Republican Fraud will Disqualify 200,000 in Florida Vote, Says Harper’s and New Documentary
2004-10-18 | *** Telephone Press Conference Tuesday, 10:30am ***
BBC Investigative Reporter Greg Palast Exposes How Democratic and African American Votes Will be Thrown Out
Bush Gets “Head Start” in Florida with Tens of Thousands of Votes
Rampant voter fraud in Florida will disqualify 200,000 mainly Democratic and African American voters on November 2, according to an article in next week’s Harper’s by Greg Palast, the BBC investigative reporter who in 2000 broke the original story regarding the infamous felon list in Florida. Palast’s findings were echoed in the October 14 New York Times Op Ed by Paul Krugman.
In the Harper’s article, Palast illustrates how Bush has a “head start” on the voting before the first ballot is cast:
· Palast documents that 180,000 votes will be cast but not counted – 54% of which are expected to be overwhelmingly Democratic, African American precincts
· Of that 180,000, 27,000 votes will be lost by highly predictable computer errors in mostly black precincts
· Most of the 93,000 voters illegally purged in the 2000 election have not been allowed back on the rolls, despite media reports to the contrary; these voters are Democratic by a margin of four to one
· Jeb Bush’s office illegally barred more than 50,000 registrations, and then hid the evidence from U.S. Civil Rights investigators until Palast uncovered the hidden documents
Expanding on his new documentary “Bush Family Fortunes” which is a compilation of Palast’s BBC investigative reports on voter fraud and other wrongdoing, the Harper’s article documents how:
· Touch-screen voting machines without paper ballots in 15 counties will result in a net lead of thousands of votes for Bush before a single ballot is cast
· Thousands of people like Willie Steen, a Gulf War veteran who was illegally purged from the rolls in 2000, have still been unable to get back on the voter roles
· Criminal violations of federal law are being charged in Florida by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission based on the Palast evidence.
Votes Purged