Where are you God?

Tue 10 Oct, 2017 01:21 am
Wake up Brian !
Having been thrown out of multiple forums, Sus attempts every trick in the book just to get somebody to talk to him. It has nothing to do with your particular rationality about what you call 'God'. .i.e, It's has nothing to do with 'the spirit of love',.and everything to do with neurotic attention seeking. In my experience, those who are secure with their 'faith' have no need to irritate others by continuous soapbox preaching.
Tue 10 Oct, 2017 01:28 am
Good stuff !
Try also the Pidgin English Bible. aka 'Da Jesus Book'.
Gotta Find Dea Own Wheat Stalk Fo Make Brick
6Dat same day, da Pharaoh guy wen talk to da Egypt guys dat make da slave peopo work, an to da luna guys from da Israel peopo. He tell um wat dey gotta do: 7“From now, you Egypt guys no go get da wheat stalk an give um to da Israel peopo fo make mud brick. You guys wen give um befo time, but now, dey gotta go bring in da wheat stalk demself. 8But eh! Dey still gotta make da same numba brick ery day dat dey stay make befo time. No tell um az okay, no need make same numba brick, cuz dey ony slacking off! Dass why dey talking, ‘Us guys like go inside da boonies fo make sacrifice fo oua God!’ 9No let um stop. Give um mo work! No good dey lissen to somebody who stay bulai dem!”
10So, da Egypt guys dat make da slave peopo work, an da luna guys from dea own peopo, dey go by da Israel peopo an tell um, “Da Pharaoh guy, he say dis: From now, I no goin give you guys dry wheat stalk fo make brick! 11You guys, you gotta go aroun any place get da wheat stalk yoa own self. But goin get problem if you guys no make da same numba bricks jalike befo time.”
12So da Israel peopo wen go all ova da place inside da Egypt land, fo cut da wheat stalk dat nobody cut yet, so dey can get togedda nuff wheat stalk fo make da brick. 13Da luna guys give plenny presha fo dem, an tell um, “Ery day, you guys gotta finish make da same numba bricks dat day, jalike was befo time wen us guys stay bring da wheat stalk fo you.”
14Da guys in charge a da slaves fo da Pharaoh guy, dey bus up da luna guys from da Israel peopo dat was da leadas fo da odda workas. Dey tell da luna guys, “Eh! Yesterday an today, how come you guys neva finish yoa job, an make da same numba bricks jalike befo time?!”
Tue 10 Oct, 2017 10:26 am
There's a Pidgin Macbeth.

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Tue 10 Oct, 2017 04:20 pm
So, dear colleagues here, no one has taken my invitation to for us together to examine how my new methodology on the proof for God existing, is effectively irrefutable.

You will recall, it consists in asking questions which are rational questions, like, with the No. 1 question:
Dear readers, think about that, the No. 1 step for coming to the existence of God, namely, asking the question, to good faith atheists and good faith Christians who hold that they need revelation to know God exists.

No. 1. Do you exist?

Please contribute your comments to my latest methodology of proving God to exist, by asking rational questions, starting with, Do you exist?

The way I see it, atheists can only reply in any one of three ways:

(a) Yes, I do exist.
(b) No, I don't exist.
(c) I don't know.

Let us imagine that a most cruel king but Christian fanatic intent on ridding his kingdom of atheists, rigged together this equipment for getting atheists to be really honest and rational, by choosing the only one correct answer: otherwise a trap hatch on the spot of the platform floor where he is standing on, will open up, and he will fall below where he will be pierced by swords pointed upward, as gravity brings him certainly and quickly to their sharp pointed ends.

So, dear atheists, what is the correct answer?
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Tue 10 Oct, 2017 06:03 pm
Along with 1oo percent of mankind, I have to give Sus the benefit of the doubt because, I know God and He made us all to be good so we can be intimate with Him. For that reason alone I know:
1. We all can be good.
2. Most of us want to be good.
3. If you understand that is your God given purpose, and you work within the few parameters God has set to help you be good. You wil be good most of the time, and continually get better at being good and becoming more intimate with God.

All I am saying is, "Sus is just learning to like you like God always did and always does.
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 04:27 am
With the death recently of the platform of the spirit of Ama, we cannot communicate with Him anymore. No matter where we search for the true God (John 17:3) in the four corners of the world, we cannot find Him. There would not be miracles anymore. We are left on our own.

