Oops, my mistake. I asked an old college friend where all the girls we knew went, and he said "Down under." I thought he meant Oz, but apparently it was something about changing teams. I'm still a bit unclear...
Double strength and no sugar for me Debs-ta
There you go, dear.
Dammit, patio!
I think she is referring to stoping the flow of the tide or something?
No its the name of her dog, he was licking me
No, I have no derg, it was the false promise ...
Or, was it the truth peaking through the clouds of false hope?
Pretty much the peeking, yes.
I am piqued and peaking and pining because of the peeking.
Well, head to the loo for a goo pee!
Weren't you just describing how you're the pee king and how you pee around the corners and then you puck it, well - I was just trying to be a help
you're peaking, deb? you need some juice?
Then you can get more pee in
just beware the marching penguins behind the toilet tank. marching merrily off to war, they are, with a cold hard gleam in their beady little eyes. (puffins? penguins. dammit.)
We have cried havoc and unleashed the birds of war now, have we?
'kin' great!
ballpeengwinnhammer (is a good swedish lad)
sorry. almost quittin' time, it be, argh (piratey, that be, argh (that, too))
it is certainly SOMETHING time!
methinks the boy needs a drink, or a funny cigarette, or somesuch!