It's been over 10 months. No, I've never given her reason to not trust me. But I know that this ex is a sore spot for her with good reason. She had lots of trouble letting go. I had to block her on everything. I just apparently didn't think about Snapchat. She even continued to call and text after her number was blocked using *67 and an app that can't be identified. She showed up at my office once. I had to get a new phone number, report and threaten her with legal action to make it all stop. Knowing all of this, I was meticulous with telling her every single time she attempted to communicate with me. I know that was overwhelming, but I thought that it was very important that she know that I wasn't trying to hide anything from her, that I wasn't doing anything to initiate it, but everything possible to make it stop.
I understand and agree that the best way to avoid any of that stuff is to just delete the app. Hindsight is 20/20. What I'm asking is more of a technical question. Given my current situation, is there any way to physically show her when the x was added to Snapchat? That she was on it as a friend way before I met her. Or is there any way to physically show her that there was no communication with her at all? I've searched relentlessly online, tried to call Snapchat, and even written to the CEO. No answer yet.