'Tis evening here! G'night Bill.
Dlowan, it's 2 am here - are you still "up", ha ha! This is not meant to turn this digression into a "What time is it where you are" sort, of course. Busy busy cobalt here tonight.... Copying and pasting and emailing and creatings of all sorts. Is it a full moon? Jeesh! Anyway, a productive night with moments of digression.
No full moon - 'tis still quite small.
But tell us of your thoughts?
Ooops! Wrong digression Cobalt! You do not need to think here.
Hmmm - many people have a rhythm of the sort you speak of - if it is short of bi-polar there is still a name for it - which I have forgotten .....
oh, that is rich! I am just an old thuddy-duddy?
Question Dr. Dlowan - what is cricket?
When you bend something, it's cricket.

So, let me get this straight -
We take these little hoops and put them in the ground and have these two post at each end of the field. We then hit these balls through the hoops and try to hit our loved ones ball so we can send it in the woods to help her find it, ahem, where was I...........
Oh yeah - so that is cricket - whats all the uproar about, gees!
not much use asking the dlowan bunny about cricket!
Well, sometimes they're this and they keep you awake at night.
...and sometimes it looks like this
causing you to fall asleep! :wink:
Where's the little wickets? I can see the poles, three of 'em - that's new. And the mallets, wow, he's holding it funny. And when you get your sweety off in the woods - how do you expect to get anything done with that thing on your face? What's it for, to make you look scary?
Pictures speak a thousand words.
Wonderful cricket graphics there .... but to ask a WREAL
auntie lowan qwuestion ... why is it that just because a
person marries a member of your original born into bunny
fam-damnily, do they supposedly get to become part of YOUR
own personal bunnyfam-damnily. I already have way more
bunnyfam-damnily than I ever needed - I had that from the
beginning. I even moved 1,000 miles away, which is alot
for wittle bunny paws to tread.... but some of the original
fam-damnily members followed my wittle paw prints, ALAS!
and EGADS! The individuals who happened to come along to
marry the original members of MY own bunny fam-damnily
are definetely NOT the kind of individuals having all the hair
on their bunny ears, if you know what I mean. A few carrots
shy of a picnic, to say the least. Certainly one of the worst of
the non original bunny fam-damnily members turned out to
be a male of the WORST variety ever known to bunnydom.
SUCH a female honey-bunny chaser you have never seen the
likes of... not only outside of the fam-damnily, but also every
member OF the bunny fam-damnily - sisters in law and all.
~sigh~ What has become of bunnyhoney fam-damnily???