I though it has already been done! Unfortunately he moved the insides as well, but the voters never seemed to have noticed.
er.....dunno - I live in a southern state, and it sure ain't illegal here!
I see the willies have awoken you all...
Voters? We don't need no voters.
What's that, Bill? You're cracking up. ;-)
patiodog, that's the biggest mistake to be made - crack down
Hmmm. I'll think that one over, Bill. I think the question may be one of perspective -- i.e., down from gravity's point of view, or down from the eyeballs' point of view when checking?
Oh waiter, I'll have what those Japanese women are having.
Do you prefer chopsticks or a fork?
I just pour it down my throat!
Such obscene conversation abt male parts... Tsk tsk <shakes his head and reaches out for holy water to purify himself>
oh my! auntie lowan is shocked!
The spokesman for the Guide to Insider Varied Exit Intention To Try Orally Multitudinous Experiences or GIVEITTOME was lost for words.
But, shortly, finding himself equipped, as was his wont, with all the words a person could ever need, and some over, he said: "...?
Say penance for all these dirty thoughts
Thanks for coming, look forward to your visiting my facility again
Recognizing these words as a strange, foreign, intrusion into his thoughts, he gathered himself again and uttered the following stunning insight:...