Where are you God?

Fil Albuquerque
Mon 7 Aug, 2017 08:38 am
You wanna know the actual "plan" of Nature? To keep balance and meaning in place some poor bastards have to suffer hell in life in order for others to appreciate what there is of goodness n beauty in the Cosmos. None of it would matter if suffering n loss were impossible. Death is the guarentee of Value!
Mon 7 Aug, 2017 03:26 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Alb says:
"You wanna know the actual "plan" of Nature? To keep balance and meaning in place some poor bastards have to suffer hell in life in order for others to appreciate... !

And may I just add by way of an impertinent comment, don't forget hell after departure from this side of the grave.


Dear Alb, you mention hell, but today it is no longer a scarecrow for modern mankind; I say modern because there are still groups of mankind who are not modern.

I seem to have read that the UK Parliament which is also into making religious pronouncements, like that hell does not exist.

Wait, let me look up just one mention of UK Parliament in effect on the non-existence of hell.

. . .

Here, read this text:

Friday, 11 November 2011

The day that hell was abolished

The subject of this post is the remarkable case of Williams v Bishop of Salisbury (1863) 15 ER 943, in which the British state officially determined that eternal damnation is not part of the doctrine of the Church of England.

The Church and the State

In spite of the general acceptance by the judiciary of the secular character of British law, the Church of England is an established national church, and her doctrine and discipline forms part of the concerns of the British state. This was even more so in the 19th century. Hence the Williams case, which had originally been heard by the ecclesiastical Arches Court of Canterbury, ended up being decided by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, an essentially secular body. Moreover, the proceedings were brought under an Act of Parliament, the Church Discipline Act (3-4 Vict. c.86), which imposed criminal liability for professing heretical doctrines.

[ Etc. etc. etc. ]

The decision caused considerable displeasure in some quarters. It was said that the Privy Council had "dismissed hell with costs."

Extracts from the judgment

The seventh Article, as reformed, sets forth certain passages extracted from pages 60 and 61, and from pages 77 and 78, of the volume containing Dr. Williams's Essay, and charges that in the passages so extracted, Dr. Williams has advisedly maintained and affirmed that the Bible or Holy Scripture is “an expression of devout reason,” and “the written voice of the congregation” — not... [ Etc etc. etc. ]
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Wed 20 Sep, 2017 05:57 pm
Dear Speedy, I have the honor and pleasure to commend you for you post which is a very fresh whiff of pure clean air; here, I will reproduce it for my own reading again:
Hey, I understand your disenfranchisement because I've been there, and I want to be able to help you and others like you. I’m a new Youtuber trying to get the word out about my channel on Christ and finding greater humanization in today’s hostile world. This video I just made is just an introduction to my channel (so I'll have more to come), and it is my hope that something in my channel will click with people and bring us all a little closer to Him.

There's so much more I want to say in response to what you wrote, and I absolutely grieve for the difficulties you've been through. It's really hard, and my heart goes out to you. Hopefully, more of my future videos addressing pain and all (because I have pain in my life, in different ways) will help you along the path toward getting into a good relationship with God that will enrich your life and the lives of those you encounter.

Best to you,
Joe from "FindingFaith"
0 Replies
Wed 20 Sep, 2017 06:20 pm
Dear Oh ye atheists, time for you to treat yourselves to a free good fresh clear whiff of God-given air; read the post of speedyj1992.

I just met one of your colleagues in another forum, he sounds so smart with declaring that everything of any semblance of system is due to randomness of sub-atomic particles.

I just told him to get down from his vacuous perch of inane nonsense thinking all inside his self-stifled brain, and go forth into the world that is outside and independent of his self-emasculated erh lobotomized brain, to look up any system that satisfies the definition in dictionaries of what is a system, and point out where is the randomness of sub-atomic particles, in any system he has found to be a system.

Dear atheists here, you also take up my challenge to locate what to you is a system, as defined in dictionaries, and then show me where is the randomness of sub-atomic particles that gives rise to the system.

Tip: Read on the components of the material universe, like say: sub-atomic particles, then more sub-sub atomic particles, and then gravity, then next electromagnetic force, and to follow: the weak and the strong nuclear forces: there, they all work together according to you atheist guys, in randomness which result into what, like the solar system with the earth and its fellow planets orbiting the sun, while the moon as a satellite of the earth orbiting the earth?
0 Replies
Thu 21 Sep, 2017 08:47 pm
Dear everyone here, I am curious to know how the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and which else?

Also, courtesy of Wikipedia: Iceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands...

