dyslexia wrote:tico, I see the concept of paternalism as a worthwhile topic and certainly the dems are ripe for plucking re this issue, but spinning away a thought of cin by attacking dems is hardly a justified response. why not just go with "well, ever since 9/11 walmart has been more responsive to defending american against minors use of cough syrup" that would make as much sense as your answer.
Whether you believe that I was attacking dems in my response to Cinn's post, or not, what I did was post my initial response to her post. I understand she is trying to claim that Republicans are trying to force their values down the throat of everyone else, and I suppose she's right to a point. But I don't see her example as representative of that concept, nearly as much as I see it an example of the, as you say, pervasive paternalism exhibited by the dems.
Cinnesthesia wrote:Walmart is afraid someone underage will buy Robitussin to make methamphetamine. Or be corrupted by buying a cd that has "explicit lyrics" so they sell censored/sanitized versions. Or buy a book by George Carlin, a book which for some reason you can buy at walmart.com but not in their brick-and-mortar stores.
This sounds more neocon/Republican than Democrat to me.
Putting the spin away and just looking at the issue you present, are you suggesting you believe minors should be able to purchase CDs with explicit lyrics? Playboys? Cigarettes? What about beer?
To be honest, I don't know which party that sounds more like, but speaking as a parent, I'm damn glad they are trying to control the purchases of minors. When they are adults, let them buy whatever they want.
As far as regulation of cough medicine purchases by Wal-Mart, I'm not aware of teens buying lots of Robitussin in order to get "high," but I am aware that large purchases of pseudoephedrine found in over-the-counter cold and allergy pills or cough medicine is an indicator of a meth lab. Meth production is a big problem in my state, and there are frequent arrests of people making large purchases for that reason.
If Wal-Mart is doing what it can to try and protect youth, why are you so concerned? It sounds like the action of a responsible company to me.
Edit: But if it really upsets you .... why not shop elsewhere.