It is like calling someone by phone. He will lift the phone but will not say a thing. Not even a Hello. How frustrating that would be. So we continue to call on Him persistently even though He does not answer.

Wed 11 Oct, 2017 07:33 am
What is the death of the platform spirit of Ama? Who is Ama and how does Ama relate to Jesus? How do you know he died?
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 08:48 am
100% ! Shocked
I'm very pleased for you that you 'know' all this, and merely advise you to steer clear of the epistemology section of the library where the very concept of 'knowledge' is up for grabs. You and sus can always have a coffee together in the cafe if your relationship progresses, (provided of course that neither of you is a mormon ! Mr. Green ). Or maybe you'll wake up before that !

Wed 11 Oct, 2017 01:47 pm
Fresco, did you say this?
I'm very pleased for you that you 'know' all this, and merely advise you to steer clear of the epistemology section of the library where the very concept of 'knowledge' is up for grabs.

The way I see authors who love to the height of stupidity to debate vacuously about epistemology i.e. in simple words, how we are sure of our knowledge, I observe them to be first and foremost, into the stupidity inspired by their vanity, namely, that they are so brilliant at inane nitpicking on how we know like that we have a nose in our face.

The whole mankind gets along pretty well, with certainty of the nose in our face, and that a man and a woman of breeding age will produce a baby as they make love as often as they can and want to.

It is all fruitless words and ideas with them who pride themselves with endless but inane worthless nitpicking on how we cannot be certain of anything at all, when they are certain that they are hungry and therefore they have got to eat to assuage their pang of hunger, or they are impelled by nature to evacuate their faeces, at the terrible cost of self-soiling, and the consequent extreme loathing from all public witnessing their self-soiling, if they did not get to the nearest bathroom prontisisimo.

So, let us who are not into the perversity of nitpicking vanity on supposedly the impossibility of certainty with human knowledge, just avoid these pompous buffoons like the plague.
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Wed 11 Oct, 2017 02:34 pm
.....so there's the definitive answer Brian! What more could you wish for ?(..better drink your coffee. it's going cold )
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Wed 11 Oct, 2017 03:27 pm
What is the death of the platform spirit of Ama? Who is Ama and how does Ama relate to Jesus? How do you know he died?

With the death of the platform of the spirit of Ama--Ka Apaz or Maria Liwayway Alvaran--we (plural) cannot communicate with Ama anymore. He told us about this eventuality before.

Who is Ama? Ama is a spirit. a holy spirit, and if you will believe it, THE Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus Christ, as most, if not all of His listeners do.

I doubted that He was Jesus Christ from 1983 when I first went to the Session Hall to 1994, because what was at stake was my very own soul which will live forever either in Heaven or in Hell. Please read my aboutface in 1994 in http://aristean.org/wp113.htm titled "From doubt to belief".

Five years later, in 1999, I again doubted that He is Jesus Christ when I checked His revelations that Jesus Christ was born on 05-23 and died on 08-17. I said to myself that if His revelations were wrong, I would renounce my faith in Him. After seven years of extensive research, by 2006, I have proved that both revelations were correct.

Because I have proven them, I am enthusiastic to share what I discovered. As 2 Corinthians 14:3 states: "I believed, and therefore have I spoken."
Wed 11 Oct, 2017 06:13 pm
From what authority do you speak? Why would i believe anything you are saying is true? Are you basing it on the fact that there was a news article about you?
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 12:02 am
You don't get It Brian. He 'knows' just like you do ! Smile

'Knowledge' is about prediction and control. 'Religious knowledge' is about prediction (and post-diction) and control of thought and action in this life and beyond by use of the concept of 'correctness' and its associated rewards and sanctions. Its the cognitive price humans pay for their concept of anticipation of 'consequences'.
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 01:09 am
Remember that words are the very currency of thought and that words by virtue of their abstract permanence are the bedrock of prediction. Yesterdays 'tree' is only .the same as' today's tree by virtue of usage of the word 'tree' in a human usage/project context. Biologically speaking that 'sameness' is arbitrary. The significance of 'the word' is even more important in the even more arbitrary variations in religious practice. Note the eagerness in the above post to resort to the 'word magic' of the 'holy writ'.
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 06:53 am
From what authority do you speak? Why would i believe anything you are saying is true? Are you basing it on the fact that there was a news article about you?