I am curious, from my stock reading they are supposed these lands and peoples to be completely freed of religions - how are they getting on without religion at all?

Of course religion is one thing and God is another thing.

In my own case, God for me is in concept first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

From contacts with atheists, I have accommodated my Christian religion, to the effect that I call myself a diy Christian.

What is that diy Christian?

Have I mentioned it here, it is in a way like diy cuisine, diy couture, and diy coiffure, only it has to do with spirituality.

I envy in a way Speedy1992, he appears to have the Christian faith that is bound to an institution, and with the benefit of what? guarantee from the institution?

I must have read now and then, that sociologists are also studying the folks in these Scandinavian countries, they were once traditional Christian lands and Christian peoples.

Consider Russia, and all the countries previously making up the communist Union of Social Socialist Republics under the aegis of Russia.

Today, with the old hardened founders of communism totalitarian ideologues dead and gone, the populace there has returned with nostalgia relief to their comfortable Russian Orthodox Church, and feels satisfied with it, even the leaders themselves, like Putin and company.

Can you imagine that in the heyday of communism, churches and properties of the Russian Orthodox Church were converted into what were called atheistic seminaries, instead of homes for the worship of God and the formation of church workers of all kinds, like priests and monks and pastors and religious teachers.

In my own case, God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, and religion is a drama, and with myself, I have a diy drama of a religion.

Can you imagine the Russian nation are glad to have returned home to Mother Russia of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Putin wonders openly now and then on what is becoming of Western Christianism like in America and in the United Kingdom and in Western Europe.

Old time religion is like the drama of a romance, God in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, it sounds so antiseptic, definitely, no romance at all.
Fri 22 Sep, 2017 12:30 am
Susmariosep wrote:

Dear everyone here, I am curious to know how the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and which else?

This is a non sentence. You're curious to know how the Scandinavian countries what?

Fri 22 Sep, 2017 02:27 am
He's not curious at all ! He can't work out why Northern Europeans and other Westerners who have a high degree of atheism, have been so materially and intellectually successful relative to less developed countries like his own.
He is yearning for 'intellectual recognition' without understanding that he lacks the intellectual and cultural equipment to qualify, and is resentfully forced to fall back on an outmoded preaching mode summarised by a pathetic 'Hear ye O atheists...I know better than you ! Repetition of that drivel time after time is the forum equivalent of ritulalist prayer chanting ...the word magic of hypnotic self reinforcement...to be brandished at anybody who shows the slightest recognition of his presence.
Fri 22 Sep, 2017 03:28 am
Denmark is ******* brilliant. I had a great time in Copenhagen last month.
Fri 22 Sep, 2017 05:14 am
True. Nice cafes with tartan blankets by the harbour !
0 Replies
Sat 23 Sep, 2017 06:47 am
He's not curious at all ! He can't work out why Northern Europeans and other Westerners who have a high degree of atheism, have been so materially and intellectually successful relative to less developed countries like his own.
He is yearning for 'intellectual recognition' without understanding that he lacks the intellectual and cultural equipment to qualify, and is resentfully forced to fall back on an outmoded preaching mode summarised by a pathetic 'Hear ye O atheists...I know better than you ! Repetition of that drivel time after time is the forum equivalent of ritulalist prayer chanting ...the word magic of hypnotic self reinforcement...to be brandished at anybody who shows the slightest recognition of his presence.
You are not curious at all. Your implication that these countries are more successful because of atheistic beliefs has no supporting data. You sound as prejudice as someone saying those countries are better because they have less Black People and Hispanics. You are sounding like a bigot.
Repetition of that drivel time after time is the forum equivalent of ritulalist prayer chanting ...the word magic of hypnotic self reinforcement...to be brandished at anybody who shows the slightest recognition of his presence.
Why do you keep accusing others of what you are doing?
Sat 23 Sep, 2017 06:52 am
If you'd been to Denmark you'd know that there are plenty of black people living there. You're grubbing around looking for prejudice where there is none because you can't address the facts.
0 Replies
Sat 23 Sep, 2017 07:32 am
I think you've 'lost it'. I am merely trying to discourage posters from 'feeding a troll' who has been banned from other forums. And as far as my use of the word ' drivel' is concerned I reserve it for blatant unwarranted assertions from theists who try to attack atheism on the misguided assumption that there is 'a level playing field' as far as ' debate of beliefs' is concerned which leads them to try to classify 'atheism' as 'a belief'

0 Replies
Mon 25 Sep, 2017 02:05 pm
Thanks everyone for your attention to my pensive words.

Now concentrate on the lines my post below in underscore, and tell me your comments on my thoughts therein.

