Never got into the study of the psycology of newts; but, once heard that patiodogs are as mad as a hatter.
From licking newts, surely it be. That or the toads...
...which digresses back to the cane toad, which surely is a hazard to the hungry heeler, and we've come full circle, like the snake swallowing its tail or the coyote sleeping face to ass.
Pdog - do you know of the author Dave Barry? He's a columnist who writes novels as well. He has a fantastic scene that plays out over several chapters - a dog vs the can toad. And much much more. The book's called Big Trouble.
ja, i be knowin' the david barry.
Pissed in Oz means drunk - pissed OFF means angry.
Newts are good.
Newts are notoriously dumb. They're cute little critters, but they are really little more than a slug with legs. I've centainly buried enough of them. They're sort of fun to play with though. Newt Gingrich............he's fun to play with too. We played with him until he had to leave office. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
To answer dagmar's question from a couple of pages back:
People say "happy as a clam" but the original expression was "happy as a clam at high tide." At high tide, you can't dig up the clams and eat them for supper!
Lola - you are scaring me! What did you DO to the newts?
No, no, Deb, my kids had lots of newts over the years. They would climb out of the tank when the cover was accidentally left open by one of my darling children. When we finally found the little guys, they were sort of shriveled. My daughters would cry and then we'd have a solemn burial complete with little crosses for each grave. Nothing sadistic or anything. I wouldn't do that. I fed those little guys live crickets for dinner every other day. When ever one of them died, it broke my heart too.
In England we play cricket i don't think ( thud) we eat it !
( Just got up its saturday lay in)
Good morning HIAMA,
I'm going to bed now. It's late and I'm naughty to be up so late.