How do I stir up the Cambridge Philosophy budget scoffers?

Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 06:55 am
And here's one for you:


300 years ago there lived a king of ill heart and much pride. He had a daughter, whom he had promised to a rich neighbor, but she had a different plan: she fell in love with a plain lad, a blacksmith named Kecho. The lovers tried to run to the mountains but were caught.

Angered, the king decided to execute Kecho. However, to not appear as a cruel tyrant before his daughter and the people, and to show the blacksmith as intellectually unworthy for marriage to royalty, he let Kecho decide his own execution based on his wits. The next day he had Kecho placed in a room with nine doors. Each door led to a single room. One of the rooms contained the princess while the rest of the rooms were either empty or contained a tiger. Above each door was a sign.

Here's a list of the signs:
Room I: The lady is an odd-numbered room.
Room II: This room is empty.
Room III: Either sign on Room V is right or sign on Room VII is wrong.
Room IV: Sign on Room I is wrong.
Room V: Either sign on Room II or sign on Room IV is right.
Room VI: Sign on Room III is wrong.
Room VII: The lady is not in Room I.
Room VIII: This room has a tiger and Room IX is empty.
Room IX: This room has a tiger and sign on Room VI is wrong.

The king told Kecho, "The sign on the door of the room containing the princess is true; the signs on the doors of all the rooms containing the tigers are false; while those on the empty rooms can be either true or false."

The king even gave Kecho a hint and told him whether Room VIII was empty or not. Kecho must now open doors until he finds the princess or a tiger and his death.

Which door should he choose?
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 01:50 pm
Lola wrote:
What makes you so sure Spendius is a drunkard, Mathos? Is your name Vic?

My name is not Vic, KKL, nor do I see any valid reason for asking such a peculiar question.

I note our 'common' associate Spendius, who claims to be involved with The Construction Industry usually, mostly, all the time, enters the forum between 11 am and 3 pm

He often remarks. 'Off to the pub'

He is never on screen of an evening. I carry out normal work and finish as a rule between 5.30 pm and 6 pm entering the forum of an evening, as most responsible people would. Exceptions can be made if I have a casual weekend or one of these nuisance causing 'Bank Holiday's'

Now, if, Spendius wanders off to the pub at around 3pm and never appears to make the forum of an evening, it would appear a sensible, even logical assumption to consider the oick to be getting paralytic drunk in some part of his wretched county. You will no doubt have noticed also that most, if not all of his encounters leading to one of his immature parables are generated from the bar.

Also, you have borne witness to his downright rude, inconsiderate rantings on the forum. I note they follow a time pattern. Usually around 2 pm this could well be the result of symptoms, systematic with withdrawal.

He could well be an eccentric, lost in the past, who habituates the forum as if in a time warp of his own senile construction. In which case, the scoundrel commits no sin. He is devoid of sin due to the mentality of his mature brain no doubt encompassed in an over ripe body which suffers various malfunctions.

I trust my representation meets with the demands of 'Her Ladyships' inquisitive nature.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 03:40 pm
He could well be an eccentric, lost in the past, who habituates the forum as if in a time warp of his own senile construction. In which case, the scoundrel commits no sin. He is devoid of sin due to the mentality of his mature brain no doubt encompassed in an over ripe body which suffers various malfunctions.

Or you could be his evening persona.........it seems plausible to me. If you would like to prove me wrong, you could post some day at the same time he does, just for fun. Of course that wouldn't prove it for sure, since my friend Spendi could be having some fun with his new computer that I encouraged him to buy.........it's possible.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 05:51 am

The door he should choose is the one he came in.Fast.Roadrunner style.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 08:02 am
Hi Spendius.......how are you this morning?
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 08:25 am

If your capacity to analyse literature has led you to believe that Mathos and myself are the same person you must have been to an extremely advanced linguistics college possibly on Alpha Centauri.

I have not purchased a computer for my residence for the very obvious reason that threaders are a touch spasmodical and I have a lot of very nice books to read.

Why would I wish to masquerade under another name and ,even if I did which I stress I don't,I would be entirely incapable of writing incomprehensible sentences or of pulling my long-johns down in public both of which are essential features of Mathos's productions.Can't you see that all his pre-occupations are beta-minus.He probably even votes in elections.You can't get more beta-minus than that.It takes one to know one they say and it takes one not to recognise alphas as well.All beta minuses can't imagine anything superior to themselves you see which is why they spend the whole of their lives stuck where they started.

What has led you to this Columbo type stance?
With your good friend spendius what you see is what there is.I am an ascetic and Mathos is a rut grubbing runt.And he's not so hot at it either like I used to be before I realised that my survival was at stake and saw the errors of my ways.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 09:10 am
spendius wrote:

If your capacity to analyse literature has led you to believe that Mathos and myself are the same person you must have been to an extremely advanced linguistics college possibly on Alpha Centauri.

