say what you will, but if everytime there was a high level government meeting anywhere in the world a young girl was under the table at every seat servicing the people talking, there would never be another war.
Might as well get 'em stoned, too. Insurance. :wink:
Quote:Let's first have the Bush bashing stopped.
What came first, the Penis or the Bush? Beside, the Bush bashing would stop if he would just step down!
It becomes tit for tat and when one realizes that Clinton's indiscretion would never have resulted in anything but a misdemeanor and ended up a plea bargain, it's no more serious than a DUI, the most severe misdemeanor on the law books. The Bush had it expunged and it resurfaced made it an even more alerting skeleton the the closet. Presidents always gets bashed when they are in office no matter who they are. Lincoln received some rather cruel bashing which makes this look tame in comparison. Blaming any of the world problems on a blow job in the Oval Office is pettiness in its purest form.
Lightwizard- I think that the problem with Clinton was not what he did. In the grand scheme of things, playing around with an intern does not rate high on my list of awful things that a President can do.
I think though, that the Monica Lewinsky affair was a symbol, a symbol of the rot and spin that was pervasive in America in the 1990s. There was lots wrong with the US in that decade. The stock market had gotten way out of control, and the world was becoming more and more beset with terrorism.
And the symbol of this decade, a decade where the country needed a strong President who would take steps to put the economy back on track, and help to contain terrorism, was a semen stained blue dress.
It was pushed out of proportion Phoenix. It was also a "we're gonna get you no matter where you are or what you did" philosophy of Newt Gingrich and the Republican Party. It was a Starr investigation that cost almost $200 million that got one person a few years in jail because she wouldn't rat and a "stained blue dress". It was when the basic legal direction of all law cases was defined as "What the meaning of is - is". Yet, it is still the basis of most court cases.
It wasn't the problem with Clinton, IMHO, as much as it was the Obstructionism and expansion of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy".
Clinton, I do blame him for being hedonistic and sulling the Presidency and finally for making it possible that a "Stupid" person could be nominated and be appointed unPresident.
BillW- No doubt that it WAS blown out of proportion. Looking back, at the time, I was furious. I couldn't give a rat's ass about the state of Clinton's marital state, but I was very disturbed that he thought so little about his position that he would sully the office of the Presidency in such a shoddy fashion .
In addition, until I realized that Clinton did not give a damn about popular opinion, I was concerned of the ramifications of the affair in terms of leaving him open to blackmail from enemy forces.
Vast right wing conspiracy? I think that the both sides of the political spectrum are not above using any sort of deviousness, dirty tricks and /or scurrilous attacks, to achieve their political ends.
I do object to your use of the term "un-President". No matter what your feelings about the 2000 election, in an adult, civilized discussion, that appellation is not only inaccurate, but transparently designed to engender hostility through the back door. That is not appropriate. My expectation is that I will not see that terminology again!
Some would think the Oval Office at least as sullied by such things as the planning of the Watergate break-in, the Bay of Pigs, the decision to assist the butchers in Chile, Contragate (speaking of terrorist activity) and so on and on and on.
I suspect the walls and floors of all seats of world power are pretty damn sullied - (that is a VERY odd construction) - and by more important things than sexual foolishness between consenting adults.
<applause applause to dlowan>
Bi-Polar - I assume you also intend to supply young MEN for any heterosexual female world leaders?
dogs and peanut butter. (d'oh!)
dlowan- How right you are. I think that a number of occupants of the Oval Office from both sides of the political spectrum have made a mockery of the trust that American citizens had in them.
Phoenix - and not only in the American political history..... but all over.
I had a thought, but I think that I am going to start a new thread on it!
Of course dlowan, all would be taken care of, for the good of the state of the world of course.