I am just a sounding board of the spirit of Ama, an echo. I am not recruiting anyone. I am happy to share to you what I have heard and learned from Ama. If you know Filipino, you may go to my websites and read the transcription of our sessions, His prayers, poems, etc.

Later on, I believe that the people of the world will speak in Filipino because it is the language used by Ama. There is no need of translating to other languages. The grandparents of my children did not go to school and yet they could read and write in Filipino. The woman even read Pasiong Mahal, a book that is chanted in the Philippines during Holy Week.
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Thu 12 Oct, 2017 07:36 am
You don't get It Brian. He 'knows' just like you do !

'Knowledge' is about prediction and control. 'Religious knowledge' is about prediction (and post-diction) and control of thought and action in this life and beyond by use of the concept of 'correctness' and its associated rewards and sanctions. Its the cognitive price humans pay for their concept of anticipation of 'consequences'.

I do not know when World War III would happen. It was revealed by the spirit of Ama on 1986-06-13, quite a long time already, but I know it is going to happen. Through the years, it was made clearer that the war will start at Spratly Islands in the middle of the year on a Wednesday. The Philippines will be grabbed by one of the claimants, and that the Philippines will be occupied by China. It is wholly claimed by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam, and partially claimed by Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines. Since I do not know when it will happen, I say that it will happen in God's time. I just help in analyzing events, like London Olympic Games, Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, World War II, Beijing Olympic Games, the middle of the year, etc.
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 08:02 am
That's mostly speculative nonsense. Your catch all clause that they may not happen in our lifetime is of course transparently simplistic and worthless. A more acceptable statement would be to say that you have no knowledge whatsoever about hypothetical events other than probabilistic speculations about them based on current trends. That speculation would be less reliable than trying to predict earthquakes.
But it serves the vested interests of you faith bound self integrity to join the ranks of the 'just you wait' brigade who surf the waves of society's shifting anxieties. What better than be a ticket holder for the 'true' celestial lifeboat ! Your only problem there is choosing the right boat, or resigning yourself that the boat has been chosen for you by rearing practices !
Thu 12 Oct, 2017 01:22 pm
Dear Fresco, you have become overnight a master of what is knowledge, and in particular what is religious knowledge.


Now, don't go away, tell me where is knowledge? in our mind or in the world outside and independent of our mind?

I submit that no human must ever talk about what is knowledge and also what is religious knowledge, without first answering the question, Where is knowledge.

You see, dear everyone, we are living in a world of time and space, so everything that we want and care to talk about, we must first factor into the talk, the question where and when does the thing exist in regard to space and time.

I am always amazed with how people talk so much about everything without first asking themselves, where and when of the thing they are talking about, exists?

I am a student of the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Now, read carefully, I always tell atheists that we must first work to concur on the concept of God, where the concept? in our mind.

Then we go forth to search for God, where? in the world outside and independent of our mind, for the entity that corresponds to the concept of God we have concurred by with our mind, and in our mind.

There, that is the search for evidence for the existence of God, evidence existing in the world outside and independent of our mind.

And evidence outside and independent of our mind, for the existence of God outside and independent of our mind, it is the existence of anything at all that has a beginning.

What and where are things with a beginning?

Everything at all you can have access to in the universe, and the universe itself has a beginning.

Wherefore, there is evidence galore of God existing, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Namely, everything that has a beginning, starting with you and me and mankind itself is evidence of the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.
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Fri 13 Oct, 2017 02:34 am
Further to our discussion of the inextricability of language and thought, remember too that 'thinghood' is bestowed by humans communicating on aspects of what they consider to be 'their world/universe' by means of joint language. Thus all 'things' have no independent existential status outside of those human communicative contexts. In short 'existence' is never absolute.

That point is particularly significant with respect to the simplistic thinking which operates on religious threads like this, in which words like 'beginning', 'self', 'mind', and 'God' are axiomatically assumed to refer to 'independently existing things'. From a pragmatists viewpoint 'thinghood' is merely an agreement between communicators on what they can assume remains persistent for them in particular contexts.
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Fri 13 Oct, 2017 03:15 am
BTW A perfect illustration of this point is the communicative exchange in the 'mugging clip' in Crocodile Dundee about the contextual status of the word 'knife'.
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