war must be avoided at all costs :wink:
Even.......GERBILS? Gasp. Thud...
Bi-Polar Bear<
I certainly agree with you. Let's stop reliving Bill Clinton's trysts while he was president. These are usually brought up when the right-wing has no defense of darling Dubya. They try to shine the spotlight on Clinton as though he were still president.
Bill Clinton, everybody, is no longer president. Under our present Constitution, he can never be president again. What he did or didn't do during his presidency was well-documented by the media. Historians are the ones who will best judge the Clinton presidency.
Meanwhile, Dubya dawdles with squinting eyes, trying ever so cleverly to do an impression of Ronald Reagan. Soon he'll be seeing the "shining City on the Hill."
More spin, no solution - Republican whining!
For the record, BillW, I am not a Republican
Thank you.
Sorry williamhenry, I was applauding you - didn't make myself very clear!
That is ok billW, we have gotten used to that with you! :wink:
I suspect the basic premise in this thread. I have seen but very few references to Clinton's presidency on A2K, and none involving his off campus sexual episodes. Perhaps the obsession is on the other foot.
Is it true that Zip Clinton didn't to Harvard Law?
Denied admission?
Instead of worry about Iraq , it's time to now reduce the welfare payment burden of the Federal and State governements. Exam the Welfare rolls and what do you bet, the greatest % will be Dems!
Hey ! To my simple mind, a bj never did hurt anybody - while DUI can kill !!!
Perhaps someone has the answer as to how Bill became a Rhodes scholar.
What percentage of the thieving corporate scum are Republicans who steal worker's and small investor's money and leave them destitute?
Gautam -- it's an obvious fact amongst alcoholics who have finally been caught on a DUI that they know how many times they should have been. There simply is no comparison between the two and it's obvious that the voters are going to ignore many transgressions in the politicians closets that twenty or thirty years ago spelled political suicide. Bush is still on his "one-step" program and his higher power, Laura, has taken away the temptation.
Did someone call ZIP a scholar?
a BJ never hurt anyone?
That's why we have so very, very many wealthy divorce lawyers.
A BJ with some one, not your wife, while you're married? Sounds like Zip, the dog in action!
Divorce lawyers are also handy when one's hubby won't stop drinking and drugging -- or an ultimatum that they bow down to and try to straighten up their act by following them to Church on Sunday.
Neither Clinton nor his wife have "cLass". Education at Yale, yes.
But no "class".
Who has class: Queen Elizabeth, for example.
Depends on your definition of class. Some believe having a lot of money automatically means they have class. More often than not, their class is in their ass.