Was Pres.Bush Involved in 9/11 Attacks?

Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 04:58 am
Hi, my three friends and I are new in town, and were wondering if there's anywhere we can hitch our horses.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:42 am
dlowan wrote:
This is spooky.

I am on the same side as McGentrix.

Now the rapture's gonna come, isn't it?

C'mon Dlowan, you can't be wrong ALL the time!! :wink: :wink:
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:52 am
Cannister, welcome to A2K. The dry humour comin' out of Georgia is much appreciated.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:44 am
So NOT having a commission would have been evidence, and then HAVING one is evidence, too???


Any contrary evidence is ignored (as you have signally ignored those who have posted evidence - like having SEEN the plane!!!!)

I haven't ignored any contrary evidence. It is that in itself that raises doubts in anyones mind. Did O.J. Simpson kill his ex-wife and boyfriend, despite the fact that there was contrary evidence to point out that he didn't? Afterall, he got off, and is presumabely still looking for the "real" killer, who may be prowling on innocent ex-wifes and boyfriends on a number of golf courses in Southern California.

as with the 9/11 commission - have you read it, since you accuse it of such political bias?)

When I mentioned that the 9/11 commission was political, it WAS political, because why ELSE would they have an equal number of DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS on the panel, rather than a group of INDEPENDENT investigators who are not bedholding to EITHER party? Why is Bush currently against the release of a highly critical C.I.A. investigative report on 9/11 and terrorism, which may contain some revealing truths that were NEVER addressed in the 9/11 commission?

The 9/11 commission primarily addressed what we should probably do to fight terrorism. But it NEVER dug deep enough into the complicit acts of administrative officials, whether they be DEMOCRATIC or REPUBLICAN, and further looked into additional glaring pieces of evidence by the C.I.A. that is being WITHHELD by this current administration.

Are we NOT to trust the C.I.A. anymore? Does Bush not trust the C.I.A. anymore? When will the F.B.I. release all the additional video footage of the attack on the Pentagon? Why are there many conflicting accounts of what happened on that day, when many eyewitnesses reported hearing and seeing something MUCH smaller than a Boeing 757? Why have we NEVER see the contents of the black box?

Such theories are like snakes endlessly swallowing themselves - they feed on their own substance.

Perhaps instead of characterizing the messenger as some conspiracy bound snake swallowing himself up, one should first READ the links that I provided and THEN show how ridiculous the theory might be by actually ANSWERING these repeatedly asked questions in this thread, if anybody truly has the balls to do it. If the "substance" is contrary unto itself, then how can we ignore what is left unanswered?

As I personally cannot answer these questions, who else can? And if left unanswered, how then can we truly reach closure on this issue?
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 01:25 pm
Not sure if anyone has posted this link. I didn't see it here, but don't have time to check all of the pages.


On the one hand, there are the questions of the small imprint on the Pentagon - where did it go, why didn't the wings strike, why not more debri, where's the tail section?

On the other hand, then what happened to Flight 77 and all of the people on it? Were these people made up? Were there funerals held? Have we heard from their families?

Follow the additional links within the link provided for more info.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 01:55 pm
I think, especially with the web memorials posted by businesses at the bottom of this page, (http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA77.victims.html) it would be hard to fake these deaths.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 03:02 pm
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 03:02 pm

I would agree that it would be highly difficult to fake these deaths. Which makes it even more confusing. If a 757 truly slammed into the Pentagon, why withold videos showing the irrefutable proof of the event which led the deaths of these poor individuals? We've seen time and again the two jets slamming into the WTC, the people jumping to their deaths from the highrises, and the carnage of the event on the ground as well. The Pentagon on the other hand, has been quite the opposite in allowing this type of exposure of the events that occured that fateful day.

I'm still not thoroughly convinced EITHER way.

There is probably so much we really do not know about what happened on 9/11, and it seems to fall right in line with the Kennedy assassination and the Roswell incindent when it comes to absolute truth.

Why is it we can get a special prosecutor and spend millions upon millions of dollars to prove, beyond ANY shadow of a doubt, that a president got a BJ in the White House, and yet every action regarding the investigation of 9/11 has been hesitant, partisan, secretive, and so uncertain.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 04:27 pm
panzade wrote:
Cannister, welcome to A2K. The dry humour comin' out of Georgia is much appreciated.

Thank you
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:08 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
So NOT having a commission would have been evidence, and then HAVING one is evidence, too???


