You seem to not understand what we are doing here Camlok. There is absolutely zero chance that I am going to change your mind about 9/11 (correct me if I am wrong about this). And there is zero chance that you are going to change anyone else's mind.
We are here mainly for entertainment. It is a chance for us to debate ideas that interest us, and challenge other ideas.
You can't force anyone to debate you on any given topic... any more than anyone can force you.
Think about this, it is kind of important... because other wise you aren't going to enjoy your experience here. (And this is true for Girlie and everyone else).
I told you I have a Physics degree. I am not going to scan my Diploma for you, you are going to have to either believe me or not believe me. It is your choice (and it doesn't really matter to me).
If you choose to not believe me simply because I disagree with you about what Newton's third law means (even though I am pretty sure you are wrong), that is your choice. If you choose to believe me (and I am telling you the truth) there is a chance that I might be able to teach you something about Physics that may even help your argument. Of course, even if I have a Physics degree... I can't force you to listen to me even if I know that I am right. I have to accept that you aren't going to listen to what I have to say.
We are all here by our choice because this Forum amuses us. If you are here to force people to accept how right you are, or even to force people to listen to you on a topic they don't care about... you are just going to get frustrated.