How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2004 07:39 am
Its a well known law.I've seen it in Seneca I think.Its ancient.
Resorting to insult is white flag waving.Godwin just narrowed on one word and that's a bit pedantic.I assume it was to facilitate him using others such as "Stalinist" or "Thatcherite" or "bloody Albigensist" or "half-baked Leavisite" without it involving him in surrender.He ought to know and you ought to know that such things won't wash with scientists.
INSULT=WHITE FLAG and goose feathers in the post.
Anyway-you can't insult a scientist.If you try it is yourself you degrade.
Having said that it must be added that a stylish insult may be in order because the style defuses the literal meaning.One might say that someone who worked that class of hyperbole couldn't have been angry and is only having a bit of fun.eg-go gargle the goulash thou vile varmit is obviously just a gambit in a continuing conversation as opposed to "get lost" as a stopper.To quote my top man-

"........................................the thorny point
Of bare distress hath ta'en from me the show
Of smooth civility." Corin As You Like It.

Distress is a state unknown on the spendius thread.To even hint,however obliquely,at it,as is done with a crude insult,is to belittle all the real suffering in the world.
No insult is intended to the CPD.It is simply a question of addressing its role on the demand side of the budget as is done all the time with workers lower down the salary scales.I'm sure they feel confident enough to defend themselves and I'm sure we would all derive some amusement from seeing them try.I would go so far as to suggest that I'm doing them a favour.They must be pretty damned bored and one thing you can say about a siege is that it isn't boring.

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Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2004 08:03 am

man, I am distressed today....waaaaah!
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Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2004 09:14 am
Check this out simple colonials.

The latest state of play in a Yucky system where the philosopher kings have the engine room in utter confusion.

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Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2004 09:29 am
Class or what?
Ain't that a beaut?

The greatest privilege of a colonial is having the English language.
Imagine Blatham in Choctaw or dwolan in Didgeridoo.

They wouldn't be able to think all the brilliant thoughts they now think.And that would be a great shame.

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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 01:30 am

Let's talk about what winds up the CPD. Your goal seems worthwhile. Anyway, I like it. Forcing lazy, good-for-nothing head scratchers to justify their presence on this earth, much less at Cambridge, sounds like good entertainment.

My rule of thumb about creating displeasure in others is to discover what these others want from me. Then I don't give it to them. Drives em crazy.

However, if it is the case that the CPD doesn't want anything in particular from you.......well, what to do then? I suppose cutting their money isn't a possibility........... Are you in charge of the spending, Professor Spendius?

Sometimes, these ivory tower types eventually do themselves in. Over time, the accumulation of piss in their own Post Toasties produces a crisis, requiring management. Elitists, given enough time, have a way of eventually driving everyone away and when there is no more demand for their services.......it's often too late for salvation. But then, in a University situation........I suppose it could go on for eternity.

What winds these guys up? Give us something to do........we'll try to help you out, if we can.

Oh goody, sadomasochistic games can be so much fun!
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 09:06 am
Oh Lola!

Where have you been all my life?

I was born in spring,and you were born too late
Blame it on the simple twist of fate.That's a premature ejaculation I'm afraid.

I'll go back to your startling post and try to learn patience.


I always knew women were superior.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 09:14 am
Dear Madame Lola,

If I was in charge of spending this thread would not exist.I would commit all the resources at my command to your whims and fancies and if some plonker opened a stop Lola thread I'd splatter them all over forum.


x x
x x
x x
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:19 am
If I was in charge of spending this thread would not exist.

Pity..........but I had surmised as much.

I would commit all the resources at my command to your whims and fancies and if some plonker opened a stop Lola thread I'd splatter them all over forum.

What a sweetie you are, spendius. I may have to take you up on the offer someday soon. My good name is slandered around here all the time. It's all I can do to maintain my self respect. X xxxx xxx xxx.