Any contrary evidence is ignored (as you have signally ignored those who have posted evidence - like having SEEN the plane!!!!)

I haven't ignored any contrary evidence. It is that in itself that raises doubts in anyones mind. Did O.J. Simpson kill his ex-wife and boyfriend, despite the fact that there was contrary evidence to point out that he didn't? Afterall, he got off, and is presumabely still looking for the "real" killer, who may be prowling on innocent ex-wifes and boyfriends on a number of golf courses in Southern California.

as with the 9/11 commission - have you read it, since you accuse it of such political bias?)

When I mentioned that the 9/11 commission was political, it WAS political, because why ELSE would they have an equal number of DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS on the panel, rather than a group of INDEPENDENT investigators who are not bedholding to EITHER party? Why is Bush currently against the release of a highly critical C.I.A. investigative report on 9/11 and terrorism, which may contain some revealing truths that were NEVER addressed in the 9/11 commission?

The 9/11 commission primarily addressed what we should probably do to fight terrorism. But it NEVER dug deep enough into the complicit acts of administrative officials, whether they be DEMOCRATIC or REPUBLICAN, and further looked into additional glaring pieces of evidence by the C.I.A. that is being WITHHELD by this current administration.

Are we NOT to trust the C.I.A. anymore? Does Bush not trust the C.I.A. anymore? When will the F.B.I. release all the additional video footage of the attack on the Pentagon? Why are there many conflicting accounts of what happened on that day, when many eyewitnesses reported hearing and seeing something MUCH smaller than a Boeing 757? Why have we NEVER see the contents of the black box?

Such theories are like snakes endlessly swallowing themselves - they feed on their own substance.

Perhaps instead of characterizing the messenger as some conspiracy bound snake swallowing himself up, one should first READ the links that I provided and THEN show how ridiculous the theory might be by actually ANSWERING these repeatedly asked questions in this thread, if anybody truly has the balls to do it. If the "substance" is contrary unto itself, then how can we ignore what is left unanswered?

As I personally cannot answer these questions, who else can? And if left unanswered, how then can we truly reach closure on this issue?

I DID read your links.

They are typical conspiracy theory nonsense.

Come on Dookie - answer the hard question - what evidence would DISPROVE your theories?
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:36 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
I still would like to know why there was hardly ANY wreckage from a 757 found at the Pentagon on 9/11 [..] Why do many eye witness reports indicate that it was a much smaller plane that flew into the Pentagon and in a section that was going through a restoration.

All we have are 5 frames from the Pentagon camera. And that's it.

There are SO many questions yet to be answered. Why haven't we heard from any of these witnesses on national television?

gungasnake wrote:
I live five miles from the pentagon. Around 10 AM on 9-11, they told everybody working in D.C. to go home. Knowing I'd never get across the 14'th st. bridge I rode (on an old BMW RT800 I was using to commute at the time) over the S. Capitol St. bridge out to the Wilson bridge and back into Alexandria that way. You could see the smoke even from the Wilson bridge and closer in it was surreal. The smoke was rising in torrents all day, hardly what you'd expect if a Cessna flew into the place.

There were firemen and engines from scores of regional fire departments, D.C., Md. and Va., hundreds of them. If ANYTHING were other than has been put out, those guys would ALL have seen it and there'd be no such thing in this world as keeping them all quiet about it.

FreeDuck wrote:
I have to agree with Craven and gunga. I lived in Arlington at that time -- about 2 miles from the pentagon and was eating my breakfast on my front porch when the plane flew overhead. It was definitely an airliner. I was used to hearing planes as national airport is also very close. That was definitely a large plane and it was definitely very low.

Looks like the eye-witness accounts this random sample of A2Kers alone has generated confirm that a large plane did hit the building ... what conflicting witness accounts do you talk of, Dookie, and how would you explain the witness accounts here if you don't believe it was a large plane?
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 07:42 pm
rainforest wrote:
To dlowan: are you a Howard apologist, BTW?

Nah, dlowan is as anti-Howard as you can find 'em.

Just cause someone doesnt buy into your conspiracy theories dont make 'm a rightwinger.

In fact, its good to see lotsa liberals & lefties on this thread expressing healthy er, scepticism about this one.

So much for all liberals being the irrational wacko radicals some conservatives are trying to make us out for ...
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:31 pm
nimh wrote:
rainforest wrote:
To dlowan: are you a Howard apologist, BTW?

