Thu 18 Nov, 2004 07:47 pm
Men in general, are funnier than women.
Why is this?
Think of the funniest people you've met, known, or seen on TV. Were most of them guys? I'm not saying there's not funny women out there, it just seems they're outnumbered in the gender wars.
There are funny women comedians, but all the top dogs are men: Eddie Murphy, Richard Prior, Robin Williams, Chris Rock, ect. Granted, there have been some women on SNL I thought were funny, like Sheri O'Teri(sp?), but none I can think of got very big. Besides, comedians you see on television are the cream of the crop.
All the women I've dated or am friends with, none I can think of are drop dead funny. In fact, it seems jokes fly over women's heads more often than guys. Not saying none are funny at all, but all the funniest friends I've had are guys. Maybe this has to do with relating to them? Maybe females are funnier around other females? I doubt this theory though.
Even on this site, the funny people are guys: Gus, Gargamel, BiPolar...well, nobody knows if Gus is actually a guy, asexual being, or Tibetan transexual. No offense ladies, some of you are quite witty, but for the most part, not the "funny" I'm thinking. Of course sense of humor is subjective, and I'm a complete jackass.
But girls are prettier... right?
Absolutely...this isn't a knock against women. Ever since I found out they're the greatest thing on this earth under me, it's been a constant battle.
And pretty is more important than funny... right?
So, basically... they're still better than us?
Its evolution, I tell you. Centuries of not so handsome men finding out that they can still get the chicks if they're just funny enough (just look at Slappy). Doesnt happen the other way round - be honest.
I haven't been told what to think yet.
nimh wrote:Its evolution, I tell you. Centuries of not so handsome men finding out that they can still get the chicks if they're just funny enough (just look at Slappy). Doesnt happen the other way round - be honest.
I like this. I actually thought of this as I was writing my thread, then the thought slipped away. But think of it: most guys out there are trying their hardest to "impress" women, and since most women say they want a guy with a sense of humor, or someone "funny," then guys go out of their way to be funny. Since traditionally, hot women "choose" guys, they can just worry about sitting, looking pretty, and whoring free drinks and dinners.
In my case, I was always funny. Fo' example, I burned my first kitten when I was 7...long before I even knew I liked vaginas more than pizza.
And Scoates, lobsters don't like to share, because they're "shellfish."
One point on the board for me.
I'd say that generally speaking, men are more likely to make me laugh. But, I know some damn funny women.
To be honest, a lot of the time that I am laughing at men, they aren't trying to be funny.
That's my humor profile. People think I'm very funny, but it's usually not intentional.
Stop, littlek, you're killing us!
If you really want to narrow it down I think black male comics are the funniest.
Eddie Murphy was brilliant in his day, ever hear him imitate his fat aunt falling down a flight of stairs, it's hilarious.
And his imitation of Buck Wheat still makes me laugh.
I think more males are funnier because they're more cruel... I know that sounds bad (I'm not trying to insult guys, I adore them!), but...
It seems that guys aren't as concerned with keeping up appearances or looking respectable as often as women are, so they're more apt to poke fun at each other and people more easily. Guys are more harsh critics overall; they notice ridiculously weird or out of place things that women either want to a) ignore or b) understate.
Women are usually kinder, or try more not to offend the masses. Whereas guys usually make jokes before they think about the consequences of them... leading to a bigger variety of jokes, less self-conciousness = more imitations and spoofs, and so on.
Usually more offensive (not just racially or ethnically; I mean even little things, such as mocking someone's stupid behaviour) are funnier according to the masses.
I'm not saying there aren't exceptions. Of course they exist, some men aren't that funny and some women are hilarious. I'm just giving my observations overall.