Lash wrote:Piffka--
Ask yourself what other countries would do with the unmatched power we have. We're pretty damn decent with it. Don't be ashamed of our military. Don't be ashamed of our wealth or prestige. We earned it. If not us, who?
What do you think THEY would be doing with unmatched power?
You already have your answer for a couple of countries.
I don't understand how any American is so ashamed of their country's success.
Well, I have never been impressed with success built on the labors of others nor do I applaud the wealth of people who use unfair tactics to get it. I am disgusted by the machinations of the Republican party and I can only hope for their swift decline.
So, it is true, I don't understand you, either. You are such an apologist for the actions of this country. Have you ever studied history, Lash, in-depth and without prejudice? How can you think invading countries is pretty damned decent? Who do you think sold Saddam Hussein the nasty weapons he used on the Kurds? How can you possibly believe that the incredible government protections of our corporations' wealth is earned other than through graft and political favors?
I would rather we took the money we spent to create our "unmatched power" and used it for good rather than our self-centered and paranoid foreign policy. Why, in fact, does the United States not only want to be the "bully" of the world but demand that as our right? Yet what else is this unmatched power? Americans are absolutely fearful and made to feel that way even more by this wretched administration.
It is almost hilarious, if it weren't so incredibly hypocritical, that this same supposedly God-Fearing Christian Right would rather kill than help, and encourages the hoarding of wealth rather than taking care of the working class. It is absurd that you can't see that and instead congratulate yourself on what you think of as earned prestige.