Here, I bring them up for your convenience.

"Of course religion is one thing and God is another thing.

In my own case, God for me is in concept first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

From contacts with atheists, I have accommodated my Christian religion, to the effect that I call myself a diy Christian.

What is that diy Christian?

Have I mentioned it here, it is in a way like diy cuisine, diy couture, and diy coiffure, only it has to do with spirituality."

• Post: # 6,507,802 • Susmariosep Thu 21 Sep, 2017 08:47 pm

Dear everyone here, I am curious to know how the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and which else?

Also, courtesy of Wikipedia: Iceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands...

I am curious, from my stock reading they are supposed these lands and peoples to be completely freed of religions - how are they getting on without religion at all?

Of course religion is one thing and God is another thing.

In my own case, God for me is in concept first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

From contacts with atheists, I have accommodated my Christian religion, to the effect that I call myself a diy Christian.

What is that diy Christian?

Have I mentioned it here, it is in a way like diy cuisine, diy couture, and diy coiffure, only it has to do with spirituality

I envy in a way Speedy1992, he appears to have the Christian faith that is bound to an institution, and with the benefit of what? guarantee from the institution?

I must have read now and then, that sociologists are also studying the folks in these Scandinavian countries, they were once traditional Christian lands and Christian peoples.

Consider Russia, and all the countries previously making up the communist Union of Social Socialist Republics under the aegis of Russia.

Today, with the old hardened founders of communism totalitarian ideologues dead and gone, the populace there has returned with nostalgia relief to their comfortable Russian Orthodox Church, and feels satisfied with it, even the leaders themselves, like Putin and company.

Can you imagine that in the heyday of communism, churches and properties of the Russian Orthodox Church were converted into what were called atheistic seminaries, instead of homes for the worship of God and the formation of church workers of all kinds, like priests and monks and pastors and religious teachers.

In my own case, God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, and religion is a drama, and with myself, I have a diy drama of a religion.

Can you imagine the Russian nation are glad to have returned home to Mother Russia of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Putin wonders openly now and then on what is becoming of Western Christianism like in America and in the United Kingdom and in Western Europe.

Old time religion is like the drama of a romance, God in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, it sounds so antiseptic, definitely, no romance at all.
0 Replies
Thu 28 Sep, 2017 05:56 pm
Thanks badeosu0, for your message with a Biblical text, though I am not the author of this thread.

In a way, I moved this thread from one of patience in the face of trials, to the question Does God exist?

And my thrust is into the rational explanation for God existing in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning - no revelation here, not from the Bible and not from the Koran, except insofar as these texts are records of man's thinking, i.e., without bringing in that they represent for religious believers in God, revelation from God.

You see, dear atheists and fellow theists here, it is the common dogma of Christianism that man can and does know God to exist even without any revelation from God Himself affirming to His own existence, but by just man thinking on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence.

Here, dear atheists, I have a post in another forum, which I think you will want to give your comments on:

[ quote ]
On 9/27/2017 at 2:16 AM, jmccr8 said:
How is what you are trying to put forward an exception from the way that Russell made his example? Is this a claim of purity, that your life and character are without flaw so your premises is sound? That vanity will garner little support no matter how important you believe your position.


The way I see it, atheists like Russell even though he says that he is agnostic but admits that in effect he is atheist, atheists do not have any correct hypothesis of God existing, what they have is only a hypothesis of an orbiting teapot in space existing, or a flying spaghetti monster existing.

Dear atheist colleagues here:

These are the two hypotheses which Russell is saying to be both ridiculous, therefore God does not exist:

1. [ For God ] There exists God in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.
2. [ For teapot and spaghetti ] There exists an orbiting teapot in space, or a flying spaghetti monster.

I have studied all arguments of atheists against God existing, and they are all evasions instead of being correctly focused on the hypothesis, namely:

"There exists God in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning."

[ If anyone is keen to know what forum is the original home of the post above, just tell me, okay? ]
[ /quote ]
Thu 28 Sep, 2017 08:56 pm
I think you are deranged. The member Badeosuo was attempting to offer comfort to the person who started this thread. Fortunately he recognized what the person was asking......but you????? Apparently you think this is just another opportunity to conduct a theology class and label others as atheists even though you really don't know who is or who isn't. You have displayed an arrogance that would be an utter blasphemy in the face of almost any definition of God. How difficult would it be for you to offer even a modicum of comfort, a nod of recognition of the pain and ache of the OP? I'm guessing it's impossible for you to deign consideration of anything other than your own rarified sense of 'State of Grace'. If a heaven and hell exist, I doubt you will be granted entry into either place.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Sep, 2017 01:37 pm
Thanks a lot to you all for your contributions to this thread, although I am not the author, but the author has taken his leave of permanent absence.

