I think I made myself pretty clear. I don't give very much credibility to 9/11 conspiracy theories. More importantly, I have no interest in rehashing arguments that have already been rehashed ad nauseum for the past 16 years. And I have no obligation in engaging with, or answering to, Camlok in any way that doesn't amuse me.
I took a little time to go over the 9/11 conspiracy theories. I read what I thought was relevant on both sides, and I made up my own mind based on what is important to me. I decided on my own that there wasn't much there. It is actually pretty easy to find rebuttals for each point that Camlok has raised. You can google them yourself... after reading to the point I thought was worth my time, I decided that Camlok's side didn't make much sense. That doesn't make Camlok happy... but sorry, people have the ability to make up their own minds. You can't force people to accept your understanding now matter how right you know you are.
You and Camlok shouldn't take this too personally, there are lots of theories that I don't give too much credence to; vaccinations causing autism, claims that climate science has been taken over by Chinese government agents, ancient civilizations on Mars and Spaceships in the Bible. I look at the theories that interest me and I discard the ones that don't.
It would interest me if there was any plausible theory for what happened on 9/11 that didn't involve terrorists hijacking planes. This would interest me because up to this point, I haven't seen anyone do this.
The many thousands of hours of videos, arguments, websites, pictures analysis no longer interest me. I have read enough to realize that I don't buy it. This is my decision.
Right now there is almost 900 posts on Camlok's thread, not to mention all the posts he has made on this and other unrelated threads where he berates, insults and attacks anyone who doesn't think the way he thinks they should. This is ridiculous.
I don't know what Camlok thinks he is accomplishing. Either he is amusing himself (and I hope he is), or he is the kind of person who enjoys insulting other people (which would be a little sadder).
He isn't learning anything himself, and he isn't convincing anyone. If he isn't getting some amusement out of this, then he is wasting his time.