Eat magic mushrooms and go on a virtual tour of the Universe. Meet god, play cards with him and see if he cheats !
If he does, let me know and I'll have a word with him next time I eat magic mushrooms or a bad pie.
If you don't already, take your shoes and socks off and spend a day feeling the earth with your feet, its a liberating experience.
Turn off the PC for a day and see how long the withdrawal symptoms take to kick in, then draw a graph and see if during the week it gets any better.
Learn a new language, Italian is really quite easy, I found these great CDs that I listen to in the car and I'm practically Pope now, oops he's Polish isn't he ? Oh well. If you can't afford it, I'll send you mine.
The man's name is Michel Thomas:-
Meditate for as long as you can, just listen and when you find yourself thinking of any worries just accept the thought then let it go. If you pass out don't blame me, I didn't tell you to hold your breath, that's your fault.
Try all the recipes you can using the most basic ingredients, some of the best meals I have had have been using leftovers, you can use rightovers as well, you need to be a bit more dexterous, thats all.
Write me a letter telling me what a great human being I am, I 'll mark it out of 100 for sincerity and grammaticle mistakes.
Well get going, what are you waiting for ?
Big Al - some call him HIAMA :wink: