Fri 31 Jan, 2003 10:36 am
Bush to Propose Expansion of I.R.A.-Like Investments
The Bush administration is working on a major shift in retirement savings plans that would allow most Americans to increase greatly the amount of money they could put away in tax-free accounts for retirement and other purposes, administration officials and Congressional staff members said yesterday.
Does Bush understand that the "have nots"not the "haves" are hurting in this country. Every move he makes is for those that have. With people losing their jobs or having to work two jobs just keep bread on the table and food in their families mouths, tax revenues falling, deficits ready to swallow up future generation he comes up with a plan to allow greater saving and further erode the tax base. He is indeed the peoples president. Rich peoples.
Does this compassionate conservative care about the average American? Does he even understand?
Oh, joy! I can plow more money into the stock market. My financial future is secure!
As for Bush's concern for the have-nots: It ain't there. He's now being identified as a hard-right conservative. "Compassionate conservatism" was and is a smoke screen for his real agenda.
America, open your eyes before it's too late!
I am a stuggeling single mother and have worked since I was 14, I was in a car accident last year and still suffering, however I have obligations and responsibilities that are very important and I have to take care of or live on the street. My millionaire "dad" left the country. He was not stupid enough to stay in America and "donate money" to our outrageous government but he also forgot about me! I never got the "family money" that he had when he died and I am stuck here giving to a Social Security retirement plan that will never mean a thing! What makes Senators and Congressmen better than the rest of us other than they have influence and money to start with!!!! I would much rather see this money go to others in the world that are starving including our OWN country which is always overlooked but hey our impression to other countries is very important...we can always replace the people that we refuse to help that are of are own let's give it to the Cubans that make it here (it is ONLY 90 miles) or the Mexicans because after all we have to LOOK GOOD and who will be concerned about our sick, hurt, or homeless people? Not us we only want to look good for the rest of world!! I Totally believe that EVERONE THAT IS FROM OUR COUNTRY and WORKED THE MAJORITY OF THERE LIVES whether it be Gov't or picking up trash... WE ARE ALL EQUAL and should have the SAME PRIVLEDGES!!!!!!
Bush is finding ways for ALL Americans to increase their contributions into retirement accounts. His approach is a good one and one that has been encouraged by money managers and stock analysts.
This is a good investment approach for all classes : Low, Middle and Upper.
Hail to President Bush!
He is a man of the people!
Money market funds
Equity stocks
Us savings Bonds
Bond Funds
etc.................................walk right in.................sit right down...............!
ptkrevp, welcome aboard. Very poignant reply!
New Haven, tongue in cheek?
Bush still has a silver spoon firmly inbedded between his cheeks!
End "Special Retirement for Gov't EmpS"
I am not an idiot and yes I do have an IRA however.... what is fair about Senators and Congressmen not having anything to do with Social Security, (never have to pay a thing)? Why can't every employee in the country have the same plan they do? No donations at all to SS and when they retire they continue to receive Full pay? We pay in for our retirement the first day we work, which is matched by our employer and we can't begin to survive on what we get at retirement from SS. I can't think of any person I know that would agree to your policy and I DO PLAN TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO CHANGE THIS!!!! Of course there will be toes stepped on but if our elected officials really cared about THE CITIZENS OF OUR COUNTRY there shouldn't be any problem right? Get ready because this will become a MAJOR issue all over the Country and I plan to involve our College Honors to help!!!!
Yeah right!
Why doesn't he take the retirement plan that Senators and Congressmen get for free and donate it to the SS fund...after all where do you think THAT money comes from. So we donate to ourselves and get basically nothing to live on, while our Gov't donates to themselves with OUR money and get the same pay when they retire.
New Haven
Don't you recognize that the plan will only help those who have the extra dollars to save. Not the average Joe who basically lives from paycheck to paycheck or possibly has a few extra dollars that he can save. Those are the people who need help. Instead he comes up with a plan that will allow the well healed to save more tax free dollars. It is the same with all his brilliant tax plans feed the rich and starve the rest.
We had a 401 k where I worked and people contributed to it. However most could not even save to the allowed amount. Why? Because one cannot save the money needed for life's necessities. Increasing the amount would not have helped the majority of those employees.
It's about time people saw politicians for the scum they really are. Does Bush care? "OF COURSE NOT". When he looks at his family and wealthy friends, he sees people who are deserving of good food, an education, the best medical treatment available. When he looks at the average Joe Citizen, he sees someone who he believes is less deserving of food, education, health care. Australia's conservative politicians are the same, and I suspect that a lot of the liberal ones are too.
It sounds to me like it is JOSEPH B. TREASTER and MARY WILLIAMS WALSH who do not understand. Encouraging savings helps EVERYBODY.
Re: Yeah right!
ptkrevp wrote:Why doesn't he take the retirement plan that Senators and Congressmen get for free and donate it to the SS fund...after all where do you think THAT money comes from. So we donate to ourselves and get basically nothing to live on, while our Gov't donates to themselves with OUR money and get the same pay when they retire.
Don't use the BS e-mails floating around as the basis for your political positions. Our Congressional reps DO pay into Social Security and have since 1984. They also DON'T get the same pay when they retire. All of that is a bunch of crap that's been floating around the Internet for years.
Thank you Fishin for finding that link and providing it. (Ohmygod, I'm on the same side as fishin!!!) We need to deal in facts and not internet mumbogumbo.
Welcome ptkrevp!
Bush is providing additional comfort to the very rich in the (misguided) belief that the trickle down effect actually exists and works. If I offer a worker a plan that lets him save $7500 a year but he is actually going in the hole at the rate of $2600.00 (average increase of personal debt for the last two years) what's that worth to him or her. We're drowning and they are building a nicer deck on the pool.
Oh, JNation, love the analogy!
So it would seem however if you look at the latest scam it's spend spend spend. The consumer is the key to keeping the economy afloat or that is what we are told. Spend/save which one is the American public to do now. Buy all that foreign made consumer goods or put their money in the bank.
That aside, the problem now is to help the Americans who are in financial distress. How will allowing the well to do another avenue for untaxed savings help? What it will do is minimize government tax collections with the resultant increased federal deficits. To me it sounds like some more fuzzy math.
Senators and Representatives Pay Into Social Security
ptkrevp - Senators and Representatives DO pay into Social Security. The info is on a Government website. I will try to look for it tomorrow night and post it here. Unless you or someone else comes up with it before then. I agree that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer ... and life isn't fair. Maybe the next election will bring some much needed changes?[/color][/size]