Fresco the first time, I told him that he is into nothing but name-dropping, then later I added that he is also into technical-terms-dropping.

To date, he is no longer into name-dropping and technical-terms-dropping, and no longer insisting that I must go and read in a college library, to what, to think and write – Oh no - like him.

Now, I see him to be altogether off-tangent into extreme stupidity and irrelevancy, in order to stay stubborn in contact with me, just to prove to himself that he is a persistent pestering fool.

Okay, dear Fresco, when are you if ever going to think on this statement from me: "The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence"?

Dear readers here, Please: you too think about this statement, from me:

"The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence."

You see, dear readers here, when you meet supposedly learned persons who wax extremely eloquent with ideas which they themselves don't understand at all, tell them or ask them to explain what this statement means, "The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence."

But first remind them to work with their naturally endowed reason: on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence.

You know what, dear readers here?

They will behave like Fresco, name-dripping err dropping, and then bringing in also technical-terms-dropping, finally they will instead of just going away because they are all rattled up thoughtless, they will stay put, like Fresco.

Fresco is the only atheist still seeking attention from yours truly, still insisting on having the last word, that of a fool, with stubbornly uttering nothing but stupidity, just to remain present in our midst.

To convince himself that he ain't got nothing inside his brain but now only pure persistent stupid perseverance in total inanity, vacuity, insanity free fall in his empty brain space.

Tell you what, dear Fresco, do some genuine thinking on the statement:

"The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence," at the same time read in your college library any short piece of writing by one of your idols like perhaps Bertrand Russell, on why he is not a Christian, take notice whether he ever starts from the pre-requisite of sticking closely to the statement:

"The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence."

I tell you readers here, Fresco will when he is still again in my presence, he will come again as now a routine with his goats, thus he is more and more into the company of goats - and donkeys, no offense though to goats and donkeys.

I propose to the owners of goats and donkeys to get their erstwhile worthy creatures of service to mankind, away from Fresco, and see whether he will feel any sanity now as to do genuine thinking on the statement:

"The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.”


About able2know

Able2know's mission is to help connect people, knowledge and resources.


We seek to maximize the opportunities for people with similar interests and goals to connect, gather information, and network through the able2know service.

*Hehehehehehe ... dear folks, all in good comic or cosmic humor relief, okay?
0 Replies
Sun 23 Jul, 2017 11:31 am
Dear readers here, in order to not waste precious bandwidth here, which is certainly an abuse on the goodness of the founders, owners, and operators of this most worthy forum of a2k, let us study together this statement, "The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence."

I know it is getting monotonous, but consider traffic signs in the streets, they are put there for your instruction as to keep safe and thus happy - so also the statement, "The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence," it will keep you intellectually safe and thus happy with your cognitive integrity.

Okay, ready, set, go!

We ask ourselves, how do we know we exist at all?

Have you experienced having slept so very deeply that when you awoke some hours later, you realized that you or we had been in an unconscious state, so far into total bereft-ment of nothing at all, not even any dream whatsoever.

Once I had to keep watch on a beloved family member for 48 hours straight, the beloved family member was in a critical condition in the hospital.

Then another family member took over the watch from me, and I went home and dropped down at once in bed and sank into deep dreamless sleep for, upon looking at my watch, I was asleep for twelve continuous hours, in total absolute unconscious state.

In that state, dear readers here, you or we have experienced in a way non-existence and returned back to existence, that is some sort of experience in absentia, i.e., when we look back we realize that we had ceased to exist all the time when we were in that deep deep deep sleep condition of unconsciousness, which is in effect, NON-EXISTENCE.

There, do we know what is existence then? As opposed and contrary to existence?

Have we not awaken ever from that sleep, we will have gone into non-existence and never get to know about it - but our family members and friends, they know that we have ceased existing as a living human, which is tantamount to plain non-existence, period - end of story.

Now, I ask you and myself, how does that kind of the knowledge of non-existence figure with the issue God exists or not, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning?

