edgarblythe wrote:
People see everything in extremes. Simple sane gun control is not depriving gun rights. Allowing safe abortion is not pushing it on everyone.
The problem with gun control is the criteria for ownership. But at the same time what does it really solve? Some of the school shootings that happened were by guns that were either purchased by someone else or stolen. What does purchasing criteria prevent if a gun can be stolen or purchased via another person?
Gun control is a delusional idea that it in someway solves a problem, it solves nothing.
So what happens us the government keeps chipping a way at the right. This is why it's objected to start with. When people, mostly gun fear liberals keep seeing the problems aren't going a way, the law makers respond and continue chipping a way.
What did five, ten, fifteen day wait periods do?
What did 15 round magazine bands do?
What did full auto ban do?
What does age restriction do?
Its an illusion if you think the amount of control already in place has solved. Why would you assume more control will do anything to solve these problems.
The way I see it. These issues have absolutely nothing to do with guns and a 100% to do with mental health issues gone ignored. This is the real cause.