I have not purchased a computer for my residence for the very obvious reason that threaders are a touch spasmodical and I have a lot of very nice books to read.

Why would I wish to masquerade under another name and ,even if I did which I stress I don't,I would be entirely incapable of writing incomprehensible sentences or of pulling my long-johns down in public both of which are essential features of Mathos's productions.Can't you see that all his pre-occupations are beta-minus.He probably even votes in elections.You can't get more beta-minus than that.It takes one to know one they say and it takes one not to recognise alphas as well.All beta minuses can't imagine anything superior to themselves you see which is why they spend the whole of their lives stuck where they started.

What has led you to this Columbo type stance?
With your good friend spendius what you see is what there is.I am an ascetic and Mathos is a rut grubbing runt.And he's not so hot at it either like I used to be before I realised that my survival was at stake and saw the errors of my ways.

I notice that you haven't directly denied that you and Mathos are actually two parts of the same person. I guess it's just wishful thinking on my part. I like it when my friends have both parts. It's better for them and better for me as well.

As to your motivation, I can only speculate. Perhaps you have some need to separate these conflicting needs.......maybe it's serving some defensive function. I don't know. You tell me.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 09:15 am
While I readily agree that Mathos is a jerk and Spendius a nice guy, I have come to the conclusion that Lola's impressive insight here just might be correct.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 09:19 am
I have to go.My dummy has just been dunked in the syrup.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 09:23 am
georgeob1 wrote:
While I readily agree that Mathos is a jerk and Spendius a nice guy, I have come to the conclusion that Lola's impressive insight here just might be correct.

It's unanimous among those who have expressed an opinion. As a matter of fact, there are several of us who think we came up with the idea first. But I can't say that I think either Spendius or Mathos are nice to each other.......there seems to be some tension there.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 09:23 am
ok........see you later, dearie.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 01:37 pm
Can we all just get along? Laughing
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 01:57 pm
NobleCon wrote:
Can we all just get along? Laughing

Where's the fun in that? Hey, we were disappointed you didn't make it Saturday night. What happened? We had a really good time.

Here are a few photos we took almost immediately after I talked to you on the telephone:


And the photos from Saturday begin here:


Maybe we'll see you next time.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 02:47 pm
We were looking forward to meeting you on Saturday, NobleCon. The words were flowing.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 03:24 pm
Lola wrote:
He could well be an eccentric, lost in the past, who habituates the forum as if in a time warp of his own senile construction. In which case, the scoundrel commits no sin. He is devoid of sin due to the mentality of his mature brain no doubt encompassed in an over ripe body which suffers various malfunctions.

Or you could be his evening persona.........it seems plausible to me. If you would like to prove me wrong, you could post some day at the same time he does, just for fun. Of course that wouldn't prove it for sure, since my friend Spendi could be having some fun with his new computer that I encouraged him to buy.........it's possible.

KKLola, if you for one minute consider that I would liaise with that eunuch from an oriental seraglio, you must be totally utterly bonkers, off your trolly, a slice short of a loaf and foolishly inconsiderate. For the final time, I am not Spendius, I am not part of an alter ego, nor as far as my name is concerned is the oick. No doubt he practices various methods of voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery and other idiotic incantations, albeit. I hope this concludes the scurrilous accusations; Amen. However, whilst we are on the subject of oicks and their compatibles, you might attempt to locate the dummy (soother) which your colleague Benn Gunn (aka Frank) has lost. If his strength of character stretches to wishes of death and the like he is lacking. Extremely lacking and should bow his head in total shame.

He needs to pick himself up off the floor and apologise, I am both annoyed and highly disgusted by his response to my barracking. After all, he elected my presence in the arena. I trust he will return with his ball to the park and act like a mature 'Colonial Gentleman' has been taught to.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 03:33 pm
georgeob1 wrote:
While I readily agree that Mathos is a jerk and Spendius a nice guy, I have come to the conclusion that Lola's impressive insight here just might be correct.

Sister George, I thought you had retired, now I see you are back in the habit.

Why don't you go and listen to Nat King Cole, he would be a welcome change to Rolf Harris and Jimmy Buffett.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 04:52 pm
Say that to my face and i'll take care of your nurse problem forever.
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 07:01 pm
And Mathos claims he's not Spendi.........ha!

Come on, admit it......
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Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 09:29 pm
Yes, wonderful pictures. It seems that you enjoyed yourselves.

Unfortunately, some emergencies came about that required my immediate attention, and I dedicated the entire weekend to these problems. Thus far, two of the five (problems) remain, and I am still going...

So, my apologies. Let me know when and where your next meet is to take place. Cheers. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 May, 2005 06:41 am
Spendi...........are you hiding in here somewhere?
0 Replies

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