camlok wrote:
I understand exactly what is needed and expected in polite company. I have also seen much of the ugly American in many countries and fitting in is not what many Americans do. Their gigantic conceit precedes them, the same kind of conceit you are now exhibiting.
And it's all just another silly, crazy, wacky US myth. Your melting pot. It actually says, has always said "do what we do but don't get any of your foreign filth on us".
All Americans - really??? Where are you from? I have traveled throughout Europe as an American and I saw ugly people from all countries. Asians that push you out of the way to board a subway, Swiss that were completely snobbish and rude to your face, Canadians that wouldn't give you the time of day and made fun of you --- and yes a group of very loud Texans being rude (knew they were because they made it obvious where they were from).
You probably have not seen Americans that fit in --- why --- because these Americans are fitting in or are you so closed minded.
Your comments here simply prove how closed minded and how much you are like exactly what you are stating you dislike --"I understand exactly what is needed and expected in polite company" "Their gigantic conceit precedes them, the same kind of conceit you are now exhibiting."
You just showed how loud, ugly, conceited and boorish you are! I would not blame the country you are from - I feel bad for them as you are a poor representative of where ever you are from.
But I am done with you as you are boring me. And I prefer to speak to someone who actually has some facts to provide and is not closed minded.