Here is a super brief but most pithy explanation for the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

"The universe and man exist, therefore there has got to be a mastermind in charge, that mastermind is what I call God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning."

Dear atheist colleague here, see if you can out argue that explanation for the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

So, Oh ye Christians, who are not happy with God's not being present to you in your hour of need, you must know that God has a lot of things to do, running the universe and everything else in existence,

Besides, what you experience to be absence of God, He is the shell in which you live and move and have your existence, and He is also the medium in you live and move and have your existence, in other words He is around everywhere and all the time and permeates all existence,

Even the virus which causes what we call the evil of diseases, they all virus, bacteria, mankind, trees, the sun and the moon, the massive galaxies, in brief, the universe and man: they and we all have our roles to play, and only God knows what roles he has assigned for each and everyone of us, starting with the very most primitive sub sub sub atomic particle.

0 Replies
Sun 1 Oct, 2017 12:47 pm
Dear readers, please take notice of the seasoned and experienced atheist posters here, they are now silent.

So, for the sake of your convenience, in particular with any readers who long to have an irrefutable explanation for God existing, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning, wherefore I add now, and the mastermind in charge of man and the universe, let you just present to them atheist seasoned and experienced talkers against God existing, this explanation as follows below which is my earlier post in this thread:

See text in bold, italic, and in underscore.

Thanks a lot to you all for your contributions to this thread, although I am not the author, but the author has taken his leave of permanent absence.

Here is a super brief but most pithy explanation for the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

"The universe and man exist, therefore there has got to be a mastermind in charge, that mastermind is what I call God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning."

Dear atheist colleague here, see if you can out argue that explanation for the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

So, Oh ye Christians, who are not happy with God's not being present to you in your hour of need, you must know that God has a lot of things to do, running the universe and everything else in existence,

Besides, what you experience to be absence of God, He is the shell in which you live and move and have your existence, and He is also the medium in you live and move and have your existence, in other words He is around everywhere and all the time and permeates all existence,

Even the virus which causes what we call the evil of diseases, they all virus, bacteria, mankind, trees, the sun and the moon, the massive galaxies, in brief, the universe and man: they and we all have our roles to play, and only God knows what roles he has assigned for each and everyone of us, starting with the very most primitive sub sub sub atomic particle.


Sun 1 Oct, 2017 01:16 pm
Dear seasoned and experienced and hardened atheists here in a2k, please speak up against my explanation on God existing, namely:

"The universe and man exist, therefore there has got to be a mastermind in charge, ergo God exists in concept as mastermind in charge of the universe and man, and that follows from the fact that He is in concept first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning."

Please, Oh ye seasoned and experienced and hardened atheists in ak2, speak up and declare your assent to my explanation for God existing, in concept as mastermind in charge of the universe and man, and that from His role as in concept first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

You don't want to speak up to declare your assent to my explanation?

Anyway, you can keep quiet, but as in a game people can see right away who are not blind but well versed in thinking on truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence, that you have lost the debate on God existing or not.

It is like in a game of chess, the losing player can stubbornly refuse to admit defeat, but all witnesses to the game can and do see that the losing player has been cornered into a mate* situation.

So also with my explanation for God existing, the seasoned and experienced and hardened atheists here, they have been put in a mate corner, i.e., they are routed.

*Mate, from "checkmate" in the game of chess.
"Checkmate (often shortened to mate) is a game position in chess and other chess-like games in which a player's king is in check (threatened with capture) and there is no way to remove the threat. Checkmating the opponent wins the game."
Courtesy of google
Sun 1 Oct, 2017 05:54 pm
Dear readers, please take notice of the seasoned and experienced atheist posters here, they are now silent.

We're silent because conversation with you is impossible. I've had more meaningful exchanges with a parrot. You don't take part in conversation. You recite. With you there is no debate, no exchange of ideas. You'd be right at home shouting from a mountaintop, with no chance of anyone responding. Or maybe you're one of those who stand on street corners and preach to the masses as they pass you by and ignore you. Good luck with your therapy.
Sun 1 Oct, 2017 07:03 pm
You don't take part in conversation. You recite

Very true. He does not talk with anyone; he talks at them.
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