My thinking ain't that at a certain age the brain starts operating differently. I'm just thinking that perhaps, at this moment in time, older and younger generations learned, in their formative years, to process information in different ways. A ten year old now deals with more rapid (and largely meaningless) stimulation than one 20 years ago, who had a lot more information garbage thrown at them than they did 50 years ago.
Didn't mean to be pejorative in any way; just talking about a different approach to information. I'd hypothesize the same difference for a 20-year old raised in suburban-USA and one raised in Tibet, where time and "information" (that is, the input of raw data) are very different.
To illustrate: I was still vaguely in touch with my father a couple years ago when he was going to school to change careers. He would methodically plow through all his material, making sure he had everything before he moved on to the next bit. Me, I'm more inclined just to blast through something a few times, not worrying too much about the details and counting on repitition to drive them home. I'm not sure that either approach is inherently better -- though each might be better suited to different applications and situations. But I've been interacting with computers, especially for work and school, most of my life, and one thing about computers is that you can do the same thing over and over. He was brought up with paper and pencils (and much more strict teachers, I have no doubt), and repitition was both tedious and wasteful.
(Not a very funny digression, I realize, but Hebba didnae seem to like my dogs...)
I keep thinking about older people's driving styles. Like say over 70 or 80 years old. I can almost see them processing ever bit of info and then after they've done that, the gap in traffic has passed or the go anyway and cut someone off.....
Oh, and deb -- I'm sure what you say is all true. The main thing I've noticed about heeler's is that they've got no patience for people who are prim, proper, and mannered (I won't say uptight). They like it -- and by "it" I mean "everything" -- rough.
Funny you mention driving, 'k. One of my biggest hangups. ("Why can't people see that they're part of the goddamn traffic SYSTEM!?")
Man, I gotta cut back on the caffeine...
zzzzzzzzt - I gotta go HAVE some caffeine!
what the hell is with the smegging riddles!?!?!?! Christ on a crutch! (that sounds better than it looks in type)
RF the red heeler (maybe) used to heel us, my dog, the cats..... he'd just nip our achilles' tendons. He also used to hunt bees in the back yard. He also tried to kill a little puppy in our back yard.
That sounds like an Oz cattle dog.
Whatever it is with the riddles, it has Craven as happy as a clam!
Hey Deb, tapped means nuts/crazy.
Thankee! I voted good, then.
patiodog, I totally know what you mean. I noticed it with Deaf people though, young ones... what do we make of that? It seems to be a cultural thing to not let any stray piece of information go by, which I found irritating as I tried to give a lecture or conduct a meeting. "Wait! What did that mean?" I'm about to explain further. "Oh OK... Wait!!"
This was especially evident in large meetings where hearing and Deaf staff would be together. The hearing people (many ages) tended to sit there and listen and wait for it to come together, while the Deaf people did their "Wait!" thing.
I thought tapped was to a keg what cashed was to a pipe. Hopeless, I tell ya.
(Puppy killing? Man, that's no good.)
why would a clam be happy? Auntie Lowan?
Well, clams never ask for something; a sign of contentment, perhaps.
soz -
Hmmm, I dunno. Anything to do with the nature of sign language and lip reading -- where if you look away you might miss something important? (Would think the opposite with lip readers, actually, because so much of it involves inference -- filling in the bits you can't quite make out.) Hmmmmmmmm.....
Dunno - just seems to be traditional with them...
'Tis like newts and pissedness...
Pissed as a newt? Pissed as in angry, or drunk?
Who are newts? Why are they mad?
Well, there's this newt...
...and there's this one...
Both are potentially drunk and/or angry. I want to know what they think they are in Oz...
The second one is mad because he got caught hosing his "Adminsitrative Aid" (snicker) and had to marry her to keep her pure - I guess that made his wife a slut. He left her when she was in chemotheraphy.
The first one is just red, not mad!