Nah, dlowan is as anti-Howard as you can find 'em.

Just cause someone doesnt buy into your conspiracy theories dont make 'm a rightwinger.

In fact, its good to see lotsa liberals & lefties on this thread expressing healthy er, scepticism about this one.

So much for all liberals being the irrational wacko radicals some conservatives are trying to make us out for ...

Heehee - good conspiracy assumption Rainforest!! Illustrating just the level of reason I am seeing amongst the supporters of succh here.

Here - you might be interested in seeing just what a rabid Howard supporter challenging nonsense makes me:


Thing is, being a leftie, wishy washy though I am, does not make me automatically swallow everything said by "my" side.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:11 pm
Come on Dookie - answer the hard question - what evidence would DISPROVE your theories?

I already ASKED my hard questions prior to anyone else, and you or anybody else has yet to ANSWER them.

What is so complicated about the element of DOUBT? What other possible anology can convince those to look at both sides of this argument to try to come to a reasonable conclusion?

That is ALL I'm asking.

Once again: who has the balls to answer the questions I've repeated time and again?

Black box
Missing video
Conflicting eyewitnesses

I haven't heard anyone come CLOSE to even trying. And that is the most telling.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:14 pm

Read the links and watch the flash animation. READING COMPREHENSION. You're asking some rather obviously ill-informed questions.
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Reply Sun 24 Oct, 2004 12:29 am
Dookiestix wrote:
Come on Dookie - answer the hard question - what evidence would DISPROVE your theories?

I already ASKED my hard questions prior to anyone else, and you or anybody else has yet to ANSWER them.

What is so complicated about the element of DOUBT? What other possible anology can convince those to look at both sides of this argument to try to come to a reasonable conclusion?

That is ALL I'm asking.

Once again: who has the balls to answer the questions I've repeated time and again?

Black box
Missing video
Conflicting eyewitnesses

I haven't heard anyone come CLOSE to even trying. And that is the most telling.

The missing videos and the wreckage have been - you just don't like the answers.

Eyewitnesses always disagree - look up memory and witness research.

I'll have to check to see if the black box has been answered.

Dookie - really - is there ANYTHING that would disprove your theory, for you?

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Reply Sun 24 Oct, 2004 02:09 am
I dunno 'bout the Dook, but I would like to know who were our Insiders at al Quaeda, don't try to tell me that our Agency didn't have multiple plants and sources for an Op like this... bin Laden received his TRAINING from American agents, isn't that already admitted?
Supposedly the Agency started in Reagan's Era to train and assist rebel forces in Afghanistan to fight a war with the Russians... it lasted over ten years.
Turned out to be Russia's VietNam.

And a careerist boon for the spooks.

Poppy Bush's Agency, the bin Ladens, el Amriki, al Zarkawi... they go way back.

Sounds to me like it was a sordid affair at the start, and it snowballed got out of control.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Sun 24 Oct, 2004 02:54 am
Dookiestix wrote:
I haven't heard anyone come CLOSE to even trying. And that is the most telling.

Perhaps it's telling insofar as it's an indication of whether people think it worthwhile to try to divest you of these notions. Personally, I'd decided not to spend much more time on it, as I do not see it as likely to cause you to reconsider.

But do note that some of the questions you listed were answered, you simply chose to ignore or discount the answers.

This is one reason I chose not to bother any more.
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Reply Sun 24 Oct, 2004 04:52 am
Dookiestix wrote:

I already ASKED my hard questions prior to anyone else, and you or anybody else has yet to ANSWER them.

I answered them. Again:


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Reply Sun 24 Oct, 2004 06:28 am
Magus wrote:
I dunno 'bout the Dook, but I would like to know who were our Insiders at al Quaeda, don't try to tell me that our Agency didn't have multiple plants and sources for an Op like this... bin Laden received his TRAINING from American agents, isn't that already admitted?
Supposedly the Agency started in Reagan's Era to train and assist rebel forces in Afghanistan to fight a war with the Russians... it lasted over ten years.
Turned out to be Russia's VietNam.

And a careerist boon for the spooks.

Poppy Bush's Agency, the bin Ladens, el Amriki, al Zarkawi... they go way back.

Sounds to me like it was a sordid affair at the start, and it snowballed got out of control.

I agree. Much more likely that 9/11 was allowed to happen, than to try to prove a plane didn't fly into the Pentagon. That such an incident was necessary for the PNAC plans to go forward is clearly stated in their own papers.
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