I suppose out-arguing these fat-bums-with-a-soft-cushion doesn't work either. One can only win an argument when debating those who recognize defeat. There will have to be another way. We may be down to torture.........
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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 07:43 am
Going back to 1040402 as promised.
Now I don't come at the CPD on the basis of them being "lazy" or "good for nothing".And I sometimes scratch parts of me as I can easily image Lola doing as well.(Where's that blasted twitchometer gone now?)
Lazy is a relativity concept and the lower reaches of the spectrum might well have economic benefits.A long lazy fester is pretty environmentally friendly I should have thought.I'm not much into the Protestant work ethic except,maybe,under highly specialised conditions.When the word is used perjoritively it is usually easy to detect a subjective consideration at work.
I also don't believe that the staff at the CPD are necessarily "good for nothing".There must be lots of useful activities into which they could be redeployed.What I'm interested in is how much the CPD costs in scarce resources and what benefits accrue to the taxpayers from this expenditure.And why should Jaguar car workers be subject to these considerations and not the CPD when at least they make cars which taxpayers can drive around in.Nobody I've spoken to has the slightest idea what the CPD does or can even suggest how we might benefit from whatever it is they do do.This might well be due to ignorance but that begs the question of how such mass ignorance came about.
What the CPD presumably want is for this thread to shut down so,if Lola is correct,and I have an open mind on that score,if it grows it will drive them crazy.I rather doubt that actually.They are so well pallsaded behind the palisades of words they have erected that a raised eyebrow is the very most we can expect at this early stage in the proceedings.
It is even possible to see this thread as a rescue mission which has the humane ambition to get them a life.

How do you know Lola that what they want from you is precisely your performance of denial which they can use to fake being driven crazy.Have you any evidence that they shot the crazy bolt?
Cutting the money teat to the CPD is certainly a logical possibility.All it needs is that enough people ask the key questions and that the CPD are unable to provide satisfactory answers.It can last a very long time if these matters are brushed over like wrinkles on a lady's face.If they can be shown to provide value for money I'm in favour of expanding their zone of operations.
I think that what winds them up easiest is calling into question their macho chutzpah but our union of male operatives precludes me from that without any direct evidence.Lola's obvious glee expressed so delightfully in 1040402 uniquely qualifies her for such a role.

Go to it girl.

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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 08:08 am
The Little Tugboat That Could puffs resolutely for science...
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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 10:25 am
One wouldn't wish to lower the tone of this thread by responding to the last post but that should not be taken as a suspicion that an appropriate response is beyond the capacity of the threadmaster.
One does have to consider the sensibilities of a wide range of dispositions,whether one agrees with them or not,which might,on an open forum,be exposed to view.

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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 10:28 am
Blatham, darling......are you speculating about the need for coverage on the part of the members of the CPD? Or were you thinking of Spendius' "twitchometer?" Or perhaps it's simply a vote for science. You're such a stinker.


Fake or real, I still get a kick out of it. If they enjoy it too (and who wouldn't?) what can I do about that? One of those unavoidable unintended purposes.

And it is an interesting subject, I think......how a person can assume or presume a meaning not intended by the writer. Lazy, yes.........I don't know these guys and you do (or do you?), in either case, I'll take your word for it.

At least we can say that you suspect them of spending undeserved money from a budget too fat for the benefit derived. Maybe we can call it gluttony.......is that a good word?

I think that what winds them up easiest is calling into question their macho chutzpah

I think you're onto something here.......let's look into it. However, I don't agree with you that I'm the only one here uniquely qualified.......you're not doing badly yourself. And Blatham, well.....he's a master of perverted confrontation, as demonstrated above.

And I do agree about the value judgement involved in the use of the word "lazy." It does have that connotation.
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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 08:07 pm
OK...I'm done now with giving thanks and the follow-up rest. Obsequiousness is exhausting. And I have a moment or two away from my study while Svetlana dusts the baccarat.

With respect to the earlier lines of poetry dedicated my way, it won't work, I'm not going to sleep with a footballer.

As to the tugahoy, consider it an instance of found-object-art, but the lazy man's version...don't do anything with it, just tack it up and soak in whatever kudos come one's way from the slighter portion of the audience.

And speaking of slighter portions, let me turn our attention to the Book of Revelations. I have a Jerry Falwell reading on tape. Played backwards, one can clearly make out the following..."nothing says yummy like heroin" and "bring me a schoolgirl immediately".

Say what you will about tenured philosophers, I'd take twenty of them easily in exchange for one tribulationist.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 08:07 am
That'll do Blatham.It's an offer we wouldn't refuse if we had any sense.You get the 20 tenured philosophers and we keep the tribulationist.Seeing as how "easily" it is could you stretch to 40.You have
consulted the state accounts committee I hope.
This is where the industrial revolution got started mate and all the key players were tribulationists.The tenured philosophers of the time did their level stomach-churning best to eradicate the pests and boy I'll bet you're glad they failed.If not I just happen to have a job lot of coloured-glass beads which you ought to be able to make use of.

