Thus, it is only fitting that the current president has caught a bit of flak here.
Clinton's "off campus sexual episodes" are not mentioned much here because most A2kers know that these episodes will smudge Clinton's record, but will not tarnish it.
I would be interested, georgeob, in participating in any forum you may wish to start re: Bill Clinton's presidency. At the very least, Mr. Clinton had a mandate to do the job, whereas Dubya was elected, not by the people, but by the U.S. Supreme Court.
I'll be looking for your thread, georgeob.
OH MY GOSH! Just reading this entire forum makes me laugh my azz off.
As Reader's Digest notes every month, laughter is the best medicine.
I'd take a spoon full of sugar too.......
Husker -- you can say ass as long as it's not directed at another A2Ker. As Bush always seem to strut around like he's wearing a butt plug, I would say we should all be aware of his assets.
Thanks for your comments re: Dubya's "assets." I had heretofore not known that he had any (except from oil money, of course.)
please just don't ASSuME to much
max says:
Quote:That is ok billW, we have gotten used to that with you!
If you want clarity, you must stick with Tantor!
That's what one calls the means to the end, Phoenix.
Men with tight butts?
Now you know why women watch NFL football. It's not the game!
Man......It's all the nice, round, tight butts.
Whatever we say that's negative about Bill Clinton--and he was too much of centrist for me--HE IS LOOKING BETTER EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!
It was all penis envy - now we have a leader without a penis!
That's why he's got Dick Cheney...
So that's what Bush and Dick have in common! The bush needs the dick, hmmmmmmmmmmm! Where does Colin and Rumps come in?