There is one woman that I am now friends with that my ex was stringing along. She was NOT the only one. She is a VERY sweet, nice person, and because he was actually rather unattractive as men go (can we say 98 lb weakling?) and was so nice to her, she felt that there was no way he could be taking her for a ride. I did ask her WHY she never got a clue about the fact that he only could see her in little pockets of time here and there, and could never come over here. She actually bought the fact that he was working OT and went to bed early, and that I was his SISTER and it was my house and I didn't like strangers. (That part is true, I don't) I told her that he would text her while in bed with me, which I would not question because he had always played games before sleeping while I read. She had the DECENCY to be mortified at this, as I would have been, which is why the woman is my friend. Also, she told him she wanted to take it slowly because of a bad marriage and very involved in other activities. But, we are WELL rid of him, his life is sh*t, and we are friends. So that's just fine.