Here is the plan - and I have been thinking since morning abt it...
I will open a thread in the sports and fitness category - with my current weight and size. Subsequently, each day I will update it with my escapades (or lack of them) in the gym - sort of web log. If I dont go to the gym on an evening, I should have a legitimate excuse for it, else all of you (virtually) beat me up.
If we can get more (virtual) gym buddies (hiama is on board, as well as you I hope, and I have asked KP) - each of us does the same thing and keeps us (virtually) motivated. At the end of every one month, we statistically prove our progress by posting our current weight and size (sort of virtual name and shame

The winner gets a $25 Amazon gift certificate from me for the first two months.
Ofocurse, (virtual) honesty is implied in this whole thing to work.
I hope it (virtually) makes sense