Fri 28 Apr, 2017 04:12 pm
If a believer is married to a non believer that does not follow biblical teaching about not denying your spouse sexually, and that believer physically is neglected sexually ... can he masterbate while thinking of his wife? I say can, as in, is it a sin?
I know the Jesus said that if a man lust after a women in his heart he has already committed adultery with her. So I'm not talking about masterbation while watching porn or even thinking of other women. I specifically dealing with while thinking of your wife, who you are attracted to, but who denies you repeatedly.
And yes I know the devil can bring thoughts to your mind, but a thought coming to your mind is not sin. Acting on that thought, entertaining that thought, letting that thought enter your heart is the sin. If you can control your thoughts during masterbation, as well as you can control your thoughts during intercourse, is it a sin?
Is it a sin? What is the BIBLICAL bases/thinking for that?
Not really an answer to your question, but have you and your wife considered counseling to deal with the underlying issue here (no sex)?
Have you addressed this specifically with you wife? Not the masturbation thing, but why no sex. It couldn't hurt for you to have a heart to heart with her about you desire to have a more intimate relationship with her.
And as to the masturbation thing, I'm not qualified to give you an answer or opinion because our beliefs are to far apart for me to be objective.