Had Adele picked anything useful out of Norm's cruddling kit?

Sorry-I don't savvy de lingo.Is "dust the baccarat" anything to do with Garrity dancing or popazogalouing?It won't be Victorian photography because Major Generals have a long standing tradition of eschewal.

From Adele to schoolies eh?With a flick of the wrist.Get a hold of yoursef man.

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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 09:03 am
Lola-No.Its not undeserved money.You get what you deserve.Its the donor who has the problem and I'm one of the suckers.The CPD are innocent.I might do it myself if I could get away with it.
Lets give them the benefit and assume that they provide society with the deep theology which determines the general thrust of things.Such a theory is congruent with my principle that nothing important happens by accident.The permissive society,for example,is part of a plan.Its all been engineered from deep within the bowels of the state where institutions like the CPD are presumably located assuming they do do something.Somebody somewhere must have given the nod to the unleashing of female raunch just like somebody somewhere gave the nod to bottling it up for hundreds of years and still do in some places.I gather you have a similar problem with Darwin is some states.Bush states mainly.
Is this sort of thing that philosophers do?If not then are we at the mercy of the most skilled lobbyists.
The questions at issue on Ask2Know are- are they doing it satisfactorily and what does it cost?Do they give bangs for bucks or are they having it off?
That's all this thread's about and spendius,naive as he is,did rather expect some answers from a forum which is dedicated to philosophy.
Philosophy itself might benefit from a debate about the matter.Philosophers of a passed time said the electricity is the work of the devil and that wasn't very healthy philosophy now was it?Certainly not for threaders or Manhattan Queens of the night.


The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is bloooooooowin' in the wiiiiinnnnd.
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Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2004 11:10 am
That'll do Blatham.It's an offer we wouldn't refuse if we had any sense.You get the 20 tenured philosophers and we keep the tribulationist.

Spendius love,

I believe you've misunderstood our friend Blatham. He didn't mean one of your tribulationist lites there at Cambridge. His trade was 20 of your philosophers for 1 Texas tribulationist. I don't think you'll find the trade a good one.......so maybe you should reconsider. The Texas tribulationists could only be considered philosophers if you traveled back in time to the Crusades. And one of them would hardly be worth the money your taxpayers provide. Give it a try, if you like, but do a little research first.

And Adele, the last time I talked to her, didn't much care for talking about Norm......she considers herself to be a much more interesting subject. And I agree.

my principle that nothing important happens by accident.

I love you for this statement. Freud and I both agree.

If not then are we at the mercy of the most skilled lobbyists.

Yes, I believe we are.

The questions at issue on Ask2Know are- are they doing it satisfactorily and what does it cost?Do they give bangs for bucks or are they having it off?

So now to the topic as defined above, thank you for clarifying. I agree with Max Weber that institutions, after they have accomplished the original goal for which they were created, struggle with a search for new meaning. Whether they find it or not doesn't effect their continued existence. For those institutions without a reason to exist, a money drain is created.

Being unfamiliar with the philosophers at Cambridge, I can't say much about them in particular. Wouldn't one need to talk to them to make a determination about their banging for bucks?

On the other hand, as you say, there's no crime in having it off. It's a pastime activity enjoyed by many.

I agree that esoteric sects usually implode from narcissistic infighting. And I also agree that philosophy must be esoteric without the women. Same sex company is always disappointing. So there's a point.

P.S. For your edification: Baraccat is fine French crystal......I dust mine regularly.


And you've provided us once again with more lyrics written by a skinny American stoned on acid. I see you've been studying up on our own Bob Dylan.

Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good,
They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would.
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home.
Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone.
But I would not feel so all alone,
Everybody must get stoned.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 07:21 am
spendius wrote:
That'll do Blatham.It's an offer we wouldn't refuse if we had any sense.You get the 20 tenured philosophers and we keep the tribulationist.Seeing as how "easily" it is could you stretch to 40.You have
consulted the state accounts committee I hope.
This is where the industrial revolution got started mate and all the key players were tribulationists.The tenured philosophers of the time did their level stomach-churning best to eradicate the pests and boy I'll bet you're glad they failed.If not I just happen to have a job lot of coloured-glass beads which you ought to be able to make use of.