Think about that and write about it here.
0 Replies
Wed 26 Jul, 2017 12:38 pm
Dear readers here, you know what?

You visit this thread where I am interested in but don't meet anyone at all after 24 hours, i.e. anyone who wanted to exchange thoughts with me.

And neither have you contributed any post to it (I am not the author here, though).

Why did you at all view this thread?

You are looking for something of course, but you do not find it in my post, which will motivate you to write as to contact me for me to react to you.

This thread is intended by its author, one jamiemellien, to get people to talk with him/her on why God is not answering to his/her need, but he/she himself/herself is not monitoring his/her own thread at all.

So, I ask you everyone who know me to be in existence here in a2k: Next time please tell me what you want to read at all, and perhaps we can get to exchange thoughts, and we both learn something useful to us both.

What do you say about that?

Okay, dear readers here, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to witness, if at all anyone turn up in this thread to interact with me, me now the last poster to have contributed a post to it.
Mon 31 Jul, 2017 04:40 pm
There is no God. All religions and deities are just made up, myths, fables, superstition. I'm not saying there is no higher power in the universe, but if there is, it is no god of any made up religion.
Tue 1 Aug, 2017 01:24 pm
Part 1/3

Dear RJ, thanks for your message; I was concerned that no one anymore wanted to exchange thoughts with me on this thread, it is not my thread though, but I love to talk with persons who think that there is no god whatsoever.

Now, let me see how long you will stay with me on the issue god exists or not.

You say: "There is no God. All religions and deities are just made up, myths, fables, superstition. I'm not saying there is no higher power in the universe, but if there is, it is no god of any made up religion."

What do you say: shouldn't we first in the name of logical exchange, first work as to concur on what is the concept of god you are denying to exist?

My concept of god is that in concept god is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Please do not right away start attacking my concept of god, but first you please tell me at least any information you have of a concept of god.

This means, please do not tell me that you don't have any concept of god, because you don't accept any existence of any god.

That kind of a position is not a logical one: because to be logical you just have to at least in your mind some information of the god or whatever gods you have known about, in the course of denying that god(s) exist at all.

You see, I know that you are an atheist, but that does not mean that you must have no information at all about god.

See next post.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Aug, 2017 01:27 pm
Part 2/3

Why must you not insist that you don't have to at least have in your mind some information at all about the concept of god, as like for example, my concept of god, why?

Because it is illogical for a human being who has the use of reason and is therefore intelligent, to claim that there is no god existing, but at the same time does not have any information at all on any concept of god.

Why illogical? Because it is not according to rational thinking to deny the existence of something which at the same time you have no concept information of.

Attention please: I say information, I do not say acceptance of god, but information on the concept of god.

You see, I have talked with atheists and have come to countless number of them insisting that they don't have even any information of god, because they don't accept the existence of god.

That is in effect insanity, for with that kind of an attitude, how can these atheists even know what people are talking about at all, in regard to god existing or not existing, that includes you if you insist that you don't have to harbor in your mind at least just the information on a concept of god.

See next post.
0 Replies
Tue 1 Aug, 2017 01:28 pm
Part 3/3

So, dear RJ, I have presented my concept of god, namely: god in concept for myself is first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

When you react to this post from me, please start with whatever information you have at all come across in your reading life, on any concept of god.

For example, you can tell me that in your reading life you have come across the concept of god as a flying spaghetti monster, that is already sufficient for us two to get connected.

But if you keep on insisting that you don't have to at least know some information on the concept of god, because you don't accept the existence of god, then I will to tell you that you are impossible to talk with at all, on the issue god exists or not.

Okay, dear readers here, let us all sit back and witness with bated breath how RJ will react to my post: will he be rational or altogether irrational?

Keep tuned in on this thread, everyone!

But I tell you, there is an 85% probability that RJ will go away and not return anymore to this thread, or talk with me anymore ever in a2k.
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