Had Adele picked anything useful out of Norm's cruddling kit?

Sorry-I don't savvy de lingo.Is "dust the baccarat" anything to do with Garrity dancing or popazogalouing?It won't be Victorian photography because Major Generals have a long standing tradition of eschewal.

From Adele to schoolies eh?With a flick of the wrist.Get a hold of yoursef man.


I see your forty and raise you twenty more.

What on earth are you talking about, by the by, re engines and Babbidge and the RAPTURE? Who wasn't thumping bibles back then? And if anyone understood that Satan had smuggled himself into the world by hiding in the underwear of Catholics, it was the pink-bottomed boys at Cambridge.

Garrity dancing? Is that the old Saxon style where young virgins stomp about wearing bells on their ankles and wolf-ears or deer-hoof mocassins? I've seen it and I like it.

Haven't managed to rendevous yet with the stabbing victim. Will keep you appraised.
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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 07:37 am
Lola sugar-

I'm always open to some cross cultural fertilisation.
Blatham's use of "tribulationist" does have ambiguities.He might be an undercover CPD operative hinting that I'm in for some tribulation with my campaign.He might be a status quo fanatic.
He might be a Cowachin philosopher professor with contacts.He is a Major General don't ya know?
What is a Texas tribulationist?Is it Dubya?In that case I would reconsider.The CPD ain't that bad.
Adele must be really interesting if what she says about herself is true.There's not many more interesting than Mr Mailer.I think I have every one of his books.Only most of Freud's.I've read Weber too.Have you read Veblen?DH Lawrence cribbed a fair chunk of Weber.
We have heard of all this lot and we have an idea what they did and of its value.That you know nothing about the CPD is a bit suspicious in itself.I'm hoping for some input from the CPD on this thread at some point.They ought to justify themselves somewhere.The writers mentioned here went to the open market for their corn.The CPD just goes cap in hand as far as we know.That's the best guide to philosophy I know.
Oh-and reading carefully.
That "baraccat" is too esoteric for me.I'm steeped in a tradition that begrudges every drop of water that passes by the mill-wheel.
I'm an expert on Bob Dylan.Now there's a proper philosopher.This "skinny American stonbed on acid" cobblers is a smear designed to justify avoidance of some serious truths.Check out To Ramona.Dylan's a Russian anyway.
Did you ever meet Andy Warhol?


PS-Continuation of thread to follow soon I hope.
Bob isn't yours he's everybody's.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 07:38 am
Lola sugar-

I'm always open to some cross cultural fertilisation.
Blatham's use of "tribulationist" does have ambiguities.He might be an undercover CPD operative hinting that I'm in for some tribulation with my campaign.He might be a status quo fanatic.
He might be a Cowachin philosopher professor with contacts.He is a Major General don't ya know?
What is a Texas tribulationist?Is it Dubya?In that case I would reconsider.The CPD ain't that bad.
Adele must be really interesting if what she says about herself is true.There's not many more interesting than Mr Mailer.I think I have every one of his books.Only most of Freud's.I've read Weber too.Have you read Veblen?DH Lawrence cribbed a fair chunk of Weber.
We have heard of all this lot and we have an idea what they did and of its value.That you know nothing about the CPD is a bit suspicious in itself.I'm hoping for some input from the CPD on this thread at some point.They ought to justify themselves somewhere.The writers mentioned here went to the open market for their corn.The CPD just goes cap in hand as far as we know.That's the best guide to philosophy I know.
Oh-and reading carefully.
That "baraccat" is too esoteric for me.I'm steeped in a tradition that begrudges every drop of water that passes by the mill-wheel.
I'm an expert on Bob Dylan.Now there's a proper philosopher.This "skinny American stonbed on acid" cobblers is a smear designed to justify avoidance of some serious truths.Check out To Ramona.Dylan's a Russian anyway.
Did you ever meet Andy Warhol?


PS-Continuation of thread to follow soon I hope.
Bob isn't yours he's everybody's.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 07:40 am
.Sorry.Posted twice.Finger trouble.

spendius. Embarrassed
0 Replies

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